The author of the poster is the graphic design studio from San Sebastian Husmee
The winner of the New Directors section is Primer vuelo (First Flight), featuring a “brave” plane as it searches for “a new direction”, designed by Angel Aldarondo, who also created the winning proposal of Horizontes Latinos, Muros (Walls), where an artist paints his “wish for freedom”. The designer Maite Rosende reflects on glass in her creation for Pearls, while Sara Zamarro returns to the metaphor of the flight in the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera section, although this time the destination is rather more “unpredictable”. Lastly, the TGA studio turns to austerity to combine the concepts of gastronomy and film in the image of Culinary Zinema.
The poster by Husmee was selected from among the eight submissions by prestigious studios and designers invited to produce the Festival image. The press conference included presentation of the winning images of the poster competition called by the Festival for the New Directors, Horizontes Latinos, Pearls, Zabaltegi-Tabakalera and Culinary Zinema sections. The jury, made up of the designer Jorge Primo, author of the image of the 64th edition, Miren Arzalluz, Director of the Etxepare Institute, and Lur Olaizola, Coordinator of the Tabakalara Cinema and Audiovisual Programme, together with two members of the Film Festival Management Comittee, chose in each category, from twenty submissions: ten selected by the 61,592 votes cast by the general public and ten chosen by the Festival team from among the 1,620 submissions received.This morning, for the first time, the central patio of Tabakalera, the International Centre for Contemporary Culture, became the setting for presentation of the image of the 65th San Sebastian Festival, to run from September 22-30. The graphic design studio from San Sebastian Husmee, which turns 10 this year and has recently opened a branch in London, designed the proposal selected for the Official Selection. Their poster is composed of a grid of 24 stills telling the story of the number 65. The poster plays with the concepts of cut and editing and suggests the idea of rhythm and movement in all of its formats.
Also presented were the posters of the 65th edition retrospective, dedicated to the North American director who settled in the UK, Joseph Losey, designed by Eurosíntesis together with the Festival, and of Savage Cinema, created, like last year, by Maurix with a wink to the natural parks postcards of the 50s and 60s.
At the press conference, the Festival Director, José Luis Rebordinos, forwarded a number of keys to the edition, where the discovery of new talents will yet again form one of its axes, while recalling the setting in motion of the new industry activity, Glocal in Progress, for European productions in non-hegemonic languages.
OFFICIAL SELECTION: FOTOGRAMAS (FRAMES) Author: HUSMEE STUDIO GRAPHIQUE! BIOGRAPHY Specialising in corporate identity and editorial design, the basis of their work is form, colour and typography. The studio was created in 2007 by Alain Villastrigo and Ernesto Arnáez as a vehicle for their interests in the field of graphic design. Parallel to its everyday activity the studio is involved in a variety of actions including the cultural magazine of the same name, events, interventions, exhibitions, etc. DESCRIPTION The poster is divided into a grid generating 24 ‘frames’ telling a story starring the number 65, with different cuts and frames that change as the graphics unfold. The compositions are not chronological, but play with the cut and editing concept. Using this element enables them to generate rhythm and different compositions for all of the formats used. |
NEW DIRECTORS: PRIMER VUELO (FIRST fLIGHT) Author: Angel Aldarondo BIOGRAPHY Multifaceted professional in the audiovisual sector, he directs and edits projects for advertising, cinema and TV. In addition to contributing to numerous print media, he specialises in post-production and motion-graphics. A producer of video clips, commercials, trailers and short films, his short Ondar Ahoak was selected for the Kimuak catalogue, winning several awards including Best Experimental Short Film Award at the San Diego Festival. DESCRIPTION Despite seeming inexperienced and fragile, on its first flight this paper plane (which could in fact be a screenplay) bravely sets out to find a new direction. The poster represents “the vertigo of the first times”. |
Horizontes latinos: MUROS (WALLS) Author: Angel Aldarondo BIOGRAPHY Multifaceted professional in the audiovisual sector, he directs and edits projects for advertising, cinema and TV. In addition to contributing to numerous print media, he specialises in post-production and motion-graphics. A producer of video clips, commercials, trailers and short films, his short Ondar Ahoak was selected for the Kimuak catalogue, winning several awards including Best Experimental Short Film Award at the San Diego Festival. DESCRIPTION A way of taking a stance and saving a wall, projecting a wish for freedom on the obstacle. |
peARLS: OJO DE PERLA (pearl eye) Author: Maite Rosende BIOGRAPHY San Sebastian, 1991. Moved to Barcelona to take her higher studies in Mural Painting and decided to study illustration, a world to which she had felt attracted from a very early age. She completed her training by studying graphic design, photography and video editing. She presently works freelance, principally focussing on illustrations for children. DESCRIPTION They say nothing’s true or a lie, nothing’s beautiful or ugly, it all depends through which glass you look at it. Pearls is the section for the best movies of the year. Said ‘pearls’ are the glass Zinemaldia places before each spectator so that they can enjoy the full beauty of the seventh art with their own eyes. |
Zabaltegi-Tabakalera: vuelos (FLIGHTS) Author: Sara Zamarro BIOGRAPHY San Sebastian, 1990. Designer trained in graphic design at the Kunsthal Arts and Design Centre and in audiovisual production and post-production at the Centa school. Her most recent works are the image of the San Sebastian 2016 Foundation project Karta Zuriak/Cartas Blancas (White Letters), directed by the author Anjel Lertxundi; adaptation of sheets of the comic-book Fatherland by the Canadian illustrator Nina Bunjevac; and the graphic identity and its application in the exhibition space for Ahotsak/Voces (Voices), an exhibition by the Real Sociedad Foundation. DESCRIPTION Flights with an unpredictable destination and no rules intersect one another in their need to explore, create and take up new challenges in an enigmatic and immense space. |
Culinary Zinema: Cz Author: TGA BIOGRAPHY San Sebastian design studio. “We like to be functional. We propose graphic, interactive and interior design solutions that are useful, simple, lasting and efficiently meet our clients’ needs. Being a small studio allows us greater involvement, flexibility, proximity and direct responsibility throughout the creative and productive process”. DESCRIPTION Austere in its composition, types and colours, the poster contains iconographic elements coming from the world of gastronomy but which, given their formal simplicity, also refer to elements of the film world. This design, visually simple and minimalist, makes for easy reading and fast and direct understanding of the message. |
SAVAGE CINEMA: greetings from the savage cinema natural park Author: Carlos Mauricio Maurix BIOGRAPHY Maurix, Galician art director and graphic designer (1979). He has worked for Zara, David Delfín and Bambú Producciones, among others. He has been living for several years in Madrid, where he runs his own studio. DESCRIPTION A wink to the natural parks postcards of the 50s and 60s. Maurix has painted an imaginary valley, with its virgin mountains, waterfalls and forests, in faded colours playing with melancholy and childhood memories. In a sympathetic message, a direct invitation to the inquisitive who haven’t yet discovered the nature of the Savage Cinema section: Greetings from the Savage Cinema Natural Park. |
RETROSPECTIVE: JOSEPH LOSEY Author: Festival de San Sebastián y Eurosíntesis DESCRIPTION The poster of the retrospective dedicated to the North American filmmaker who settled in UK Joseph Losey is taken from an iconic scene of one of his best known films, The Servant. The clip of the retrospective is the work of Carlos Rodríguez, from the MorganCrea studio. |
The Jury of the poster competition also decided to make a series of special mentions in five categories of the competition:
Special Mentions– New Directors
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REFLECTION, by Jani Pesonen | EL NACIMIENTO DE LAS NUEVAS GENERACIONES, by José Moreno García | ICEBERG, by Koloreka San Sebastian on paper |
Special Mentions – Horizontes Latinos
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CRUZ DEL SUR, by TGA | TIPO, by Cristóbal Aguiló Domínguez |
Special Mentions – Pearls
20000 LEAGUES UNDER, by Claudio Canesso | PERLA 01, by TGA | LÁGRIMA, by Maite Rosende Gutiérrez | CUBO, by Antoni Pontí Ibars |
Special Mentions – Zabaltegi-Tabakalera
CAMINO, by Petros Voulgaris | PROFUNDA MENTE, by Javier Manero Mijangos | DOODLE 2, by Angela Monteiro | ZABALTEGI-TABAKALERA, by Ivan Puertas Alonso |
Special Mentions – Culinary Zinema
EMERGER, by Sara Zamarro Alzaga | COCINA DE ENSUEÑO, by Aitor Cirilo Cabrera | PSYCOOLINARY ZINEMA, by Juan Martin Acevedo Sánchez | GORILA VASCO, by Ane Curto Román |
Tickets on sale in advance for the Opening and Closing Galas
Tickets on sale in advance for the Opening and Closing Galas of the 65th edition available now in the Festival website. With each purchase, you will be able to obtain a maximum of 4 tickets per Gala. Enter here to make your purchase.
The Festival is possible thanks to the contributions and enthusiasm of many people and companies, including:
- TVE, GAS NATURAL FENOSA and MOVISTAR +, Official Festival Sponsors.
- KUTXABANK, Official Collaborator and Sponsor of the Kutxabank-New Directors Award.
- AUDI, Official Collaborator and Official Vehicle.
- IBERMEDIA PROGRAMME, for its collaboration with FILMS IN PROGRESS.
- BASQUE CULINARY CENTER, Co-organiser of the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy section.
- CULINARY CINEMA of the Berlin Festival, Collaborator with the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy section.
- NESPRESSO, Official Festival Coffee and sponsor of the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy section.
- RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE, Co-organiser of the Savage Cinema section.
- TABAKALERA-INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY CULTURE, Co-organiser of the International Film Students Meeting and of the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera section.
- IRIZAR, Sponsor of the Zinemira section and the Irizar Basque Film Award.
- TCM, Sponsor of the TCM Zinemaldia Meetings.
- EL DIARIO VASCO, which will be present at the screenings in the Velodrome.
- RAMÓN BILBAO, Sponsor of the Festival Opening Party.
- JAEGER-LeCOULTRE, Sponsor of the Festival.
- KELER, Official Festival beer.
- HISPASAT, Sponsor of the Festival.
- PERRIER JOUËT, Official Festival champagne
- EITB, Collaborator with the Zinemira Section and with the Basque Film Gala.
- IBAIA and EPE-APV, Collaborators with the Zinemira Section.
- CULTURARTS-IVAC (VALENCIA), BASQUE FILM ARCHIVE and SAN TELMO MUSEUM, collaborators of the cycle Joseph Losey.
- SPANISH FILM ARCHIVE, Co-organiser of the Joseph Losey cycle.
- SGAE FOUNDATION, Collaborator of Made in Spain.
- ORONA FOUNDATION, Sponsor of the Festival and of the Orona Award.
- EROSKI, Sponsor of the Festival and of the EROSKI Youth Award.
- We would also like to say thanks for their support to: GRUPO SADE, RAMIRO MATA, DISDIRA, MAX FACTOR and LA FENESTRA.
And the members of the Board of Administrators of the Sociedad Anónima Festival de San Sebastián: Spanish Government Ministry of Culture, Basque Government Department of Culture, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and San Sebastian City Council.
Official Sponsors:
Official Collaborators:
Associated Institutions:
© San Sebastian International Film Festival | Castellano | Euskara | English |