Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus.
New Media Film Festival
June 12 -14, 2018
September 3, 2017 Early Deadline
The Landmark 10850 West Pico Blvd. LA, CA
2017 Award Winners • Photos • Videos
The Best In New Media • Honoring Stories Worth Telling
November 3, 2017 Regular Deadline
January 3, 2018Late Deadline
April 25, 2018 Final Deadline
May 8, 2018 Notification Date
"I thank the New Media film festival for what they've done for young filmmakers."– Legendary Director Roger Corman
"Top 25 Festivals Worth The Entry Fee" - Movie Maker Magazine
"Makes the cutting edge accessible" - Huffington Post
New Media Film Festival intersects the interactivity of new technologies & formats for Media & Cinema which exemplify the power of the cinematic arts to inspire and transform. A festival where we Honor Stories Worth Telling that are created by people of All Ages-All Cultures-All Media.
- Each entry is considered for Screening in a state of the art theatre, The Landmark, owned by Mark Cuban and/or Competition and/or Distribution
- $45,000.00 in Awards will be given out. Each programmed content is in consideration for a Best of Category, Audience & Grand Prize Award.
Email I + 1 310-288-1100 I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Past Winners I SUBMIT
March 22 -25 , 2018
2018 Call for Entries July 1- December 1, 2017!
The 8th Taiwan International Children's Film Festival (TICFF)
March 29, 2018 to April 05, 2018
August 15 Early Bird Deadline
Held once every two years, the festival brings young children and adults too, to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place March 29, 2018 to April 05, 2018. PTS, the organizers of this event, are now signing up entries for this tremendous series of showings, attracting some of the finest film makers from around the world with the lure of USD 25,000 in prize money.
A biennial film festival, TICFF brings young children and adults to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place in April 2018 for its eighth edition.
Click to enter via Withoutabox
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Horror Calling
Buffalo Dreams November 3 - 12 2017 Horror Fantasy Calling

August 28, 2017 Late Deadline I September 7, 2017 Extended Deadline
The dates of the festival are Friday, November 3rd, 2017 – Sunday, November 12th. The first week will be held at the Dipson Theaters Eastern Hills Cinema, located in the Eastern Hills Mall in Williamsville, New York, outside Buffalo. The final three days will be held at the Screening Room Cinema Cafe, located in the Boulevard Mall in Amherst, New York, also outside Buffalo.
Buffalo Dreams is a filmmaker friendly event which celebrates the best independent films from around the world in the following categories: Action, Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction and Thriller. The festival separates content into three divisions: North American (U.S. and Canada), International, and Western New York. The Young Student Filmmaker Award is limited to Western New Yorkers and aims to introduce students under age 17 to the film festival experience. In addition, the Original Screenplay competition is always judged by a professional writer, and the five finalists receive notes from the judge. This year, the competition will be judged by acclaimed horror and humor author Jeff Strand.
FEARnyc New York's premier horror film festival October 27 – 29, 2017 - Horror Calling

SUBMIT I WEBSITE I CONTACT I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram
September 1, 2017 Final Deadline
FEARnyc is New York's City's biggest horror film festival. Sponsored by Bloody Disgusting and Dread Central, FEARnyc features screenings of dozens of new horror films in the days leading up to Halloween. The 2017 festival will take place October 27 – 29, 2017 at The Sonnet Theater in Times Square, NYC. Click here to submit a film.
Morbido Festival Mexico October 26 – November 5, 2017 - Horror Calling

Contact I Email I 52 55 52 08 80 07 I Tabasco 93 A Colonia Roma Delegacion Cuauhtemoc Mexico City, D.F 06700 Mexico I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram
RIP Horror Film Festival November 10 -13 - Horror Calling

DEADLINES APPROACHING FAST: Browse by dates, genre... in the search engine
THE DISCOVERY SECTION Browse our site for other festival calling now.
Add a film listing to your profile, your free entry in the film directory on
Feed your blog profile, promote for free
We can offer Festival consulting and marketing services to fit your film ambitions.
- The 500€ Festival Fast Track
The Festival Fast Track service offers you a presence in the film showcase page with links and video streaming. The Film promotion Showcase is a combination of online services, (charged 500€ or about $690) that will bring recognition from our international audience who trust us as the only international media totally dedicated to the festival circuit. The Film promotion Showcase includes all those features:
- Film directory Database listing of your film. Ready for a quick initial evaluation.
- Your film and logo featured on the Showcase Section (linked from all pages) to highlight the film blog itself (example here) including a dedicated page.
- Newsletter messages: 2 runs to our newsletter audience of 125 000 (4 lines) sample
- Editorial on about your film, 1 article guaranteed.
- One week long banner campaign on our sites. 728X90 pixels
- And we include your film in our monthly blast to festival programmers and other festival staffers
- The 350€ Film Showcase Booster
The package includes the previous packages benefits less the banner campaign.
- The 150€ Filmmakers Showcase Eblast to festival Programers
The package and includes your ad in the eBlast with 4 lines promo : visual, title, link to trailer, synopsis 190$ 150€
We can also brainstorm with a range of packages include your film blog promotion with banners and newsletter ads
We can also discuss a Cannes presence as we are a regular partner of Cannes Market.
We can work with you on a consulting basis around a viral campaign
We help some filmmakers and assist them in the Festival Circuit designing the strategy, handling festival submissions, waiving submission feees, negotiating screening fees...
Just ask me
Rather than pushing to scores of festivals let the film be noticed AND asked for by Fest directors?
Look for publishing help here:
Check the 10 good reasons to open a blog on
Happy new year and good luck for your film...
The team
Kind regards
Bruno Chatelin