The EarlyBird Deadline is November 15th
Entries Open August 15th. The EarlyBird Deadline is November 15th and the Main Entry Deadline is December 15th. These are "Postmark By Deadlines". If you enter Online by the January 15th Late/Final Deadline and we receive the physical entry by January 31st, your entry will still be reviewed by our judges. Due to popular demand, we have extended the Final Brick Wall Deadline to January 31st, online!
The 2018 Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film & Video Festival is now open for entries! Info on All Winners info is submitted to Seoul, Korea ~ Concorto, Italy & the USAFilmFestival, Dallas at no extra cost!
WorldFest does not get down with Without-A-Box. We remain fiercely independent! We do support, recommend and use &, however.
One WorldFest Entry Form per entry please. Complete the form below, then double-check it before submitting to WorldFest. After submitting your entry, you'll be given further instructions, and the option to submit another entry, or submit your payment. Once you've submitted all your entries, you can choose to pay once via Credit Card or PayPal, or send us a check / money order. If you're in the neighborhood, you can also come on into the office and pay with cash. We might give you some fine WorldFest Swag if you do!
If you'd like to fill out the traditional paper entry form instead, you can download it here, and mail it in with your entry, or Email or Fax it if your entry is Online via Vimeo.
We can't wait to see your work!