10:00ANICA INCONTRA - FOCUS CINAHotel Excelsior / Sala Tropicana
10:00 – 13:00 Workshop: Keys to China: Audiovisual Market Overview & Essentials Strategies
10:00 – 10:35 How Co-Production Between the Italian & Chinese Film Industries can be increased with Roberto Stabile (Head of International Department ANICA & ITA Audiovisual Desks Coordinator), Miao Xiaotian (President of China Film Co-Production Corporation)
10:35 – 10:55 Things to Know to Success in China’s Film Industry with Allen Wang (Leading Partner of TA IP & Entertainment Law Team)
10:55 – 11:40 Market Overview: Theatrical / TV / Online Distribution DATA with Vivien Sha (Nielsen CCData South Areas Regional Manager)
11:40 – 12:00 The Depth of Documentary Genre: Key Happenings & Cases Analysis with Mike Ning (Director of Overseas Business Development at GZDoc), Rosario Di Girolamo (Head R&D of Doc/it)
12:00 – 13:00 A New Climate for Animation: Perspectives & Cooperation with Chen Zhenyu (Vice President of China Film Animation Co., Ltd.), Anne Sophie Vanhollebeke (President of Cartoon Italia)
15:00 – 17:00 Forum: Finding Women’s Say in the Cinema
A talk which will feature film professionals, stars and journalists, focused on a variety of questions, to engage, inspire, and connect Chinese and European film communities. An opportunity to show, discuss and compare the experiences and works of women both in front and behind the camera.
Organized by Movie View
16:00How the Arab World can be the new China for the international cinema, especially EuropeHotel Excelsior / Spazio Incontri
Guest speakers: Maya de Freige (Présidente Fondation Liban Cinéma), Marwa Gabriel (Starz), Saba Mubarak (CEO of Pan East Media) Pritesh Depala (CEO of Phars Films)
Moderator: Alessandra Speciale
Hosted by the Venice Production Bridge and Arab Cinema Center
- 17:30VPB Market Screening - HUI HE UN SOPRANO DALLA VIA DELLA SETA / HUI HE THE SOPRANO FROM THE SILK ROADPalazzo del Casinò - Sala Volpi+
- 20:00Venice Production Bridge PartyHotel Excelsior / Beach Pavilion