Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus.
Future Femme Festival May 10 – 13, 2018
January 25, 2018 Regular Deadline
March 31, 2018 Late Deadline I May 1, 2018 Extended Deadline
The Future Femme Film Festival is now open.
FutureFemmes make movies.
FutureFemmes make history.
Anyone who identifies as a Future Femme may enter.
Does your movie: elevate future femme perspectives, support the advancement of future femme talent, and empower future femmes through cinema?
Enter now: FutureFemmeFest via Film Freeway. Take 50% your entry with this code filmfestivalscomff
Future Femme Fest is a celebration of cinema. We bring the film festival experience to you via live competitions and our streaming partners.
Movies under 60 minutes running time can enter FutureFemme Short Film Fest.
$1000 cash for each category,
A chance to find an audience through FemmeFest screening events/community worldwide,
The Future Femme Short Film Fest begins its UK tour in May 2018.
Finalists & winners will have the chance to find an audience at 8 live events throughout the UK.
Website I Facebook I Twitter I Westone 114 Wellington Street Leeds LS1 1BA United Kingdom I contact I Profile on I SUBMIT
18th Annual Phoenix Film Festival. April 5 – 15, 2018
December 18, 2017 Extended Deadline
We're the festival that filmmakers love. You've worked hard to make your film. Now it's time to share it with a great audience inside a beautiful theater and experience firsthand why MovieMaker Magazine calls us one of the 25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World!
The festival once again returns to early April and we anticipate another great year with incredible films and film-hungry audiences. We've got an amazing venue, excited audiences and all we need are your films. Plus this year we're expanding to a second weekend which gives us an opportunity to screen most films at least three times.
The Phoenix Film Festival has been named one of The 25 Coolest Film Festivals and a Top 50 Worth the Entry Fee by MovieMaker Magazine and has been called the most filmmaker-friendly festival out there. The Phoenix Film Festival is a program of the 501c(3) non-profit Phoenix Film Foundation, started in 2000, and it has quickly become Arizona's Largest Film Festival.
Email I Phone: +1 480-513-3195 I 7000 E Mayo Blvd Suite 1059 Phoenix, Arizona 85054 United States I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram
ARY FILM FESTIVAL The largest festival in Pakistan April 2018
After a successful and commendable execution of ARY Film Festival in 2017, the festival is back again for its second edition in 2018 for which submissions are now open till December 31st 2017.
The 3 day festival commenced in May 2017 and screened 33 films, which were shortlisted by the jury from around 400 entries received from all over the world. Apart from the regular entries, the festival also came up with special screenings of internationally acclaimed films such as Maheen Zia’s ‘Lyari Notes’, ‘Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velazquez Story’ contributed by the American Film Showcase and Anjum Shehzad’s ‘Mah e Mir’. Additionally, Academy award winner Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy’s ‘Song of Lahore’ was also premiered at the festival. Delhi International Film Festival was also one of the collaborating partners of the festival.
Website I Twitter I Facebook I Profile on I SUBMIT I Contact
The Julien Dubuque International Film Festival (April 26 – 29, 2018) is calling for your film

Voted one of the top 50 Film Festivals worth the Submission Fee in 2016 AND 2017 by MovieMaker Magazine, the Julien Dubuque International Film Festival acknowledges emerging filmmakers from around the world, with a strong emphasis on discovering and encouraging new talent. In recognition of the time and talent of the independent filmmaker, awarding over $40,000 in cash and benefits, including a $10,000 Best of the Fest award.
Over $40,000 in cash and benefits to be awarded**
Seattle International Film Festival May 17 - June 10, 2018
January 5, 2018 - Late submission
SIFF creates experiences that bring people together to discover
extraordinary films from around the world. It is through the art of cinema that we foster a community that is more informed, aware, and alive.
The Seattle International Film Festival is presented each year from mid-May to mid-June. It is the largest film festival in the United States, presenting more than 400 features, documentaries and short films to an audience of 155,000 each year. SIFF is consistently ranked as one of the top festivals in North America, and is an Academy Award-qualifying festival for short films.
SIFF started out as an event aimed squarely at Seattle filmgoers, renowned for their strong support for independent cinema and their sophisticated, maverick tastes. Through the years, Seattle audiences have proven themselves to be remarkably astute judges of a film's theatrical strength in the American marketplace. This, in turn, has made SIFF a great testing ground for new films. Our emphasis on keeping the Festival an event aimed first and foremost at filmgoers, provides the films themselves with the kind of genuine audience response that has attracted the participation of so many filmmakers and film distributors. profile I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Youtube I Awards I SUBMIT
Horror of Damned November 1 – 3, 2018
February 28, 2018 2nd Deadline I April 30, 2018 3rd Deadline I June 30, 2018 4th Deadline I August 31, 2018 5th Deadline I September 30, 2018 6th Deadline I October 31, 2018 Notification Date I November 1 – 3, 2018 Event Date I
Horror of Damned is a horror film festival, supporting the best up and coming horror filmmakers from around the world.
Website I Facebook I Twitter I Profile on I SUBMIT
Silver Scream Film and Comic Festival Feb 16 - 18, 2018 - Horror Calling

The purpose of the annual SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL is to cherry-pick burgeoning creative talent and provide an industry spotlight for the best in genre storytelling — horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and combinations of the three. The only criteria for SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL content other than genre is to captivate the audience and inspire the imagination.
Designed to discover new talent, unite the entertainment community, and encourage genre conversation, the annual SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL is a three-day event comprised of film screenings, award ceremonies, prizes, social gatherings, and celebratory parties. The FESTIVAL will be hosted by the Santa Rosa Entertainment Group, located in the heart of downtown Santa Rosa, CA.
Visit for event details and schedules.
13 Horror May 1

Final Deadline is April 13, 2018
The categories for the contest are:
1) Feature-length screenplays
2) Short screenplays
3) Feature-length movies
4) Short movies
NYC Independent Film Festival 2018
May 7 - May 13, 2018
December 31, 2017 Late Deadline
NYC Independent Film Festival is a celebration of the true independent filmmaker, documentaries, short and feature-length films, music videos, and animation. Whether a submission is comedic, dramatic, or something in between, The NYC Indie film Fest is eager to embrace fresh ideas and storytelling.
The festival aims to discover the Artist Filmmaker, showcasing them to the entertainment industry and the NYC public. All NYC Indie screenings take place in the historic center of NYC, Time Square which is the perfect home for an event geared toward creating incredible opportunities for independent voices.
NYC Indie Film Festival honors the Best in Category which includes Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Documentary, Best Short Narrative, Best Super Short, Best Music Video, as well as Best Director and Best Screenplay.
Profile on I Website I Facebook I Twitter I SUBMIT I Contact Dennis Cieri
Sonoma International FilmFestival
March 21 – 25, 2018
December 15, 2017 Regular Deadline
Submissions for 2018 Sonoma International FilmFestival (March 21-25, 2018) open on August 1, 2017.
Acceptances will be sent out by email in early February, 2018. Please do not contact office before that date.
Thank you to all of our filmmakers for submitting your creative work to us. We had an unprecedented number of great films in 2017 and look forward to seeing all the submissions for the upcoming 21st SIFF.
Sonoma International Film Festival's blog I Website I Facebook I Twitter I SUBMIT I Past Winners I Contact Kevin W. McNeely I 707-933-2600 I 103 E. Napa St. Suite A Sonoma, California 95476 United States
Fantasporto 2017 February 24 - March 4, 2017PARTNER FESTIVAL WITH FILMFESTIVALS.COMlast call for entriesFantasporto’2018 | Oporto International Film Festival announces our Call for Film Entries for the 38th annual festival, running February 20th till March 4th.This Call is for Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi features and shorts in the Fantasy competition. The Director’s Week is for features only, in all genres except fantasy. Deadlines for Entries for 2018 edition are October 30th (Early Call) and December 5th (Final Call). Films can be submitted now using the film submission website Fantasporto enjoys incredible loyalty and support from the large film-appreciating community all over the World. In the last edition, Fantasporto was attended by over 20,000 enthusiastic genre film fans and over 200 members of the film press and industry. Considered in 2015 as the first of the independent film festivals in the world by TRIPPER, Fantasporto is among the top film festivals for the discovery of new talent, having revealed countless of now famous directors, producers and actors. Check the Regulations on the site Fantasporto'sblog I Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Mario Dorminsky I Entry Form |
2018 WORLDFEST-HOUSTON April 20 - 29, 2018 calling for entries
Main Entry Deadline is December 15th
The 2018 Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film & Video Festival is now open for entries! Info on All Winners info is submitted to Seoul, Korea ~ Concorto, Italy & the USAFilmFestival, Dallas at no extra cost!
WorldFest Houston's blog I Website: I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Hunter Todd

New Media Film Festival
June 12 -14, 2018
9th Annual New Media Film Festival
Honoring Stories Worth Telling
January 3rd Regular Deadline
Submit today, use code WOW and save.
Announcing - JEFF BRIDGES Legendary Actor & Producer of upcoming documentary "Living in Futures Past" 2018 Recipient of the Socially Responsible Conservationist Award at the New Media Film Festival Opening Night, June 16, 2018*
Celebrate - Collaborate - Creative Technology & Story
New Venue James Bridges Theater - Los Angeles CA
New Website -
Saturday & Sunday June 16-17 2018
12:30pm - 10:30pm
New - Producer Panel & Pitching - Sat. June 16 2018
New - Indie Distributor Mixer - September 2018
New - Free Actors Head shot drop off bin for active Casting Office during festival
New - Success Stories Series - Coming Soon
New - 3D & VR now in lobby all day Sun. June 17 2018 run by Nvidia & the fabulous Doug Leighton
All Access Pass & Tickets on sale now
we lock schedule May 10 2018 so check website often.
* Subject to availability. In the event of a date change, ticket holders will have the option of the new date or a full refund for the ceremony.
Photo credit - FestForums/FilmFestivals
Email I + 1 310-288-1100 I Website I Facebook I Twitter I 2017 Award Winners I Photos I Videos I SUBMIT
The 2018 Television & Film Awards gala will take place at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas next April 2018
Final Deadline Extended
The New York Festivals International TV & Film Awards honors the World’s Best TV and Films at its annual gala at NAB Show in Las Vegas next April. Founded in 1957, NYF TV & Film Awards offers a powerhouse of categories including: 30 categories for documentaries and dozens of categories for news, drama and performers. New York Festivals welcomes network, studio, independent, and student productions of all lengths across all platforms. Late entries accepted until January 5th, 2018. For more information visit:
New Categories for 2018: Magazine Feature, International Affairs Documentary, Use of Technology in Promos, Digital Documentary, Digital Reality TV Drama, and Tourism
I Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Rose Anderson
MIAFF 5th edition wants your hot new animation films for 2018
SUBMIT ... Contact : Email I +1-514-260-0848 I 4122 Coloniale Montreal, Quebec H2W2C1 Canada I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram
Animation Day in Cannes 2018
Animaze Daze in Cannes Screenings May 18, 2018
Submit your best short animated films for a screening May18th at Cannes Film Festival.
Enjoy industry visibility in front of the animation professionals attending Cannes during Animation Day in Cannes (second edition). take advantage of free promotion to buyers and media on our Animation Day in Cannes Newsletters, animation Day in Cannes website, pages dedicated to Animation Day in Cannes and our Youtube channel, which will be offered for buyers and Media.
Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon
DEADLINES APPROACHING FAST: Browse by dates, genre... in the search engine
THE DISCOVERY SECTION Browse our site for other festival calling now.
Add a film listing to your profile, your free entry in the film directory on
Feed your blog profile, promote for free
We can offer Festival consulting and marketing services to fit your film ambitions.
- The 500€ Festival Fast Track
The Festival Fast Track service offers you a presence in the film showcase page with links and video streaming. The Film promotion Showcase is a combination of online services, (charged 500€ or about $690) that will bring recognition from our international audience who trust us as the only international media totally dedicated to the festival circuit. The Film promotion Showcase includes all those features:
- Film directory Database listing of your film. Ready for a quick initial evaluation.
- Your film and logo featured on the Showcase Section (linked from all pages) to highlight the film blog itself (example here) including a dedicated page.
- Newsletter messages: 2 runs to our newsletter audience of 125 000 (4 lines) sample
- Editorial on about your film, 1 article guaranteed.
- One week long banner campaign on our sites. 728X90 pixels
- And we include your film in our monthly blast to festival programmers and other festival staffers
- The 350€ Film Showcase Booster
The package includes the previous packages benefits less the banner campaign.
- The 150€ Filmmakers Showcase Eblast to festival Programers
The package and includes your ad in the eBlast with 4 lines promo : visual, title, link to trailer, synopsis 190$ 150€
We can also brainstorm with a range of packages include your film blog promotion with banners and newsletter ads
We can also discuss a Cannes presence as we are a regular partner of Cannes Market.
We can work with you on a consulting basis around a viral campaign
We help some filmmakers and assist them in the Festival Circuit designing the strategy, handling festival submissions, waiving submission feees, negotiating screening fees...
Just ask me
Kind regards
Bruno Chatelin