Unwilling will close The Official Selection and screen prior the gala evening. The screening date, initially planned in january is rescheduled for april.
Long contest of terror / long horror competition
Anguish - 77’ - Colômbia
Don't Look - 71’ - EUA
Huldra - Lady Of The Forest - 110' - Suécia
In a lonely place-83 ' - Italy
Lilith's Awakening - 80’ - Brasil
Occupants - 81' - EUA
Sinister Circle - 86’ - Peru
Stranger In The Dunes - 93' - EUA
The Child Remains - 112' - Canadá
The Unwilling - 84'– EUA
Short Horror Contest / short horror competition
Altre-17 ' - Italy
Chateau Sauvignon: Terroir-13 ' - eua
Imedium-7 ' - Spain
Silent Eye-29 ' - bélgica
Laura, lost-11 ' - USA
Parking-10 ' - frança
Maze-13 ' - Germany
The promised-18 ' - Brazil
Passage 379-8
Sol - 15' - Brazil
The Verity-18 ' - United Kingdom
You Have Arrived - 7’ – EUA
Fantastic short competition / short fantastic competition
237 NP-10 ' - Spain
The Hour-14 ' - Brazil
Apolo81-12 ' - Spain
Chaney - 18' - Argentina
Creatures of Whitechapel-25 ' - United Kingdom
Okay Picasso-5 ' - USA
Fils-15 ' - Luxembourg
Massage-24 ' - South Korea
Night-14 ' - Germany
The Eve-20 ' - USA
The Night Circus-9 ' - Denmark
Wolves - 12’ - Andorra
Zone-84 [VOI]-15 ' - Spain
The Rock Horror in Rio Film Festival is more than a film screener, it’s an event that unites the best of the horror, thriller, and fantasy films with rock & roll in a big party for moviegoers who love music, and cinema.
Our huge halloween themed pajama party will take place in one of the most interesting and hip locations of Rio de Janeiro, Porto Maravilha. Recently, renewed, it has a bohemian and industrial atmosphere, featuring the Guanabara Bay as its backdrop, a perfect location for a horror movie film festival that lasts from dusk till dawn, and culminates with a rock concert every night.
Prepare your heart for scarily exciting nights filled with the best of international thrillers, rock & roll, drinks in test tubes, and lots of purple popcorn.
Awards & Prizes
Best Thriller National/International - Award and Money Prize to be announced
Best Horror Short National/International - Award and Money Prize to be announced
Best Fantastic Short - Award and Money Prize to be announced
The Scariest Film in the Festival - Award
The Funiest Horror Movie That Cannot Be Taken Seriously - Award
Audience Vote - Award
Special Distribution Award
All films will be evaluated by our guest distributors, and will get a shot to run for the Special National Distribution Award.