Piazza Grande Events, 14 August
- Vision Award - Nescens to Garrett Brown
- Screening of Pause introduced by director Mathieu Urfer
- Screening of La Vénus à la fourrure by Roman Polanski
Special Events/Conversations with guest
The Locarno Critics Academy Panel at 13:30 at the Spazio Cinema (Forum) hosted by Eric Kohn
Masterclass with Aleksandr Sokurov at 15:00 at the PalaVideo hosted by Alessandro
Marcionni with students of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University
Press Screenings (Teatro Kursaal)
14 August, 09:00, Concorso internazionale
Nuits blanches sur la jetée by Paul Vecchiali
14 August, 14:00, Concorso internazionale
Gyeongju by ZHANG Lu
14 August, 18:00, Concorso Cineasti del presente
Los enemigos del dolor by Arauco Hernández
14 August, 21:00, Piazza Grande
Sils Maria by Olivier Assayas
14 August, 23:15, Piazza Grande
Land Ho! by Martha Stephens, Aaron Katz
Press Conferences (Palazzo Morettini)
14 August, 11:00, Concorso internazionale
The Iron Ministry by J.P. Sniadecki
14 August, 11:30, Concorso internazionale
Nuits blanches sur la jetée by Paul Vecchiali
14 August, 12:00, Piazza Grande
Pause by Mathieu Urfer
Parallel Events
"Culture and Media" Open discussion of Impressium (The Swiss journaliststs) and Syndicom (Union of media and communication) at 14:30 at the Magnolia