Berlinale Newsletters 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I Animation in Focus I Final I
VIDEO - Award Ceremony Gala | Berlinale 2018
PRIZES OF OFFICIAL JURIES PRIZES OF THE INTERNATIONAL JURY Members of the Jury: Tom Tykwer (Jury President), Cécile de France, Chema Prado, Adele Romanski, Ryūichi Sakamoto and Stephanie Zacharek GOLDEN BEAR FOR BEST FILM (awarded to the film’s producer) Touch Me Not by Adina Pintilie SILVER BEAR GRAND JURY PRIZE Twarz Mug by Małgorzata Szumowska SILVER BEA...
VIDEO - Independent Juries Award Ceremony | Berlinale 2018
PRIZE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM JURY BERLIN SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS The three members of the Jury, Diogo Costa Amarante, Jyoti Mistry and Mark Toscano, appoint as Berlin Short Film Nominee for the European Film Awards Burkina Brandenburg Komplex by Ulu Braun PRIZES OF THE INDEPENDENT JURIES PRIZES OF THE ECUMENICAL JURY Members of the Jury: Dr. theol. Inge Kirsner (Jury President), Joachim Opahle,...
32. TEDDY AWARD – The Queer Film Award at the Berlin International Film Festival

The seven members of the international jury view films of queer interest within all sections of the Berlinale. Three films are nominated and one wins infor each of the categories: best feature film, best documentary/essay film and the best short film. The jury furthermore presents its Special Jury Award, the L'Oréal TEDDY Newcomer Award and the TEDDY Readers’ Award powered by Mannschaft Magazin. The TEDDY for the Best Feature Film goes to: Ti...
The misery of the Human Condition is the Hallmark of films at Berlin 2018

by Alex Deleon
1. EVA: French, Isabelle Huppert stars in zig zag story of upper class middle aged hooker who mesmerizes handsome phony playwright half her age -- with a plot heavy vehicles could be driven through every ten minutes but nice setting along Glittering Swiss mountain lake helps to alleviate the lethargy -- and Huppert, as usual, is something else. Just watching her do her thing is enough to make a total turkey halfway watchable. 2. Minato ...
He Won't Get Far on Foot: Gus Van Sant's earnest biopic is a drain on the nervous system and a feel badder all the way

Joaquin Phoenix on wheels with philosophical AA guru in Gus Van Sant's excessively earnest biopic
By Alex Deleon
He won't get far on Foot --- and this painful orgy of alcololic confessionalism by a quadriplegic cartoonist in a wheel chair won't get far on celluloid past the extremely masochistic art house crowd who like to be reassured that some lives out there are worse than their own. I was hoping that this highly touted Gus Van Santer starring favorite actor Joaquin Ph...
Less Star Power at Berlin 68
by Alex Deleon
Romy Schneider look alike Marie Bäumer at Quiberon Press Conference Though this was obviously not going to be the star powered program we have become accustomed to under flamboyant festival top hat Dieter Kosslick at Berlin (no Clooneys, Decaprios, or their likes in sight this year) the competition program alone had a number of high expectation films, among them, Three Days at Quiberon", a study of the last days of Romy Schneider, "7 days at ...
Berlin Awards: There's no disputing bad taste, especially in big film festivals.

By Alex Deleon
Films in International Competition were adjudicated by a Jury presided over by ace German director Tom Tykwer. There's no disputing bad taste, especially in big film festivals. Golden Bear, BEST FILM TOUCH ME NOT ..AAAaaaarrrrgh !! The ugliest most sickening most repulsive and perverted film of all time -- shot in amateuristic manner like a home movie on masturbation. A basket case of a movie that goes from bad to worse as screen time progresses. Not eve...
Berlinale 2018 Awards

Adina Pintilie's experimental debut 'Touch Me Not' takes home the Golden Bear!
PRIZES OF OFFICIAL JURIES PRIZES OF THE INTERNATIONAL JURY Members of the Jury: Tom Tykwer (Jury President), Cécile de France, Chema Prado, Adele Romanski, Ryūichi Sakamoto and Stephanie Zacharek GOLDEN BEAR FOR BEST FILM (awarded to the film’s producer) Touch Me Not by Adina Pintilie SILVER BEAR GR...
North American sale of the sci-fi action film, OCCUPATION to Saban Films

Film Mode Entertainment’s OCCUPATION Slays Berlin with Sales, including North America to Saban Films Sci-Fi Action Epic Adventure Starring DAN EWING and TEMUERA MORRISON Makes International Screening Debut at EFM and Garners Impressive Sales BERLIN (February 16, 2018) – Clay Epstein’s Film Mode Entertainment announces the North American sale of the sci-fi action film, OCCUPATION to Saban Films. &l...
Netherlands short film takes top prize in Berlin Film Festival Generation 14 plus awards

The awards given out last Friday night at the Berlin International Film Festival saw the Dutch team behind Kosovo-set short film, Kiem Holijanda triumph in the Berlinale’s Generation section, the most important dedicated children’s and youth programme among the A-list festivals of the world, taking home the Crystal Bear for the Best Short Film in the section Generation 14plus. The jury motivation for the award states: The Crystal B...
Results of the diversity panel in Berlin: WE WANT MORE
WE WANT MORE – DIVERSITY & VISIBILITY The 6th discussion on the status of women in the film business and gender equity on the occasion of the 68th Berlin International Film Festival focused strongly on the topics of diversity and visibility. Organised by the Dortmund | Cologne International Women’s Film Festival the round table with international experts from various backgrounds agreed on the urgent need to implement diversity standards in German film funding according to ...
Berlinale 2018: Crystal Bears and Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk (The Children’s Charity of Germany) Awards in Generation Kplus

The members of the Children’s Jury in Generation Kplus – Laslo Baudouin, Luise Babette Dahns, Christian Fock, Nele Heinig, Julina Matilde Jung, Namiko Kammin, Jonas Kurth, Theresa Sagebiel, Jonas Schuster, Jonas Volkers, Ella Widmoser – give the following awards: Crystal Bear for the Best Film: Les rois mongols (Cross My Heart) By Luc Picard, Canada We are particularly fond of this film because we were able to ...
Berlinale: Awards of the Independent Juries

PRIZE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM JURY BERLIN SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS The three members of the Jury, Diogo Costa Amarante, Jyoti Mistry and Mark Toscano, appoint as Berlin Short Film Nominee for the European Film Awards Burkina Brandenburg Komplex by Ulu Braun PRIZES OF THE INDEPENDENT JURIES PRIZES OF THE ECUMENICAL JURY Members of the Jury: Dr. theol. Inge Kirsner (Jury President), Joachim Opahle, J...
Berlinale 2018: The Panorama Audience Awards go to Profile and The Silence of Others
Oben v.l.n.r./top FLTR: Paz Lázaro (Leiterin Panorama) mit ShazadLatif,Timur Bekmambetov, Valene Kane und Olga Kharina.Profile. Regie/director:Timur Bekmambetov Foto:©Brigitte Dummer / Berlinale 2018 Unten v.l.n.r./bottom FLTR: Robert Bahar und Almudena Carracedo mitModeratorin Ana David.The Silence of Others.Regie/directors: Almudena Carracedo,Robert Bahar Foto:©Trevor Good / Berlinale 2018 The public has cast its votes: the 20th Panorama Audience Awards go to Profile by ...
The Compass-Perspektive-Award for the Best Film Goes to Veronika Kasererberall: Überall wo wir sind (Everywhere We Are)
The Compass-Perspektive-Award for the Best Film in the Programme Goes to Veronika Kaserer for Her Documentary Überall wo wir sind (Everywhere We Are) On the closing night of Perspektive Deutsches Kino, the jury – consisting of filmmakers Jules Herrmann, Sung-Hyung Cho, and Sol Bondy - presented the Compass-Perspektive-Award 2018 for the best film. The prize goes to Überall wo wir sind (Everywhere We Are) by Veronika Kaserer. Endowed with 5,000 euro, this year is the se...
Berlinale Talents and Perspektive Deutsches Kino Kompagnon-Fellowships go to Jide Tom Akinleminu and Julian Radlmaier
This evening at the closing event of Perspektive Deutsches Kino, the Kompagnon-Fellowships were awarded for the second time. Endowed with 5,000 euros each, they were given to new projects by a screenwriter and/or director from Berlinale Talents 2018, and a director from the 2017 edition of Perspektive Deutsches Kino. With the Kom...
Crystal Bears and the Awards by the Federal Agency for Civic Education in Generation 14p
Berlinale 2018: Crystal Bears and the Awards by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education) in Generation 14plus The members of the Youth Jury Generation 14plus - Jascha Katjana Richer, Lilly Rinklebe, Zoe Rentmeister, Rosa Nietzsche, Robert Schlücker, Joseph Askar Schönfelder, Jonathan Auer - give the following awards: Crystal Bear for the Best Film: Fortuna By Germinal Roaux, Switzerland / Belgium Our winn...
Heartfelt and daring – Berlinale Talents 2018 Turns Out a Successful Edition
Yesterday evening the 16th edition of Berlinale Talents came to a successful close. Gus Van Sant, Josephine Decker, Christian Petzold, Nancy Schreiber, Agnès Godard, Tom Tykwer, Mónica Lairana and Lav Diaz, amongst 120 other mentors and experts, met in cinematic dialogue with 250 Talents and several thousand Berliners, with a notable sense of honesty and openness. The talks and the Talent-dedicated formats were not only about secrets to success and career leaps, but also ...
Special Mention for ‘SUPA MODO’ at the Generation Kplus Award Ceremony of the 68. Berlinale
SUPA MODO has been honored with a Special Mention for an outstanding achievement by the Children’s Jury Generation Kplus at the Generation Kplus Award Ceremony of the 68. Berlin International Film Festival. The film is an inspiring story about a young girl dreaming of becoming a Superhero. The debut feature film by Kenyan director Likarion Wainaina celebrated its world premiere at the section Generation Kplus. CHECK THE VIDEO Extract from the jury statement: “This film te...