We are now accepting submissions for the 2019 NYC Short Comedy Film Festival! Held on March 24, 2019 at the Producer's Club.
Earlybird Deadline is August 17, 2018.
Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from info@nycsdff.com.
We vastly prefer online submissions either a FilmFreeWay online video or a private/password protected vimeo/YouTube link. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.
If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the beginning of February. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.)