- DISTRIBUTION: Distribution (PANEL) – If you don’t get your films into the market, you won’t last long as a producer. Our panelists tackle the difficult subject of film distribution from the viewpoints of both independent filmmakers and the studio. If you’d like to make your second feature film, you can’t afford to miss this panel.
Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Tony Armer. Time: 10-11:00am, Friday, April 27th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 2. WRITING: Screenwriting Basics (WORKSHOP) – Professional screenwriters discuss the do’s and don’ts of writing for the screen. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Bandar Albuliwi, Cullen Douglas, Time: 11:15am-12:30pm, Friday, April 27th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 3. FILM FINANCE: It’s not “Show-art,” it’s show business! (Workshop) – We’re not going to mince words here – if you are an independent Film producer, this is the most important class you will EVER take on film financing and how it all works. Literally, one of the leading experts in independent finance and Seriously, buckle your seat belt and take notes like a maniac! As someone who lives in this space everyday, lawyer Jonathan Gray and financier, Viviana Zarragoitia, take you through the up-to-date nitty gritty of how movie finance. Moderator: Jonathan Gray (Birth of a Nation, Precious) Speakers: Jonathan Gray (Birth of a Nation, Precious) and Viviana Zarragoitia (VP 3 Point Capital) Time: 12:45pm-2:00pm, Friday, April 27th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 4. SCREENWRITING: SCREENWRITING: The Truth on How to Get Your Idea or Screenplay Made. (WORKSHOP) – You've got a screenplay or a great idea for a film. You want an agent or a producer or someone, anyone to help you make your movie. This workshop tells you he real truth on how to make that happen. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Viviana Zarragoitia, Tony Armer, Robert Enriquez
Time: 2:15pm - 3:45pm, Friday, April 28th
Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 5. PRODUCING: But Seriously, What Does a Producer “Do?” (PANEL)– This is an in-depth look at how to get a film/TV project made with a variety of panelists representing different aspects of the industry. Take lots of notes and come with your own questions. If you’re a filmmaker, you CANNOT afford to miss this panel! Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Amar Adatia, George Wehmeyer, Time: 10:00am - 11:00am, Saturday, April 28th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 6. ACTING: Discovering the Male Voice (WORKSHOP)– This is an interactive workshop that is focused on helping male actors, find the distinct traits of their characters and how to effectively bring that to the screen. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Jeffrey Johnson, Cullen Douglas, Keidrich Sellati, Antoine Perry and Joe Davison. Time: 11:15-12:30pm, Saturday, April 28th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 7. WRITING: Pitch Fest! (WORKSHOP)– This is your opportunity to pitch movers and shakers in the industry! There will be a sign up sheet and you will be given one minute to pitch and then receive two minutes of feedback from our panel of big industry machers. It will be 1st come, 1st serve and once the sheet fills up, there won’t be an opportunity to pitch your big idea to the panel. Do you have what it takes to be the next big thing? We’ll find out! Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Robert Enriquez, Tony Armer, Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm, Saturday, April 28th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 8. ACTING: Discovering the Female Voice (WORKSHOP)– This is an interactive workshop that is focused on helping female actors, find the distinct traits of their characters and how to effectively bring that to the screen. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Andi Matheny, Eugenie Bondurant, Mary Rachel Dudley Time: 2:15pm-3:30pm, Saturday, April 28th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 9. DOCUMENTARY: Truth Through A Looking Glass (PANEL)– This is an in-depth look at documentaries from the mechanics of their creation to the search for “truth” or answering an important question. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Wade Rathke, Jonathon Gray, Christopher Fodde, George Wehmeyer Time: 3:45pm-4:45pm, Saturday, April 28th 10. LEGAL: Ask the Lawyer (PANEL) - Learn about the legal fundamentals needed for your project. Referred to as one of the top lawyers for independent film, Jonathan Gray will discuss ownership rights, clearing, production/financing/distributions deals, insurance and more. The information covered is worth thousands of dollars, so bring a notebook and get ready to write fast! Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Jonathan Gray (Lawyer, Birth of a Nation, Precious) and Scott Goldberg Time: 11:00am - 12:15am, Sunday, April 29th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 11. DIRECTING: “But, What I Really Wanna Do Is Direct” (PANEL) – Learn from industry veterans, the essentials every director should know and the potential pitfalls. Also, expect a dose of healthy cynicism, with a dash of optimism in this directing panel. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Michael Baumgarten (Martial Arts Kid), Curtis Graham, Jeffrey Scott Collins, Richard Colton, H. James Gilmore (Cracking Aces), John J. Budion, Rudolf Buitendach Time: 12:30am-1:30pm, Sunday, April 29th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 12. PRODUCING: Florida Film (PANEL)– This panel comprised of experts with unique knowledge and understanding of the film scene in Florida, will take you through the tropical landscape of shooting a film in the sunshine state! From permits, to state and local incentives, this panel is your one stop shop for figuring out how, when and why to shoot in Florida. Moderator: Dave DeBorde Speakers: Tony Armer (Film Commissioner, St. Pete Clearwater), Tyler Martinolich (Film Commissioner, Tampa), Gregg Perkins (Artist and Film Professor), and Aaron Walker (Screenwriter, Film Professor). Time: 1:45pm-2:45pm, Sunday, April 29th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room. 13. FILMMAKING: Women in Film (PANEL) –Explore the triumphs and setbacks of women in the industry. Expect to be challenged and inspired by our panel of experts. Moderator: Eugenie Bondurant (Hunger Games 2) Speakers: Andi Matheny (The 5th Wave) Mary-Rachel Dudley (Fantastic Four), Frida Farrell Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm, Sunday, April 29th Place: Hyatt Place Conference room |