While much of the international film world was cavorting across the Croisette, confused and often rain-swept, and desperately seeking empowerment for female cineastes on and off the screens of the largest festival in the world, where who knows how few of les femmes have received the Palme d'Or (apart from the Down Under champion Jane Campion?), once more with feeling the Israeli Film Festival known as Seret was again unreeling in apparently sunnier Albion, as the lively,loving work of not one but three female festival directors-- Odelia Haroush,Anat Koren and Patty Hochmann, with screenings,panels,and a few parties, across London, Brighton, and first-footing into Edinburgh, between 6th and 17th May 2018. They retained loyal sponsors and some new supporters and some 20 new features, documentaries and fiction from Israel, and even some laughter in these grim times, ably ladelled out by some episodes from the hit TV series Vicky and I, with a host of visiting directors, producers and a genuine star in the making in the bubbly yet shrewd and immensely personable stage and TV actress Magi Azarzar. A fine collection of celluloid to commemorate coincidentally the 70th anniverary of the State itself and sold-out screenings everywhere.
A hearty L'chaim! (whatever that may mean).
Phillip Bergson www.seret-international.org