The first edition of the Festival will take place from 16 to 18 November 2018.
Jointly launched by the European Institute of Ecology (IEE) in Metz and the Association Ecrans des Mondes in Paris (AEM) cinévert&bleu, the brand-new International Film Festival, offers the audiences of the Eastern Euroregion, once a year, a collection of compelling films dealing with the ecological transition i.e; the relationships between Men, Society and Nature. A special emphasis will be given in this regard to the dialogue between different cultures and civilizations of our planet.
It will be an international competition of recent, meaningful films of all genres and formats: -creative documentaries, fiction, animation- -short, medium, long-. with a special category “YouTube”, all having as common issue Environment, Nature and sustainable living together. The objective: Inform, entertain, educate, move, inspire and, who knows, save the world! Pre-selected by a committee of scientists, filmmakers and citizens from the Euroregion – France – Germany – Belgium – Luxembourg, the films of the official competition will be appreciated by an international jury chaired by a renowned personality.