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Check our coverage with dailies from Montreal Venice Toronto and San Sebastian

> Toronto Dailies September 4 - 14
BANG, BANG BABY Best 1st feature at TIFF 14


Margarita, with a Straw Kalki Koechlin / Trailer

TIFF Piers Handling at TIFF 14 Closing Night Leopoldo Soto

LOS BAÑISTAS red carpet ambiance

PARADISE LOST the full Press Conference

TIFF 14 Final Day — and the Winners are...

TIFF 14 Kate Winslet at the Closing night

Escobar ar TIFF14

92 Year Old Dancing Ice Cream Lady @ eOne PArty - The Real Star at TIFF 2014 - Watch the TWO videos HERE!

TIFF 14 Day 10

Charles Herzfeld Technicolor Wreaks Havoc @ TIFF - Industry

TIFF 2014 E One Party with Albert Nerenberg & Johnny Brower - A little prophecy 1969

> Venice Dailies August 27 September 6
Venice 71 Photo Gallery Past
The Awards Ceremony of the 71st Venice International Film Festival 2014

> Montreal Dailies WRAP August 21 - September 1
Full Coverage of Montreal FFM 2014

Montreal World Film Festival 2014 Movie Reviews: NO LAND'S SONG - audience award for best documentary

Montreal World Film Festival 2014 Movie Reviews: OF HORSES AND MEN - a breathtaking film!

Montreal World Film Festival 2014 Movie Reviews: GONZALEZ - best first fiction feature

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Jameson CINEFEST, Miskolc IFF Discoveries Galore out in the Sticks

CBS Sports Executive Ken Aagaard to Receive New York Festivals Lifetime Achievement Award

Awards of The Isle of Man Film Festival

10th BUSHO: Victory! French Victory in Budapest with Every Day

Serena, directed by Eric Lamhene from Luxembourg wins Best Picture at the sixth edition of the Malta Short Film Fest

Winners of the 34th Atlantic Film Festival announced!

The 2015 Television & Film Awards competition
The New York Festivals Awards 2015 ceremony will celebrate the World’s Best TV & Films™, as well as present the Lifetime Achievement Award, Broadcaster of the Year, Production Company of the Year, and United Nations Department of Public Information Awards. For more information on the 2015 Television & Film Awards visit:
The deadline to enter the 2015 Television & Film Awards competition is October 15, 2014. Entry details and competition rules and regulations can be found on the NYF Television & Film Awards website To view the complete list of categories click: HERE
All Entries in the 2015 competition will be judged online and screened by New York Festivals Television & Film Awards Grand Jury of 200 plus producers, directors, writers, and other creative media professionals from around the globe. Award-winning entries will be showcased on the NYF Television & Film Awards website.SUBMIT
New York Festivals's blog I Website
The Nashville Film Festival 46th Annual April 16 - 25, 2015
The Nashville Film Festival is proud to bring the world to Nashville through a celebration of the diversity of the human spirit expressed through the art of film. In year-round programs, NaFF helps build a more informed, collaborative and alive community.
The call for entries for the 2015 Nashville Film Festival is now open. Make sure to enter your film today. We offer cash and prizes valued at over $54,000 and qualify Live Action, Animated and Documentary Short Films for Academy Award™ consideration. SUBMIT VIA WAB or use the Call for Entry 2015 .
Nashville Film Festival's blog I Website:
The Sonoma International Film Festival (SIFF) March 25 - 29, 2015
Final deadline is January 30th 2015. Please submit via "Withoutabox"
The Sonoma International Film Festival (SIFF) is presented by the Sonoma Film Society, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, as a welcoming, entertaining and inspiring cinematic experience that supports and promotes independent films, celebrates the cultural diversity in the Sonoma Valley through film, and funds visual arts in education.
"2014" - 220 Filmmakers - 14 countries - 114 films
Named one of America's "Top Ten Destination Film Festivals," Sonoma prides itself on giving every filmmaker the royal treatment. Celebrated as one of the friendliest and most uplifting festivals on the circuit. SUBMIT
Sonoma International Film Festival's blog I Website
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival April 23 - May 3, 2015
EARLY-BIRD DEADLINE – November 19, 2014
Hot Docs (, North America’s largest documentary festival, conference and market, will present its 22nd annual edition from April 23 – May 3, 2015. An outstanding selection of approximately 200 documentaries from Canada and around the world will be presented to Toronto audiences and international delegates. Hot Docs will also mount a full roster of conference sessions and market events and services for documentary practitioners, including the renowned Hot Docs Forum, Hot Docs Deal Maker and The Doc Shop. In partnership with Blue Ice Group, Hot Docs operates the Bloor Hot Docs Cinema, a century-old landmark located in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood.
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival's blog I Website
Tackling Torture Video Contest Winners Announced April 10, 2015
Deadline for entries: March 1, 2015
Unfortunately, a majority of the under-informed and misinformed public now thinks that torture is necessary and useful.
Tackling Torture at the Top, through this contest, hopes to produce entertaining and informative videos that contradict this harmful and inhumane view, educate the public, raise questions about the direction of our foreign policy and our use of the military, and by so doing, give the public the awareness and courage to rein in our country’s out of control security apparatus. SUBMIT
Tackling Torture Video Contest's blog I Website
The Boulder International Film Festival. Mach 5- 8, 2015
Late Deadline: October 6
A filmmaker’s festival.
Our big idea? Combine low entry fees with generous filmmaker hospitality, and open the festival to gifted film artists worldwide. This has made BIFF one of the most influential festivals in the US, with an extraordinary number of new films that have gone from BIFF to significant box-office success and multiple Oscar nominations. Chris Gore, the author of The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, says "The staff's dedication to championing true Indies, the amazing hospitality along with a classic theater make this a festival that should be on the top of every filmmaker's list”. Submit today, you’ll love it here. SUBMIT
BIFF's blog I Website
Silver Springs International Film Festival April 8 - 12, 2015
Regular Deadline: October 1, 2014
SSIFF provides filmmakers and their audiences a unique, sophisticated and welcoming experience, featuring four full days of screenings, events and professional networking and development opportunities.
Categories include: Feature (more than 60 minutes), Short (not more than 20 minutes), Documentary Feature (more than 40 minutes), Documentary Short (not more than 30 minutes), Student Short (not more than 20 minutes) and Animation (long and short format).
Silver Springs International Film Festival's blog I Website
New York Int'l Children's Film Festival February 27 - March 22, 2015
Final Deadline for Shorts Oct 6, 2014 - Final Deadline for Feature Films Nov 10, 2014
New York Int'l Children's Film Festival is North America's film festival for children and teens. Each year the Festival presents 100 animated, live action and experimental shorts and features from around the world plus retrospectives, filmmaker Q&As, workshops, audience voting, and an annual Awards Ceremony.
We are looking for creative, original, non-formulaic short and feature films that support our mission to create a more dynamic film culture for children and teens. We often program films that were not created with a young audience in mind, but are received passionately and enthusiastically by attendees ages 3-18 nonetheless. We are not shy about showing films with mature themes, subject matter, language or sensibilities.
Members of the Festival jury include Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Bill Plympton, Christine Vachon, James Schamus, Henry Selick and Gus van Sant, among others. The Festival is an Academy®-qualifying festival. SUBMIT
NYICFF's blog I Website
The Myrtle Beach International Film Festival April 22 -25, 2015
This will mark the 10th year anniversary of the festival ranked one of the top 25 film festivals in the World by Movie Maker Magazine.
We are open to all genres. MBIFF also has a budget category, so a film with a 10 thousand dollar budget does not compete against a project with a 10 million dollar budget (with the exception of the overall winner).
We have been quoted as the best or one of the best festivals ever attended by films makers around the globe.
We are passionate about film and it shows! Submit by January 10th 2015
Myrtle Beach International Film Festival's blog I Website
The Garden State Film Festival
2015 Call for Entries is OPEN NOW!!!
The Garden State Film Festival was founded to promote the art of filmmaking on all levels by showcasing a wide variety of film, video and animated works as well as provide educational programs in the creative arts to the public by industry leaders. The artistic philosophy of the Garden State Film Festival is rooted in the celebration of the independent film genre and the creation of a forum where local and other independent filmmakers can exhibit their work. Film, Screenplay and Movie Music competitions all open now!!
Film EntriesScreenplay Competition
Movie Music Competition
The Garden State Film Festival's blog I Website
Leeds International Film Festival Deadline for submissions September 19
The 28th Leeds International Film Festival offers fantastic opportunities to short film makers who submit their films to the festival. Entries that are selected at LIFF28 qualify for both the Academy Awards® and BAFTAs. The Final Deadline for short film submissions is September 19th
Leeds International Film Festival's blog I Website
Flickerfest International Short Film Festival 9- 18 January 2015: Late Deadline September 19
Flickerfest is an Academy® Accredited and BAFTA-recognised festival for the 2014/15 awards.
FLiCKERFEST, Australia’s premier international short film festival, will be held at the Bondi Pavilion on Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach in January 2015. The Festival in 2015 will celebrate 24 years of screening the best short films from Australia and around the world in competitions and special showcases. Following the Festival in Sydney, a selection of films will go on tour to capital cities and regional centres around Australia. SUBMIT
Flickerfest International Short Film Festival's blog I Website
Victoria Film Festival 2015 Call for Entries

Late postmark deadline: September 11th, 2014
Extended Deadline: September 17th, 2014
Victoria Film Festival's blog I Website
L Europe autour de l' Europe Festival calling for entry for 2015

Evropa Film Akt's blog I Website
43 edition of FNC lines up strong Quebec / Canadian films

Highlights from FNC 14

High Falls Film Festival Announces 12th Season -- Films Include Three World and Two U.S. Premieres

WILLiFEST Celebrates Its Fifth Anniversary

Strategic Partners 2014 wraps celebrating creative collaborations and the establishment of trailblazing partnerships
“Cine Italiano! 2014 – Cinema Italian Style in Hong Kong” is back for its third edition!

Antenna Documentary Film Festival Announces Full Program
Tasmanian Breath of Fresh Air (BOFA) Film Festival bring the best films of 2014 to Tasmania
Boston Jewish Film Festival Announces Its 26th Annual Festival November 5-17
/#/ ClipAward Mannheim /#/

28th Wine Country Film Festival Opens this week: Movies in the Vineyards...
Time to Smile with Aladina and Jaeger-LeCoultre

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Bruno Chatelin Advisory Board Member on the Festival Circuit

The Denver Film Society (DFS) is proud to announce special guests to CINELATINO

Charles Herzfeld Technicolor Wreaks Havoc @ TIFF - OMG!

CINEFEST MISKOLC Report #3 Filmclips and mini reviews

More Revelations at Miskolc From Slovenia and Estonia with Love

EFP presents ten European films and talent to Russian audiences at WESTWIND in Moscow

The Good Lie (U.S.) from director Philippe Falardeau to OPEN FNC 14

Iceland's got Talent: RIFF Industry Days to showcase them

Strategizing your festival roll out, a Keynote at IFP with Peter Belsito and Sidney Levine
Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster
PRISONNIERS DE LA LIBERTE Un film " HISTORIQUE ", de la realisatrice Lara Quaglia

le Festival du Film Lesbien, Gay, Bi, Trans & ++++ de Paris fête son 20e anniversaire
Le Jury Longs Métrages du Festival de Biarritz
Tanger tanger, ville invitée, une manifestation à la Gaîté lyrique du 25 au 28 septembre 2014
La nouvelle édition d'Objectif Cinéma propose aux enchères à Drouot 300 lots couvrant l'histoire du septième Art
Prix du Jury des Collégiens organisé par le Département de la Charente-Maritime au Festival de la Fiction TV de La Rochelle
36e Cinemed - Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Montpellier - 25 octobre au 1er novembre/ AVANT - PROGRAMME.
6 projets de longs métrages francophones pour le Forum de Namur dont deux projets français :
Le Festival International du Film de La Roche-sur-Yon, 5ème édition, rendra hommage à Christophe Honoré
The exhaustive coverage of Cannes competitions as PDF
Your Cannes Market Dailies as PDF
Check videos of our Cannes ambiance coverage on our YouTube Channel