MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA In late November 2014, the long-awaited summary of the US Senate report on its investigation of the of the use of torture by the CIA was released. This heavily censored summary confirmed the widespread and repeated use of torture, and its authorization by both elected and appointed government officials. This information shocked the nation. Yet, despite the evidence, no one has been investigated or prosecuted for these illegal actions. Ironically, the only person who has been prosecuted with any connection to our torture activities was a whistleblower imprisoned for exposing them (former CIA analyst John Kiriakou.
A video contest addressing the pressing issue of accountability is currently underway. The Second Annual Tackling Torture Video Contest is a project of Minnesota's Women Against Military Madness's (WAMM) committee on torture accountability. It is now accepting 30 second to 5 minute videos from amateurs and professionals worldwide with a submission deadline now extended to June 1, 2015. Four cash prizes will be awarded. For complete information go to http://tacklingtorturevideocontest.webs.com/.
The jury consists of international experts on film and on the torture issue, including Prof. Peter Kuznick, American University, co-writer of the 10 part TV series “The Untold History of the United States” (2012), Sebastian Doggart, director of the critically acclaimed documentary “American Faust:From Condi to Neo-Condi” (2009), longtime peace activist, Andy Worthington, and Joseph Jolton, Minneapolis filmmaker and instructor video arts at Minneapolis College of Art and Design and the Blake School. Winners will be fêted at Twin Cities events on June 26th, the UN-designated Torture Awareness Day and at other Twin Cities events TBA .
A new, even more worrisome recent development is that the new Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr is attempting to claw back all copies of the full, nearly 7000 page classified report that had been made available to Administration agencies such as the Department of Justice, FBI and State Department. If Burr gets his way, it would serve to shield the findings from ever being made available under the Freedom of Information Act and would also keep officials from learning lessons from this sad chapter in America’s history. Former Vice President Dick Cheney remains unrepentant, publicly stating he would do it all over again, meaning he would order that prisoners be tortured. This may very well happen given that any future Administration is free to overturn President Obama’s 2009 executive order. Our nation is built, by design and intention, entirely on laws written and enacted by citizen-politicians who were elected by fellow citizens. Its strength lies in upholding these laws, the greater the crime, the more important its prosecution.
The “Tackling Torture Video Contest,” was created to draw attention to the need for proper execution of our laws regarding torture regardless of fear, political preference, or rhetoric. Contest judge Joseph Jolton explains, “Artists have a unique opportunity to present perspectives on our culture and society that may not be evident in the media and our consciousness, or need other ways of being explored. Film offers immediacy, presence and emotion when it presents these perspectives and can have a far more effective impact than written descriptions or static images."
Thomas Dickinson, Co-Manager, Tackling Torture Video Contest Contact: 612-822-9520, tacklingtorturevideo@fastmail.fm Address: W.A.M.M. 4200 Cedar Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 5 5407