The Adelaide Film Festival was founded in 2003
Late deadline: Jun 02, 2015
Notification date: Aug 15, 2015
Fees range from 35.00 to 75.00 AUD (26.60 to 57.00 USD) .
See submission categories for details about fees.
Total prize money: 35,000.00 USD General rules Submissions for the 2015 festival program will open on Monday 2 February 2015 and close on Monday 2 June 2015.
AFF accepts feature films and shorts (drama, documentary, hybrid, experimental and animation) made in Australia and internationally. These can be any length or genre.
Submissions must be received at the AFF office by the official closing date, Monday 2 June at 5:00pm
Submissions close on Monday 2 June 2015.
Regular entry fees: Shorts AUD$35
Features AUD$75
We do not accept late submissions.
Notification date: Friday 15 August 2015
Submission regulations
All entries must be submitted via FilmFestivalLife.
Entry fees are not refunded if the film is not selected or is ineligible to screen at the festival.
Films under 40 minutes are considered to be short films.
Exhibition format
If your film is selected to be screened at AFF 2015 then it must be delivered in DCP format.
Any other digital formats will be subject to further discussion.
We cannot theatrically screen from DVD or Blu-Ray.
Films must have been completed after July 2013.
We do not accept:
- works that are exclusively educational, scientific or for training or promotion
- music videos
- films that have been exhibited in South Australia, in any form, prior to 25 October
2015. Private cast and crew and graduation screenings are accepted but AFF must be notified about these screenings.
- films that have been broadcast on Australian television (cable or free-to-air) prior to 25 October 2015 or have been made available for sale or rent prior to 25 October 2015.
- films that have been broadcast on the internet or available for download in any capacity prior to 25 October 2015. However, films available online via secure password protected sites are eligible.
AFF reserves the right to program films that fall outside of the eligibility criteria under special circumstances.
Works-in-progress/rough cuts
AFF may agree to preview films that are not yet finished during the submission period, but will be finished in time for the festival. The film must be at picture lock stage. Work-in-progress films should only be submitted if AFF has agreed to accept them.
You must first send details of the status of the film to to then have your film approved for submission as a work-in-progress/rough cut.
Festival programmers select and invite all films presented at AFF. All entrants will be notified of the Festival’s programming decisions by email by mid-August 2015. Please notify AFF if you change the email you provide when submitting your film.
AFF’s selection decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into. We do not provide critical analysis or feedback.
If after submitting to AFF your film becomes ineligible (screened at another festival, broadcast on television, available online etc) it will be automatically removed from consideration for AFF and submission fees will not be refunded.
AFF will only insure DCPs/tapes of films invited to the festival, for the duration of their stay in Australia and during transit to and from the entrant or to and from a following engagement.