Project Greenlight Reincarnated! Our winners make a MOVIE.
"In Hollywood a script has a One in a Million chance at being produced. That sucks!
At your script has a REAL chance at being made into a MOVIE! That does NOT suck!"
Dear Screenwriters and Filmmakers,
Let's face it. We all just want to make movies. Ever since we could remember. We were kids with movie cameras making goofy projects with our friends. And we were happy. Fulfilled. Well, now that we're "all grown up", that desire is still there, but how are we ever going to get the funding?! It almost takes a miracle.
My Partner and I have decided to keep that dream alive. For everyone who's had a script or short film place high in a contest, but was left with nothing but a trophy or some nominal prize money, we have your solution. WE MAKE MOVIES. That's what we all want, right?
Here's the skinny:
• Our team has worked on over 70 films collectively ranging from $250k - $80 million.
• We produce the winning feature script - you get a real movie made (up to $500K).
• Our other prizes include: Screenplay, Storyboarding, Budgeting and Scheduling Software; Educational Materials and Books; One-on-one screenplay consulting; Production Equipment.
• We also have an exclusive Development Database for feature scripts - one script upload is FREE.
Here are the important dates:
- Early Bird Submission fee $100 until Nov. 1, 2013
- Regular Submission fee $125 from Nov. 2 - Dec. 31, 2013
- Late Submission fee $150 from Jan. 1, 2014 - final deadline of Feb. 28, 2014
Whether or not you enter our YouWin contest, I invite you to upload one of your scripts or short films into our database for free. Our Development Executive roster is by invite only, and only active Producers are allowed to search our site. My partner and I have a combined 40 years of film production experience - we know how to get movies made. We are excited about our new paradigm for indie film incubation, and look forward to reading your scripts and watching your films.
Please visit our website at and register for FREE to learn more.
Best of luck to you and your career!
Matthew W. Davis, M.F.A. and Talieh Safadi
"Where Scripts Get a SHOT."