This weekly newsletter reaches 199 000 subscribers.
Read this online I Promote Film to Festivals I Promote Festivals to Filmmakers I Email us I Advertize in our Newsletters and eBlasts I was established in 1995, over the years we became the premier link between film and festivals with 6.000 festivals listed, over 22 000 festival organizers contacts in our database, 75.000 articles and 830 000 unique visitors per year...
Save 25% with Partner Offer for The Zurich Summit Membership
2nd Annual Zurich Summit | September 26 - 27, 2015 | Zurich, Switzerland We’re thrilled to announce our first Keynote Speaker for this year’s Zurich Summit! Thomas Ebeling, Chief Executive Officer of ProSiebenSat1 Media AG, will address the "Future of European’s Media Industry."
> Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 3- 11 july 2015
The Center for Documentary Film presented the outcomes of an original research study analysing academic theses

World Trailer Awards - London October 16
Early Bird Deadline July 30th, 2015
Announcing Call for Entry for the Inaugural World Trailer Awards in partnership with
Kicks off in London this fall.
Earlybird Deadline is July 30th
For more information and to submit your trailer, please visit to
Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Evelyn Waters
MANHATTAN SHORT 2015 September 25 to October 4, 2015
Final Call For Entries: Deadline July 31.
Filmmakers have until July 31st to get their films and screenplays into NYC if they hope to be part of the 18th Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival to take place in over 250 cinemas across 6 continents. MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world today, it’s the world’s first and only global film festival.
Manhattan Short on I Website I Submit on Filmfreeway I Submit on Manhattan Short I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Nick Mason
The World of Film Festival October 1-4 2015
The World of Film Festival, formerly known as Commonwealth Film & Theatre Festival Glasgow is coming back for its second edition October 1-4 2015. In four days full of film screenings, theatre performances, live events, panel discussions and networking receptions WoFF will bring new, more vibrant and youthful vibe to the city’s emerging film and theatre scene.
WoFF’s errand is to bring together audiences from Glasgow’s multi-stranded art scene, while at the same time engaging people with powerful background in film and theatre that will bring fresh ideas, filling the gaps in Glasgow’s film and theatre events’ agenda.
WoFF Glasgow's blog on I Website: I Submit
For festival consideration:
Pseudonym, for festival consideration
First feature by french actor director Thierry Sebban. Produced by la Petite Reine (The Artist) and Diabolo Films (The Suicide Shop).
Synopsis: Alex is a divorced father, a stressed executive. His daily routine is work, work, work. Tonight he's in a hurry, he's due to meet a beautiful young stranger... who contacted him via the internet. But this blind date will flip him into a downward spiral and disrupt forever the course of his life. Thriller, 75 min., Scope, Dolby 5.1 Directed by Thierry Sebban Starring: Simon Abkarian, Igor Skreblin, Perrine Tourneux... Email us for a screener
Rooted in Peace by Greg Reitman
ROOTED in PEACE, 97 minutes - 2015
Documentary by SUNDANCE alum GREG REITMAN (Sundance Audience Award Winner for fhis first documentary 'Fuel')
Starring: Deepak Chopra, Donovan, Mike Love, David Lynch, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, Pete Seeger, Ted Turner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu
"ROOTED in PEACE challenges viewers to examine their values as Americans and human beings. Today we are at war within ourselves, with our environment, and with the world. Director and award-winning filmmaker Greg Reitman invites viewers on a film journey to take notice of the world we live in, proactively seek ways to find personal and ecological peace, and stop the cycle of violence".
Selection of Films for your consideration
The Center for Documentary Film presented the outcomes of an original research study analysing academic theses

Program for the Piazza Grande

The new issue of the Newsletter “DGT online informer” is now available online
A Dry White Season on Mandela Day
Video Guided tour of Locarno 2015 by Carlo Chatrian The program of Locarno68

11th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival Awards

Locarno 2015 competition revealed

Follow our dailies on by Musivision Films WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 TIME: 10:00 - 18:00 JUST FOR LAUGHS WELCOME DESK – OPEN FOR REGISTRATION The Just For Laughs Welcome Desk is located at the Hyatt Regency Montreal (1255 Rue Jeanne-Mance), in front of the Creation Room, on Level 6. read more about this event... WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 TIME: 11:00 - 13:00 SIR...
Leopard Club Award to Andy Garcia

Relatos Salvajes, 8 Premios Platino de Cine Iberoamericano

ICMC Summer Film Festival Winners!

The New York-based online video solutions firm Muvi LLC has made its way in to FierceOnlineVideo’s ‘Fierce 15’ list for 2015. Having been nominated in the ‘Enterprise OTT Platforms’ category, Muvi Studio (the VoD platform solution by Muvi) has finished on top on its category and graces the inaugural Fierce 15 Online Video Companies list. Easily amongst the most visible video streaming platform builder on web today, Muvi Studio’s contribution to the industry...
Stars expected at Locarno68

Interview: Ryan Reynolds (Actor - Self/Less)

Michael Cimino at Locarno for the Pardo d'onore Swisscom

Lloyd Kaufman to conduct his Make Your Own Damn Movie Master Class At Vancouver, July 18,2015!

Comedians and film directors -Montreal's Just For Laughs 2015 Industry Conference - Mike Myers to Jason Reitman

Partner Film Festivals Calling. Fast-Approaching Deadlines
Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster was established 1995 as world reference in this niche, we are proud of our track record in helping festivals attract more legitimacy, visibility and film submissions from our large base of international film professionals (370 000 unique filmmaker visitors each month), 159 500 subscribers to the newsletter. ONE TIME OFFER We suggest this quick one month booster program for your call for entry including with 4 newsletter ads, your call for entry promoted one month lon...
The Bulletin Board
Advertise your festival in the next eBlast to our filmmakers.
Les Lauréats de FID Marseille
Major Buzz Factory : Expérience du marketing Digital pour les films
Fort d'une expérience acquise dans la distribution de films pour deux Majors (Sony et Fox mariée sous a direction avec UGC) Bruno Chatelin propose une expérience pointue au service de votre stratégie digitale à Travers sa structure de Conseil MAJOR BUZZ FACTORY Le fondateur Bruno Chatelin : un Professionnel de la communication entouré de spécialistes, son expérience est ancrée sur trois univers La publicité, Le mark.eting et le digital.
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