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Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus. The next eBlast is may 30 with more festivals to watch.
World Trailer Awards - London October 16
Early Bird Deadline July 30th, 2015
Announcing Call for Entry for the Inaugural World Trailer Awards in partnership with
Kicks off in London this fall.
Earlybird Deadline is July 30th
For more information and to submit your trailer, please visit to
Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Evelyn Waters
MANHATTAN SHORT 2015 September 25 to October 4, 2015
Final Call For Entries: Deadline July 31.
Filmmakers have until July 31st to get their films and screenplays into NYC if they hope to be part of the 18th Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival to take place in over 250 cinemas across 6 continents. MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world today, it’s the world’s first and only global film festival.Manhattan Short on I Website I Submit on Filmfreeway I Submit on Manhattan Short I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Nick Mason
The World of Film Festival October 1-4 2015
In partnership with
The World of Film Festival, formerly known as Commonwealth Film & Theatre Festival Glasgow is coming back for its second edition October 1-4 2015. In four days full of film screenings, theatre performances, live events, panel discussions and networking receptions WoFF will bring new, more vibrant and youthful vibe to the city’s emerging film and theatre scene.
WoFF’s errand is to bring together audiences from Glasgow’s multi-stranded art scene, while at the same time engaging people with powerful background in film and theatre that will bring fresh ideas, filling the gaps in Glasgow’s film and theatre events’ agenda.
WoFF Glasgow's blog on I Website: I Submit on Filmfreeway I Contact: Martin Petrov
Universal Film Festival September 24 -26
Regular Deadline July 31
The 9th Annual Universal Film Festival will be held in Kansas City this September. Go to Film Freeway and submit your film today! We are seeking all genres including documentaries of any length; feature films that are at least 60 minutes in length; and short films that are a minimum of 15 minutes in length. The mission of the Universal Film Festival is to create and provide a credible and accessible venue for aspiring and talented filmmakers. The Universal Film Festival offers a medium in which Independent Filmmakers may showcase their works nationally and internationally. All entries are $50.00 by PayPal or credit card. Waiver for Foreign and Student Films upon request.
Universal Film Festival's blog on I Website: Submit on Filmfreeway I Contact:
Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival November 6 - 22, 2015
Final Deadline August 15
Celebrating its 30th annual festival in 2015, the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF) presents American indies and studio films, international films, special tributes and seminars and introduces industry leaders to South Florida audiences. The fall festival runs October-November, and annually screens foreign and independent films in Fort Lauderdale, Weston, Pompano Beach, Sunrise, Hollywood, St Augustine, Amelia Island, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Daytona Beach and The Bahamas. Considered one of the most important regional film festivals in the U.S., the Festival's commitment to first-time filmmakers and innovative programming make it the perfect test market for filmmakers. In partnership with
FLIFF on I Website I Submit I WaB I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Gregory von Hausch
July Deadlines
Browse by dates, genre... in the search engine
Browse our site for other festival calling now.
Add a film listing to your profile, your free entry in the film directory on
Feed your blog profile, promote for free
We can offer Festival consulting and marketing services to fit your film ambitions.
- The 500€ Festival Fast Track
The Festival Fast Track service offers you a presence in the film showcase page with links and video streaming. The Film promotion Showcase is a combination of online services, (charged 500€ or about $690) that will bring recognition from our international audience who trust us as the only international media totally dedicated to the festival circuit. The Film promotion Showcase includes all those features:
- Film directory Database listing of your film. Ready for a quick initial evaluation.
- Your film and logo featured on the Showcase Section (linked from all pages) to highlight the film blog itself (example here) including a dedicated page.
- Newsletter messages: 2 runs to our newsletter audience of 197 000 (4 lines) sample
- Editorial on about your film, 1 article guaranteed.
- One week long banner campaign on our sites. 728X90 pixels
- And we include your film in our monthly blast to festival programmers and other festival staffers
- The 350€ Film Showcase Booster
The package includes the previous packages benefits less the banner campaign.
- The 150€ Filmmakers Showcase Eblast to festival Programers
The package and includes your ad in the eBlast with 4 lines promo : visual, title, link to trailer, synopsis 190$ 150€
We can also brainstorm with a range of packages include your film blog promotion with banners and newsletter ads
We can also discuss a Cannes presence as we are a regular partner of Cannes Market.
We can work with you on a consulting basis around a viral campaign
We help some filmmakers and assist them in the Festival Circuit designing the strategy, handling festival submissions, waiving submission feees, negotiating screening fees...
Just ask me
Rather than pushing to scores of festivals let the film be noticed AND asked for by Fest directors?
Look for publishing help here:
Check the 10 good reasons to open a blog on
Happy new year and good luck for your film...
The team
Kind regards
Bruno Chatelin