Wishing you all much success for your films on the festival circuit!
Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus. The next eBlast is March 31 with more festivals to follow.
Art Film Festival AVIFF Cannes
May 16 -19, 2016
We are developing a high quality festival that becomes independent again after trying the adventure of Rothschild villa, owned by the city of Cannes that has been available for AVIFF for free in 2015 due to a decision of the culture service of the municipality, that we thank in passing, but inappropriate for this kind of event. The place although classified and splendid is not suitable for our festival and is located too far away from La Croisette.
This edition 2016 will see the AVIFF in the center of the city and facing the sea, near the port of Cannes.
To make the festival AVIFF even more attractive we open a portion of its funding participatory platform with KissKissBankBank on this link: http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/…/aviff-cannes-art-film-fes…
We offer good visibility and the opportunity for those of you who have been following us for years to share our objectives to better promote films by artists with perseverance and passion.
See you in Cannes
Regular Deadline: April 30th
(Movie trailer, Book trailer, TV Show trailer, Concept trailer Screenplay trailer, or Music Video, etc.)
Generate Exposure and Gain Recognition
Build and Grow a Loyal Fan Base and/or
Pitch, market, and secure financial support
San Antonio Film Festival SAFILM July 26 – 31, 2016

Extended Deadline April 29, 2016
The largest festival in South Texas, the 22nd San Antonio Film Festival garners extensive local media attention and rave reviews. Industry and community leaders champion the festival for its diverse and exciting program. SAFILM has a strong reputation for uncovering cinematic treasures every year with an amazing lineup of narrative, animation, documentary and experimental shorts and even features.
Former SAFILM Alumni often remark how the SAFILM was the springboard to success, and even seasoned filmmakers love the warmth and opportunities SAFILM yields! Director Alonso Mayo said, "Lou Taylor Pucci, Seth Green and I had one of our best festival experiences in San Antonio. The Texas crowd was simply incredible. Thanks SAFILM!" The San Antonio Film Festival is still grassroots — but recognized as the place to find the newest talent. THE 2016 SAN ANTONIO FILM FESTIVAL RUNS FROM July 26-31, 2016.
Fan Boy Festival July 15 - August 26, 2016
Regular deadline July 1st
Submissions open at www.FanBoyFilmFestival.com
Over $15,000 in Cash Prizes to be awarded to filmmakers!
NO Submission fee to enter. SUBMISSION DEADLINE is July 1st. FESTIVAL DATES JULY 15th-AUGUST 26th.
The Fan Boy Film Festival is an interactive online film festival that connects filmmakers with fans and other filmmakers.
Fan Boy Film Festival accepts features, documentaries, shorts, student films, web series, trailers, music videos and original trailers in the following genres: science fiction, drama, comedy, fantasy, horror, action, animation, superhero, fan film, fandom related genres and many more.
The founders of the Fan Boy Film Festival are progressive thinkers who understand the filmmaker mindset. Their goal is to streamline the festival experience for both filmmakers and fans.
Visit www.FanBoyFilmFestival.com. Submit your film NOW and reach a wider audience and earn a chance to win the cash prizes.
Website I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Chris Kanik

Best of Fests Animation Day in Cannes Accolade May 18
Animation Winners (only fest winners) may submit by April 16
Celebrating recent winners at international festivals (from October 2015 onwards) and festival directors attending the Animation Day in Cannes
If your animation (short of feature) won in a major festival: enter the Accolade channel and celebrations in Cannes.
Winners and festival directors attending will pick the honor and the visibility in front of the whole animation profession gathered on the occasion of The AnimationDay in Cannes..
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Past Awards I Submit I Contact

The Disability Film Challenge April 1 - 3, 2016
Late Entry Deadline March 30th
Register today for the Disability Film Challenge, an annual weekend short film race April 1st-3rd. Entrants are given 48 hours to make a three-to-five-minute film based on assigned genre. Participants don't need to be disabled to enter the challenge, however each film must have either an actor, writer, director, producer, or crew member with a disability on their team. Sign up today and join in on this opportunity to bring awareness of the disability community through filmmaking and storytelling.
Winners of the challenge will be mentored by top industry professionals like writer producer Shawn Ryan (creator of The Shield, The Unit, Lie to Me, Last Resort, Mad Dogs). Emmy winning writer producer David Isaacs (Mad Men, Frasier, Cheers, Mash), Famed casting director Pam Dixon (City Slickers, The Green Lantern), Roy Ashton, Head of the TV Literary & Packaging Dept. at The Gersh Agency.Winning films will also screen at the TCL Chinese Theatre during the HollyShorts Film Festival and receive Dell Tablets and Dell Mobile Workstations.
The International Black Film Festival (IBFF) October 5 – 9, 2016
Regular Deadline – April 30, 2016
Through the art of film, we celebrate the richness, diversity and creativity of storytelling for the cultural enrichment, progression and education of communities worldwide.
Each year the International Black Film Festival (IBFF) invites filmmakers from all over the globe to submit their projects to be considered as an “official selection” during the festival. Judges select films to be screened to a energetic festival participants. Filmmakers take advantage of the opportunity to interact with the audience and share their personal journey about their film project via Q&A sessions and networking events.
Awards are given in the following categories: Best Documentary, Best Short, Best Feature, Best Animation, Best of the Festival, Audience Choice, Best International Film, Honorable Mention, Best Faith-Based Film, Best Student Film, Best Web Series, Best of Tennessee.
I Website I Past winners I Facebook I Twitter I Submit I Contact Ingrid Brown
Animaze Daze in Cannes Screenings Part of Animation Day in Cannes May 18
Regular Deadline is March 25, 2016
Submit your best short animated films for a screening May18th at Cannes Film Festival.
Enjoy industry visibility in front of the animation professionals attending Cannes during Animation Day in Cannes (second edition). take advantage of free promotion to buyers and media on our Animation Day in Cannes Newsletters, animation Day in Cannes website, filmfestivals.com pages dedicated to Animation Day in Cannes and our Youtube channel, which will be offered for buyers and Media.
Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon
Hollyshorts Film Festival
August 11 – 20, 2016
Regular Deadline: April 8, 2016
The 12th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference/Film Market, scheduled for August 11-20, 2016 at the world famous TCL Chinese 6 Theatres, is now accepting submissions. (www.withoutabox.com/login/4655) HSFF, 4 times named to MovieMaker Magazine “Top 25 Fests Worth the Entry Fee” lists, has featured over 400 projects showcasing stars and filmmakers including Sofia Loren, Bill Plympton, Anthony and Joe Russo, and Felicia Day.
In 2015, HSFF awarded over $150,000 in prizes, including $60,000 in post services courtesy of COMPANY 3 and METHOD STUDIOS for Best Short, Director, Music Video, Cinematography, VFX, and Commercial, and $15,000 Grand Prize cash courtesy of ZYPE. www.hollyshorts.com
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Winners I Facebook I Twitter ISUBMIT I Contact Daniel Sol
WoFF: World of Film International Festival
September 29 – October 2, 2016
Regular Deadline March 31, 2016
In 2016, WoFF returns for its third edition with great energy and ideas, generated from a wonderful 2015 festival.
Our focus remains on independent cinema from all around the globe, by showcasing the work of first feature filmmakers and female directors in our two main sections, First Features and The Female Perspective, respectively.
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Winners I Facebook I Twitter ISUBMIT I Contact Martin Petrov
Animaze 2016 Montreal International Animation Film Festival August 18 - 21, 2016
Submissions close April 15, 2016
In partnership with filmfestivals.com
Montreal International Animation Film Festival is a people's film festival an dindutry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology.
All genres and forms are welcome.
Software an award prize. Visibility in out travelling show in Berlin, Cannes Annecy, Glasgow and more.
Animaze - Montreal International Animation Film Festival's blog I Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon
October Deadlines
Browse by dates, genre... in the search engine
Browse our site for other festival calling now.
Add a film listing to your profile, your free entry in the film directory on filmfestivals.com
Feed your blog profile, promote for free
We can offer Festival consulting and marketing services to fit your film ambitions.
- The 500€ Festival Fast Track
The Festival Fast Track service offers you a presence in the film showcase page with links and video streaming. The Film promotion Showcase is a combination of online services, (charged 500€ or about $690) that will bring recognition from our international audience who trust us as the only international media totally dedicated to the festival circuit. The Film promotion Showcase includes all those features:
- Film directory Database listing of your film. Ready for a quick initial evaluation.
- Your film and logo featured on the Showcase Section (linked from all pages) to highlight the film blog itself (example here) including a dedicated page.
- Newsletter messages: 2 runs to our newsletter audience of 197 000 (4 lines) sample
- Editorial on filmfestivals.com about your film, 1 article guaranteed.
- One week long banner campaign on our sites. 728X90 pixels
- And we include your film in our monthly blast to festival programmers and other festival staffers
- The 350€ Film Showcase Booster
The package includes the previous packages benefits less the banner campaign.
- The 150€ Filmmakers Showcase Eblast to festival Programers
The package and includes your ad in the eBlast with 4 lines promo : visual, title, link to trailer, synopsis 190$ 150€
We can also brainstorm with a range of packages include your film blog promotion with banners and newsletter ads
We can also discuss a Cannes presence as we are a regular partner of Cannes Market.
We can work with you on a consulting basis around a viral campaign
We help some filmmakers and assist them in the Festival Circuit designing the strategy, handling festival submissions, waiving submission feees, negotiating screening fees...
Just ask me bruno@m21entertainment.com
Rather than pushing to scores of festivals let the film be noticed AND asked for by Fest directors?
Look for publishing help here: http://www.filmfestivals.com/en/blog/filmfestivals/register_a_film
Check the 10 good reasons to open a blog on filmfestivals.com.
Happy new year and good luck for your film...
The Filmfestivals.com team
Kind regards
Bruno Chatelin