Wishing you all much success on the festival circuit!
If you are bringing animation to Cannes, enter your projects in the Animation in Cannes Product Catalog
Best of Fests Animation Day in Cannes Accolade May 18
Animation Winners only may submit by April 16
Celebrating recent winners (from October 2015 onwards) and festival directors attending the Animation Day in Cannes
If your animation (short of feature) won in a major festival: enter the Accolade channel and celebrations in Cannes.
Winners and festival directors attending will pick the honor and the visibility in front of the whole animation profession gathered on the occasion of The AnimationDay in Cannes..
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Past Awards I Submit I Contact
Enter Animaze Daze in Cannes
Enter your shorts and features by April 15th
Animation Award Winners Mecal Pro 2016

Animation Day in Cannes - ADIC announces a partnership with AVIFF to monetize the short animated from ADIC

TromaDance launches the 1st TROMAnimation FILM FESTIVAL

Angry Birds Easter wishes
Check the fun video...
Overview of the 7th Annual International Film Finance Forum - Register now with early bird rate and filmfestivals.com discount
Our promo code FEST21 gets you 30% off until April 15 don't wait !
Marché du Film partners with Frontières to organize a series of Industry events geared towards the genre film community.

That Good Night begins production starring John Hurt

Black & Wine Eros with the Artist Evi Photopoulos a Film by Theo Papadoulakis to screen and celebrate in Cannes at AVIFF
Our client Film 'Never Let Go' received Best Independent Feature at The National Film Awards in the UK
![Digital Gym]()
CALL FOR ENTRIES - TRAILERS / Regular Deadline: April 30th
Submit your Trailer for a: Movie, Book, TV Show, Screenplay, Concept, or Music Video, etc. Use submission to:
- Generate Exposure and Gain Recognition +
- Build and Grow a Loyal Fan Base and/or
- Pitch, market, and secure financial support
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I SUBMIT I Rules and Guidelines page I Contact
Fan Boy Festival July 15 - August 26, 2016
Regular deadline July 1st
2016 Fan Boy Film Festival Awarding 16K+ in Prizes
Submissions are NOW open at www.FanBoyFilmFestival.com
Over $16,000 in Cash Prizes to be awarded to filmmakers!
NO Submission fee to enter. SUBMISSION DEADLINE is July 1st. FESTIVAL DATES JULY 15th-AUGUST 26th.
The Disability Film Challenge April 1 - 3, 2016
Late Entry Deadline March 30th
Register today for the Disability Film Challenge, an annual weekend short film race April 1st-3rd. Entrants are given 48 hours to make a three-to-five-minute film based on assigned genre. Participants don't need to be disabled to enter the challenge, however each film must have either an actor, writer, director, producer, or crew member with a disability on their team. Sign up today and join in on this opportunity to bring awareness of the disability community through filmmaking and storytelling.
Winners of the challenge will be mentored by top industry professionals like writer producer Shawn Ryan (creator of The Shield, The Unit, Lie to Me, Last Resort, Mad Dogs). Emmy winning writer producer David Isaacs (Mad Men, Frasier, Cheers, Mash), Famed casting director Pam Dixon (City Slickers, The Green Lantern), Roy Ashton, Head of the TV Literary & Packaging Dept. at The Gersh Agency.
Winning films will also screen at the TCL Chinese Theatre during the HollyShorts Film Festival and receive Dell Tablets and Dell Mobile Workstations.
The International Black Film Festival (IBFF) October 5 – 9, 2016
Late Deadline – April 30, 2016
Through the art of film, we celebrate the richness, diversity and creativity of storytelling for the cultural enrichment, progression and education of communities worldwide.
Each year the International Black Film Festival (IBFF) invites filmmakers from all over the globe to submit their projects to be considered as an “official selection” during the festival. Judges select films to be screened to a energetic festival participants. Filmmakers take advantage of the opportunity to interact with the audience and share their personal journey about their film project via Q&A sessions and networking events.
Awards are given in the following categories: Best Documentary, Best Short, Best Feature, Best Animation, Best of the Festival, Audience Choice, Best International Film, Honorable Mention, Best Faith-Based Film, Best Student Film, Best Web Series, Best of Tennessee.
I Website I Past winners I Facebook I Twitter I Submit I Contact Ingrid Brown
Animaze Daze in Cannes Screenings @ Animation Day in Cannes May 18
Regular Deadline is APRIL15
Submit your best short animated films for a screening May18th at Cannes Film Festival.
Enjoy industry visibility in front of the animation professionals attending Cannes during Animation Day in Cannes (second edition). take advantage of free promotion to buyers and media on our Animation Day in Cannes Newsletters, animation Day in Cannes website, filmfestivals.com pages dedicated to Animation Day in Cannes and our Youtube channel, which will be offered for buyers and Media.
Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon
Hollyshorts Film Festival
August 11 – 20, 2016
Regular Deadline: April 8, 2016
The 12th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference/Film Market, scheduled for August 11-20, 2016 at the world famous TCL Chinese 6 Theatres, is now accepting submissions. HSFF, 4 times named to MovieMaker Magazine “Top 25 Fests Worth the Entry Fee” lists, has featured over 400 projects showcasing stars and filmmakers including Sofia Loren, Bill Plympton, Anthony and Joe Russo, and Felicia Day.
In 2015, HSFF awarded over $150,000 in prizes, including $60,000 in post services for Best Short, Director, Music Video, Cinematography, VFX, and Commercial, and $15,000 Grand Prize cash . www.hollyshorts.com
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Winners I Facebook I Twitter I SUBMIT I Contact Daniel Sol
WoFF: World of Film International Festival
September 29 – October 2, 2016
Regular Deadline March 31, 2016
In 2016, WoFF returns for its third edition with great energy and ideas, generated from a wonderful 2015 festival.
Our focus remains on independent cinema from all around the globe, by showcasing the work of first feature filmmakers and female directors in our two main sections, First Features and The Female Perspective, respectively.
Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Winners I Facebook I Twitter ISUBMIT I Contact Martin Petrov
Animaze 2016 Montreal International Animation Film Festival August 18th - 21st, 2016.
Submit by April 30, 2016
Montreal International Animation Film Festival FESTIVAL DATES June 2-5 2016 Montreal Canada Le MIAFF! is a people's film festival and industry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology. All genres and forms are welcome. Awards & Prizes Software and other award prizes. Visibility in our travelling shows in Berlin, Cannes, Annecy, Glasgow and more. Check 2015 fantastic programming on the website.
Paranoid Girls
Paranoid Girls Comedy by Pedro del Santo was qualified for Oscar selection running for best film, best original song...
Ana, Paula and Veronica become fascinated by modeling and the life that it offers. Yet, they gradually begin to discover the dark side of fashion hidden behind the fame and glamour of the spotlights. The women experience downfall as they engage with an antagonistic photographer who drags models into a high stakes abyss of danger. The women learn to value friendship over the lures of fashion pitfalls and enjoy life's simplicities in the end.
Longer synopsis I Trailer I Casting I Website I Electronic Press Kit I Facebook I Paranoid Girls the song running for Best Original Song I Contact the director I Ask for a screener
Revolution by Rob Stewart (Sharkwater)
over 40 festival wins so far
Eco Documentary feature film by Rob Stewart April 2015, 82 minutes (Sharkwater)
Revolution is a film about changing the world. The true-life adventure of Rob Stewart, this follow-up to his acclaimed SHARKWATER (36 festival wins) documentary continues his remarkable journey; one that will take him through 15 countries over four years, and where he'll discover that it's not only sharks that are in grave danger -- it's humanity itself.
Get Happy by Manoj Annadurai
Feature Feel Good Movie - World premiered in Montreal World Film Festival Winner best romantic comedy in Manhattan Fest
Charlie Kane can’t catch a break. He grew into a man who expects the worse out of life and gets it. But that changes when, by chance, he meets a bright, sunny sprite of a woman named Holly who turns him from a dour drip into someone finally allowing himself to be happy.Then a bus flattens her before Charlie eyes. Charlie opts for suicide but can’t even successfully give up on life. Left with no other choice, he adopts Holly’s ethos of positivity and just decides to be happy... by ignoring all the bad things in life. But his cynical best friend isn’t buying Charlie’s new-found happiness and sets out to save Charlie by making him miserable again.
Website I Epk on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener
OWA's 2nd Annual Star Wars Day Celebration and SciFi at SXSW

LA Film Festival Announces Opening Film, Ryan Coogler and Ava DuVernay as Honorees

Trailer for The Toxic Avenger (book by Joe DiPietro and music by David Bryan) at the Southwark Playhouse 22nd April - 21st May

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Q&A with Nia Vardalos and Elena Kampouris

Film Review: Miracles From Heaven
Jennifer Garner Attends The Moms Miracles From Heaven Presentation
5th edition of Panama Film fest begins tomorrow
IFFLA 2016 kicks off tonight!

goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Films

TransAtlantic Festival highlights

SFFS awards $200,000 to Seven Narrative Feature Projects in Various Stages of Production

Sonoma International Film Festival Announces Winners of 2016 Film Jury Awards

HKIFF40 honors filmmakers with awards of five competition sections
New York Socially Relevant Film Festival March 2016 Awards

Partner Film Festivals Calling. Fast-Approaching Deadlines
Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster
Filmfestivals.com was established 1995 as world reference in this niche, we are proud of our track record in helping festivals attract more legitimacy, visibility and film submissions from our large base of international film professionals (370 000 unique filmmaker visitors each month), 159 500 subscribers to the newsletter. ONE TIME OFFER We suggest this quick one month booster program for your call for entry including with 4 newsletter ads, your call for entry promoted one month lon...
The Bulletin Board I Pro Services's blog | Advertise your festival in the next eBlast to our filmmakers.
Kering and the Festival de Cannes present the second edition of the 'Women in Motion' programme
Major Buzz Factory : Expérience de Bruno Chatelin du marketing Digital pour les films
Fort d'une expérience acquise dans la distribution de films pour deux Majors (Sony et Fox mariée sous a direction avec UGC) Bruno Chatelin propose une expérience pointue au service de votre stratégie digitale à Travers sa structure de Conseil MAJOR BUZZ FACTORY Le fondateur Bruno Chatelin : un Professionnel de la communication entouré de spécialistes, son expérience est ancrée sur trois univers La publicité, Le mark.eting et le digital.
Le temps à Cannes sera beau, chaud, ensoleillé et très glamour pour le 69ème festival
La Semaine de la Critique dévoile l’affiche de son édition 50+5

20ème anniversaire / Festival international du film Aventure et Découverte : le jury
Top 10 des entrées hebdo France du 23/03/2016 au 29/03/2016

Palmarès du festival Hallucinations Collectives 2016

18e Festival du cinéma brésilien de Paris : du 5 au 12 avril 2016