Celebrating world-class horror films and the filmmakers who terrify, disgust, and disturb us.
Submission: June 1st - August 31st, 2016 (Submission Fee - $25)
Official selections will be announced September 13th, 2016
Official competition dates: October 1st - 23rd, 2016
Winners Week: October 24th - 31st, 2016
Festival Home Page: http://filmfestivalflix.com/festival/halloween-horror-fest/#.V2MeeOYrKi5
Submission: http://filmfestivalflix.com/hhf-pages/film-submission/
Categories, Prizes & Benefits: http://filmfestivalflix.com/hhf-pages/prize-categories/ (under construction)
Submission Period: June 1st - August 31st
We encourage you to submit all your films, both current and past. Great films don't go out of style.
The information and elements you provide will be used to build your film page on the competition website and your individual film page on the Film Festival Flix Streaming On-Demand site following the festival, (should you be approved for sale on the FFF Platform).
Note: All information must be filled out in one sitting. You will not be able to save and return at a later date. To add, update, or change information after submission, e-mail Benjamin Oberman
Watch the 2015 Audience-Awarded “Best Films” with the purchase of a Winners Showcase Pass. Your pass gives you 24 hours a day, streaming access, for 30 days, to all 9 award-winning films.