Piazza Grande Events, 4 August
MOKA by Frédéric Mermoud
Premio Raimondo Rezzonico to David Linde
Special Events/Conversations with guests
4 August, 12.00, Spazio RSI (La Magnolia)
Conversation with Valeria Bruni Tedeschi and Yann Coridian
Hosted by Marco Zucchi and Daniele Rauseo
4 August, 13.30, Spazio Cinema (FORUM)
Conversation with Bill Pullman (Excellence Award Moët & Chandon)
Hosted by Eric Kohn
Press Screenings (Teatro Kursaal)
4 August, 08.30, Concorso internazionale
CORRESPONDÊNCIAS by Rita Azevedo Gomes
4 August, 14.30, Concorso internazionale
OSTATNIA RODZINA (The Last Family) by Jan P. Matuszyński
4 August, 16.45, Concorso Cineasti del presente
MAÑANA A ESTA HORA by Lina Rodríguez
4 August, 18.30, Concorso Cineasti del presente
PESCATORI DI CORPI by Michele Pennetta
4 August, 20.30, Piazza Grande
JASON BOURNE by Paul Greengrass
4 August, 23.00, Piazza Grande
INTERCHANGE by Dain Iskandar Said
Press Conferences (Press Center, Largo Zorzi)
Fondazione Ghisla, 11.00
Press meeting Federal Office of Culture, Fondazione Ghisla, Locarno. By invitation only
4 August, 11.30, Concorso internazionale
SLAVA (Glory) by Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov
4 August, 12.00, Concorso internazionale
CORRESPONDÊNCIAS by Rita Azevedo Gomes
4 August, 12.30, Piazza Grande
MOKA by Frédéric Mermoud
Parallel Events
Award ceremony for 7th Migros-Culture-Percentage CH-Documentary-Competition