Channel: Filmfestivals.com - FESTIVALS, Fest. circuit, Red carpet, Ambiance, Travel & acc., Call for entry
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Check these Festivals calling August 24 onwards



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Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus. Enjoy the waivers for our partner festivals!


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NYC Indie Film Festival May 2 – 7, 2017

Early deadline ends Aug 31

NYC Indie Film Festival honors the Best in Category which includes Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Documentary, Best Short Narrative, Best Super Short, Best Music Video, as well as Best Director and Best Screenplay.

Be part of the New York City Independent Film Festival! The 8th Annual NYC Indie Film Festival will take place May 2 - 7, 2017 and will present indie films from around the world, panels, live shows, parties, and more! NYCIndieFF celebrates the power of independent filmmaker and offers awards valued at over $12,000 USD. Submit your film today for your chance to win and join us in New York next spring! .

Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website I Facebook I Twitter I  SUBMIT I Contact Dennis Cieri

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New York Festivals  
The 2017 Television & Film Awards gala will take place at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 25th, 2017


Deadline October 15

The New York Festivals International TV & Film Awards honors the World’s Best TV and Films at its annual gala at NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 25th. Founded in 1957, NYF TV & Film Awards offers a powerhouse of categories including: 30 categories for documentaries and dozens of categories for news, drama and performers. New York Festivals welcomes network, studio, independent, and student productions of all lengths across all platforms. Late entries accepted until January 5th, 2017. For more information visit: http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/tvfilm/

NYF TV & Film Awards New Categories for 2017: Heroes, Ecotourism, and Best Use of Technology

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Rose Anderson



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Fantasporto 2017
February 24 - March 4, 2017


Fantasporto’2017 | Oporto International Film Festival announces our Call for Film Entries for the 37th annual festival, running February 24th till March 4th.

This Call is for Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi features and shorts in the Fantasy competition. The Director’s Week is for features only, in all genres except fantasy.

Deadlines for Entries for 2017 edition are October 30th (Early Call) and December 5th (Final Call).

Films can be submitted now using the film submission website www.fantasporto.com

Fantasporto enjoys incredible loyalty and support from the large film-appreciating community all over the World. In the last edition, Fantasporto was attended by over 20,000 enthusiastic genre film fans and over 200 members of the film press and industry.

Considered in 2015 as the first of the independent film festivals in the world by TRIPPER, Fantasporto is among the top film festivals  for the discovery of new talent, having revealed countless of now famous directors, producers and actors.

The World Heritage City by UNESCO of Porto, twice considered Europe’s Best Touristic Destination,  is another factor adding interest . Founded in 1981, the 37th edition has the support of the Portuguese State.

Check the  Regulations on the site www.fantasporto.com.

Fantasporto'sblog I Website  I Submit I  Facebook I Twitter I Contact Mario Dorminsky


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The Myrtle Beach International Film Festival April 19 – 22, 2017

The Myrtle Beach International Film Festival has been awarded several prestigious awards including one of the "Top 25 film festivals worth the entry fee" by Movie Maker Magazine. The MBIFF screens projects in a multi-million dollar theater, housing state of the art technology. 
Being billed as the East Coast's answer to Sundance, the MBIFF has a reputation for outstanding films including writings and blogs making the statement that the MBIFF has the best film line up in the World. We continue to be a venue for up and coming film makers as well as seasoned professionals. Many of the filmmakers will be in attendance with their films, and will be available for Q&A sessions.

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact 


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New York Film & Television Festival December 3 – 4, 2016

Late deadline july 30


Sponsored by InkTip and Final Draft, the professional screenwriting software.
Founded by JoDa Hodge, celebrity cinematographer and winner of the 2011 Rhode Island International Screenplay Competition and the 2011 American International Screenplay Competition.
Join our powerful slate of international film and television entries at the Summer 2016 New York Film & Television Festival

Now accepting submissions:

* Short Films

* Feature Films

* Short Screenplays

* Feature Screenplays

* Teleplays

* TV Pilots


Website I Submit I Faceboook I Twitter I Contact JoDa Hodge


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Mountain and Adventure Film Festival  February 16th - March 19th, 2017

Submit by November 30th

We encourage you to submit all your great films, both current and past. Great mountain and adventure films don't go out of style. Film Festival Flix is the intersection between filmmakers and film lovers, working to build the most complete Mountain & Adventure film library, so audiences can find and purchase every film they've heard about in the past 50+ years.

General Submission: June 1st - August 31, 2016 
Late Submission: September 1st, 2016+ (acceptance at the Festival's sole discretion)


Official Line Up Announced: December 1st, 2016

Email I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Submit

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HALLOWEEN HORROR FEST  October 1 - 31, 2016

Deadline August 31

Celebrating world-class horror films and the filmmakers who terrify, disgust, and disturb us. 

Submission: June 1st - August 31st, 2016 (Submission Fee - $25)
Official selections will be announced September 13th, 2016
Official competition dates: October 1st - 23rd, 2016

Winners Week: October 24th - 31st, 2016

Festival Home Page: http://filmfestivalflix.com/festival/halloween-horror-fest/#.V2MeeOYrKi5

Submission: http://filmfestivalflix.com/hhf-pages/film-submission/

Categories, Prizes & Benefits: http://filmfestivalflix.com/hhf-pages/prize-categories/ (under construction)

Submission Period: June 1st - August 31st

We encourage you to submit all your films, both current and past. Great films don't go out of style.

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DEADLINES APPROACHING FAST: Browse by dates, genre... in the search engine


THE DISCOVERY SECTION Browse our site for other festival calling now.

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We can offer Festival consulting and marketing services to fit your film ambitions.

-          The 500€ Festival Fast Track 


The Festival Fast Track service offers you a presence in the film showcase page with links and video streaming. The Film promotion Showcase is a combination of online services, (charged 500€ or about $690) that will bring recognition from our international audience who trust us as the only international media totally dedicated to the festival circuit. The Film promotion Showcase includes all those features: 

Film directory Database listing of your film. Ready for a quick initial evaluation.

- Your film and logo featured on the Showcase Section (linked from all pages) to highlight the film blog itself (example here) including a dedicated page.

Newsletter messages:  2 runs to our newsletter audience of 197 000 (4 lines) sample

Editorial on filmfestivals.com about your film, 1 article guaranteed.

One week long banner campaign on our sites. 728X90 pixels

- And we include your film in our monthly blast to festival programmers and other festival staffers 


-          The 350€ Film Showcase Booster


The package includes the previous packages benefits less the banner campaign.  

-           The 150€ Filmmakers Showcase Eblast to festival Programers 


The package and includes your ad in the eBlast with 4 lines promo : visual, title, link to trailer, synopsis 190$ 150€ 


We can also brainstorm with a range of packages include your film blog promotion with banners and newsletter ads  

We can also discuss a Cannes presence as we are a regular partner of Cannes Market.

We can work with you on a consulting basis around a viral campaign

We help some filmmakers and assist them in the Festival Circuit designing the strategy, handling festival submissions, waiving submission feees, negotiating screening fees...

Just ask me bruno@m21entertainment.com


Rather than pushing to scores of festivals let the film be noticed AND asked for by Fest directors?

Look for publishing help here: http://www.filmfestivals.com/en/blog/filmfestivals/register_a_film

Check the 10 good reasons to open a blog on filmfestivals.com.

Happy new year and good luck for your film...  

The Filmfestivals.com  team


Kind regards
Bruno Chatelin


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