Funding for the indie creator.
indieFilmFunding focuses on bringing the Storyteller (CREATOR) together with the film enthusiast (DONOR), through our unique Crowd-funding platform. The indieFilmFunding platform helps the Storyteller set up and promote their film package to maximize the opportunity to receive funding, so that the storyteller can cover the costs of making their film.
As a film enthusiast indieFilmFunding also helps you find film projects you love and want to donate to. Through iFF, you can donate and become part of the filmmaking process.
indieFilmFunding is a platform and resource where you can network, fund and launch your film project, as long as it meets our criteria.
We are the home for indie films, for the film enthusiasts, and the filmmaker. We bring together the people that love films, with people that make films, using our unique crowd-funding platform.
Register online and start promoting your own project
How does Work? I Why indieFilmFunding?