For the third year, La Semaine de la Critique renews Next Step to support its talented filmmakers transiting from short to feature films. The workshop, organised in collaboration with the TorinoFilmLab, is exclusively dedicated to the 10 directors whose short films have been selected at La Semaine de la Critique. These directors were first of all invited to Cannes in May to present their short films, then to Paris in December, to take part in the Next Step programme, during which they are supported in the development of their feature films.
Amongst the 19 filmmakers supported during the last two editions of Next Step, eight have effectively transited to the feature film format and are currently either in pre-production or shooting their first feature film. Five of them have also found a French producer thanks to the workshop. This is the outcome we are hoping for the 3rd class of Next Step, formed by Cristèle Alves Meira (France/Portugal), Wregas Bhanuteja (Indonesia), Antoine de Bary (France), Marina Diaby (France), Fellipe Fernandes (Brazil), François Jaros (Canada), Erwan Le Duc (France), Konstantina Kotzamani (Greece), Pedro Peralta (Portugal) and Rina B. Tsou (The Philippines/Taiwan).