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Guests at the new Balkan FIlm Festival 2017, 16-19 feb Stockholm


Actor, director and producer Nikola Kojo was born in 1967 in Belgrade.
As an actor is present in the film, television, and theater since 1979 year.
Production begins to deal with in 1992, the theater play '' My Dear '.
Then come:
Beautiful Village, Pretty Flame
The Wounds
TV series “ Gledaj majku – biraj ćerku”
The Parade - co-producer
TV Series    “Class”
Show all time (creative producer)
TV series: “Ko je kod Koje” (creative producer)
He wrote, directed and produced several films dedicated over 80 commercial spots.


BaNeFF 2017 guest from Russia, actress, Valeria Shkirando,



2007-2011 St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatre Arts, drama faculty, Actor and Director of musical theatre,

2006-2007 Russian State Academy of Theatre Arts , drama faculty , Actor of drama theatre and cinema.


Battalion , Vera

director Dmitriy Meshiev, Art-pictures vision studio and Corner Work Studio, 2015

Sparta, Anna Lipatova

director Egor Baranov, Sreda production, 2016

The Diggers, Julia

director Tihon Cornev, Gorad Studio and CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP Film Company, 2016

The Guardians , Elena Latina

director Sarik Andreassiyan , Enjoy movies and Argunov Studio, 2016


St. Petersburg state Rock-Opera Theater

St. Petersburg state Music and Drama Theatre Buff

«Aux Rages De L’Ame» Theater Company, Laboratory “On-theatre”


Actor and producer Lazar Ristovski was born in Yugoslavia 1952. After finishing Teachers High School, he graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the University of Belgrade as an actor. He has appeared on stage about 4000 times. He has also starred in over 70 films, TV series and TV dramas, mostly in lead roles. Lazar Ristovski is the sole owner of Zillion Film Company - www.zillionfilm.com 


BaNeFF 2017 stolt presenterar Viki Réka, producenten från Ungern, från omtalade filmen Ernelláék Farkaséknál/It’s Not The Time Of My Life, director Szabolcs Hajdu

In the past few years Viki Réka Kiss has been active in a variety of international film productions in different roles. She “grew up” in the Academy Award winning Hungarian production company, Laokoon Filmgroup, where she worked exclusively for over 3 years. Later she started working as an independent producer and she currently works on several fiction films and international documentaries in Hungary.

BUY TICKETS at www.zita.se

BaNeFF 2017 jury:
Andra Lasmanis - fotograf, filmkonsulent
Mikael Ruttkay Hylin - regissör, manusförfattare, filmproducent
Åsa Kalmér - regissör, manusförfattare, filmproducent
Jörgen Hjerdt - författare, manusförfattare, producent
Olgica Lindquist - journalist, radioproducent, filmvetare

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