May 26, 2017 to May 27, 2017
LATE DEADLINE March 7, 2017 |
SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL, presented by Famous Monsters, is looking for the next generation of great genre storytellers so their creations can be shared with the world!
The purpose of the annual SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL is to cherry-pick burgeoning creative talent and provide an industry spotlight for the best in genre storytelling — horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and combinations of the three. The only criteria for SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL content other than genre is to captivate the audience and inspire the imagination.
Designed to discover new talent, unite the entertainment community, and encourage genre conversation, the annual SILVER SCREAM FILM AND COMIC FESTIVAL is a three-day event comprised of film screenings, award ceremonies, prizes, social gatherings, and celebratory parties. The FESTIVAL will be hosted by FAMOUS MONSTERS CONVENTION at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel & Convention Center, located in Dallas, Texas.
Visit www.silverscreamfest.com for event details and schedules.
The internationally distributed Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine was the first-ever Sci-Fi, fantasy, and horror pop culture fanzine of its kind, created by Forrest J Ackerman in 1958. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, J.J. Abrams, Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro, Stephen King, and countless other influential artists in the entertainment field praise the magazine for inspiring them to dive into their craft. Established by Ackerman to celebrate monster movies and genre films and to unite fans from around the world, Famous Monsters strives to not only honor the classics while sharing new and upcoming projects, but to also provide insight on how people can create their own monster and Sci-Fi films at home. From makeup tips to special-effects tricks, FM has become a "how-to" for generations of aspiring storytellers.
Jorge Marrero; Jorge Marrero; Philip Kim (Senior Manager)Feature Films Silver Scream Film and Comic Festival is accepting Feature Films that exceed a running time of 60 minutes. The recommended genres are horror, Sci-Fi, and fantasy, but anything suitably surreal or head-scratching will be considered as long as it stretches the limits of the imagination. |
Short Film |
Silver Scream Fest is accepting Short Film submissions of at least 30 seconds but less than 60 minutes in running time. The recommended genres are horror, Sci-Fi, and fantasy, but anything suitably surreal or head-scratching will be considered as long as it stretches the limits of the imagination. |
Animation |
Silver Scream Film and Comic Festival is looking for Animation Submissions of less than 60 minutes. Animation can be computer generated, cel animation, stop-motion, or any mix thereof. An animated film is created 50% through an animation process. Films containing a majority of live action elements must be submitted to the Feature or Short Film categories. |
All Screenplays |
Silver Scream Film and Comic Festival is looking for non-produced genre screenplays of any length. Screenplays must be original works. No adaptations (unless they are of the screenwriter's own original content) are accepted. Screenplays must be properly formatted to industry standards and registered with the Writers Guild or other reputable registry (with registration information on the cover page), or they will be dismissed with no refund. |
Graphic Novel |
Silver Scream Film and Comic Festival is looking for the best non-published graphic novel with a minimum of 20 pages. Graphic novels must be original, completed works. No adaptations (unless they are of the writers/artists own original content) are accepted. All entries should strive for creativity and push the boundaries of storytelling in comics. |
Graphic Novel Script |
Silver Scream Film and Comic Festival is looking for the best non-published graphic novel script that is either a one-shot or single issue series. Scripts must be original works. No adaptations (unless they are of the writers' own original content) are accepted. All entries should strive for creativity and push the boundaries of storytelling in comics. |