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ToHorror Film Fest October 17 – 21, 2017 - Horror Calling


Logo tohorror


October 17 – 21, 2017


April 30, 2017 Earlybird Deadline I June 30, 2017 Regular Deadline I July 31, 2017 Late Deadline


Among the most important Italian Fantastic film festivals, TOHORROR FILM FEST starts from cinema and then explores all possible means of communication, with the purpose of analysing contemporary society through the deforming lenses provided by the fantastic and horror culture. Thus, through the young authors’ videos and the films made by more expert directors, the meetings, the theatrical performances, the concerts, the art and comics exhibitions, we are enabled to interpret reality, filtering it through a most wild imagination.

After Master Dario Argento, godfather of our first edition, other famous guests have honoured us with their presence in the last years: namely, Massimo Picozzi, Ruggero Deodato, Jean Rollin, Richard Stanley, Aldo Lado, Andreas Marchall, Richard Cherrington, Claudio Simonetti, Sergio Stivaletti, Antonio Caronia, John Duncan, Federico Zampaglione, Ivan Zuccon, Alda Teodorani, Claudio Chiaverotti, Alessandra C., John Carr, Lorenzo Bianchini, Forzani&Cattet and many others...

Awards & Prizes

- Miglior Cortometraggio / Best Short Film
- Miglior Lungometraggio / Best Feature Film
- Migliore sceneggiatura / Best Screenplay (Italian only)
- Premio del pubblico al miglior cortometraggio / Audience Award for the best short
- Premio del pubblico al miglior lungometraggio / Audience Award for the Best Feature
- Premio “Anna Mondelli” per la miglior opera prima o talento giovanile / “Anna Mondelli” Award for the Best First Film or Young Talent
- Premio “Antonio Margheriti” per la miglior inventiva artigianale / “Antonio Margheriti” Award for the most creative artisanal FX
- Bloody Award ai migliori effetti speciali / Bloody Award to the best FX
- Menzione Speciale del TOHorror / Special Mention of the TOHorror crew

Rules & Terms

The festival is structured in the following categories:

Shortfilms (less than 30 minutes)
Web series (episodes with a lenght inferior to 20 minutes each)
Feature films (more than 70 minutes. 50 minutes for documentary)
Screenplays (max 20 pages) - ONLY FOR ITALIAN AUTHORS (contact directly the festival)

1) Each author can participate in the Festival with several works and in each category just paying the registration fee once: it is possible to participate in the Festival with a maximum of 3 short films.

3) Each author is responsible for the contents of its own work.

4) If the dialogues of the film are not in Italian, the film must be completed by Italian or English subtitles. If you don't have Italian subtitles, it's necessary in case of selection to send us the English subtitles in SRT format and the dialogue list.

5) Movies received without the requested documentation or sent after the deadline could be excluded from the selection.

6) You will find the screenings program of the selected works on the official website www.tohorrorfilmfest.it before the beginning of the Festival itself. Judges will examine each work and award one for each category.

7) In case of selection, a H264 copy of the film must be sent to the festival 3 weeks before the beginning of the event. The copy must be free of any subtitles (or ONLY with Italian subtitles burned in). In case you don't have the Italian subtitles, you must send the English subtitles (even in case of English dialogues) in SRT format. We will create the Italian subtitles that we can send you after the festival if you want to.

8) Once selected, a film can't be overdrawn from the competition.

9) The jury or the audience will assign the following awards:

Best Short Film.
Best Feature Film.
Best Screenplay (only for Italians authors).
Audience Award for the best short.
Audience Award for the best feature.
“Anna Mondelli” award for the best first film.
“Antonio Margheriti” award for the artisanal creativity.
Bloody Award for the best FX.
Special Mention of the TOHorror crew.

10) TOHorror Film Fest will not take charge of awards shipping in case the winners are not present the day of the proclamation.

11) The festival will not pay any screening fee to the authors/distributors of the selected films.

12) The demand for participation in the TOHORROR FILM FEST 2017 - XVIIth EDITION constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of this regulation.


AVORIAZ 1800 January 22 – 28, 2018 - Horror Calling


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January 22 – 28, 2018

Michael Resin
Eric Feig


March 31, 2017 Earlybird Deadline I August 1, 2017 Regular Deadline I October 1, 2017 Late Deadline

Revival of the international Fantastic Festival in Avoriaz (France) in January 2018 
Screenings at Cinema "Portes du soleil" from 22 to 28 january 2018 
Fantastic,Horror,Gore,Fantasy,music,video games 
28 January is prizes day. 

Awards & Prizes

Best film 
Best music 
Best Music Video 
Best Indie Film 
Best Short Movie 
Best trailer 
More to come...

Rules & Terms

Entry Requirements and Conditions  
The Festival accepts only online submissions and in the following categories: Full Lenght Movies,Shorts Movies,Music Video,Trailers,Music score,Special Effects 
Submissions in languages other than French must be subtitled in French 
Submissions without dialogue are admitted. 

Short Films may not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 

Trailers will compete for Best Trailer independently of they are shorts or web series. They may not exceed three (3) minutes in length.  
Multiple entries are allowed. You can submit more than one film to the same category or different category, but each project entails an application fee.  
The film production could be from any year.  
Any films, also password protected ones, will have to remain accessible to judges up to the event date, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.  
Entry fees are non-refundable. Entries will not be processed without entry fee payment.  
By submitting your film, submitter attests to the veracity of their statement. Any wrong information will be their responsibility. 

Official Selection and Winners  
After the notification date, the official selection list will be shared on our Facebook page.  
After the event date, the winners list will be shared on our website and the films will be linked to the promotional page specified in the entry form.  
All the winners will be also shared on our Facebook page.  
The Festival could ask you some promotional image or integration of information.  
Link from password protected films will be not shared. Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018 will promote only the link of the trailer.  
Any film, selected or not selected, will be a decision of selection panel which is final and accepted by all.  
The jury members will declare winners of the competition, using irrevocable and unquestionable criteria.  
The digital file of the award will be sent by email to the one specified in the entry form. It will be awarded the author and not the submitter. 
The Festival has the right to make any necessary changes in regulations or scheduling.  
The Festival reserves the right to cancel or add some award categories without having to explain the reasons to the submitters.  
The Festival has the right to disqualify or remove any film any winning film for any reasons, without having to explain the reasons to the submitter.  
The Festival reserves the right to shut the festival, its web site or its social platforms without any notification.  
The director/producer/submitter with the submission of his/her application accepts the terms of the Festival and has no objection.  
The director/producer/submitter with the submission of the film affirms that he/she has all the copyrights of audio, video, images and music of the film and he/she remains responsible before the law.  
The non-observance of any part of the regulation will result in the exclusion of the competition, without being obliged to return the entry fee.  
The act of submission implies reading, understanding and acceptance of our Rules and Regulations and that you agree with our General Agreement for Participation. 

General Agreement for Participation  
I have read and accept the Rules and Regulations of Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018. I certify that I hold all rights for the presentation of this film in Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018 and that all rights and permissions have been made. I declare that this film is not subject to any litigation nor is threatened by any litigation. I also declare to not damage the rights of third parties, raising from all liabilities the Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018. By accepting these conditions, I authorize the Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018 to use some images of my film, the trailer, the information contained in the entry form, for the promotional and informational purposes on the social platforms and on the web site of the Festival, and for other non-commercial purposes related to the promotion of the festival.  
I hereby agree to indemnify Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018, in the event that such rights have not been properly transferred. 


Avoriaz Calling Horror and Fantastic films...


Image may contain: text

Revival of the international Fantastic Festival in Avoriaz (France) in January 2018 
Screenings at Cinema "Portes du soleil" from 22 to 28 january 2018 
Fantastic,Horror,Gore,Fantasy,music,video games 
28 January is prizes day. 

Awards & Prizes

Best film 
Best music 
Best Music Video 
Best Indie Film 
Best Short Movie 
Best trailer 
More to come...

Rules & Terms

Entry Requirements and Conditions  
The Festival accepts only online submissions and in the following categories: Full Lenght Movies,Shorts Movies,Music Video,Trailers,Music score,Special Effects 
Submissions in languages other than French must be subtitled in French 
Submissions without dialogue are admitted. 

Short Films may not exceed thirty (30) minutes in length. 

Trailers will compete for Best Trailer independently of they are shorts or web series. They may not exceed three (3) minutes in length.  
Multiple entries are allowed. You can submit more than one film to the same category or different category, but each project entails an application fee.  
The film production could be from any year.  
Any films, also password protected ones, will have to remain accessible to judges up to the event date, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.  
Entry fees are non-refundable. Entries will not be processed without entry fee payment.  
By submitting your film, submitter attests to the veracity of their statement. Any wrong information will be their responsibility. 

Official Selection and Winners  
After the notification date, the official selection list will be shared on our Facebook page.  
After the event date, the winners list will be shared on our website and the films will be linked to the promotional page specified in the entry form.  
All the winners will be also shared on our Facebook page.  
The Festival could ask you some promotional image or integration of information.  
Link from password protected films will be not shared. Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018 will promote only the link of the trailer.  
Any film, selected or not selected, will be a decision of selection panel which is final and accepted by all.  
The jury members will declare winners of the competition, using irrevocable and unquestionable criteria.  
The digital file of the award will be sent by email to the one specified in the entry form. It will be awarded the author and not the submitter. 
The Festival has the right to make any necessary changes in regulations or scheduling.  
The Festival reserves the right to cancel or add some award categories without having to explain the reasons to the submitters.  
The Festival has the right to disqualify or remove any film any winning film for any reasons, without having to explain the reasons to the submitter.  
The Festival reserves the right to shut the festival, its web site or its social platforms without any notification.  
The director/producer/submitter with the submission of his/her application accepts the terms of the Festival and has no objection.  
The director/producer/submitter with the submission of the film affirms that he/she has all the copyrights of audio, video, images and music of the film and he/she remains responsible before the law.  
The non-observance of any part of the regulation will result in the exclusion of the competition, without being obliged to return the entry fee.  
The act of submission implies reading, understanding and acceptance of our Rules and Regulations and that you agree with our General Agreement for Participation. 

General Agreement for Participation  
I have read and accept the Rules and Regulations of Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018. I certify that I hold all rights for the presentation of this film in Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018 and that all rights and permissions have been made. I declare that this film is not subject to any litigation nor is threatened by any litigation. I also declare to not damage the rights of third parties, raising from all liabilities the Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018. By accepting these conditions, I authorize the Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018 to use some images of my film, the trailer, the information contained in the entry form, for the promotional and informational purposes on the social platforms and on the web site of the Festival, and for other non-commercial purposes related to the promotion of the festival.  
I hereby agree to indemnify Avoriaz Fantastic Film Fest 2018, in the event that such rights have not been properly transferred. 





History Film Festival is a unique international festival which brings together and appraises the production of historical documentary films, a genre which lately attracts more and more followers. The first edition of History Film Festival will take place in Rijeka (Croatia, Europe) from September 6 to 9, 2017. History Film Festival aims at offering viewers and film experts an insight into contemporary film and TV production of historical documentary films, at the same time providing a place where film professionals can meet and share their creative ideas for future projects. Among thousands of film festivals around the world, History Film Festival is one of a kind because no other festival deals exclusively with historical documentary films.

One day of the festival will be dedicated to the presentations of TV companies and their documentary production. By introducing the themes and the production methods used, it will offer an opportunity for both TV companies and independent producers to present their projects and possibly establish valuable business relations. Moreover, films in competition will be divided in two main categories: independent production documentaries and documentaries produced by TV companies. All films are submitted online through Film Freeway:


The Official Deadline for submissions ends on April 18, 2017.

We would be grateful if you could submit one of the documentaries from your historical documentary production to our festival. We are also inviting you to attend the first edition of History Film Festival where you will be given a chance to present your projects, share ideas and establish new connections with filmmakers from all over the world.

For further information regarding History Film Festival please visit our web site at http://www.historyfilmfestival.com/ , follow us on social networks or contact us anytime. See you in Rijeka!

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Frontières - Marché du Film - Amsterdam Forum


Résultat d’images pour Frontières - Marché du Film - Amsterdam Forum

The first edition of the Frontières Finance & Packaging Forum successfully concluded after 3 days of meetings, strategy sessions and networking from February 16-18 in Amsterdam. This collaborative initiative between the Fantasia International Film Festival and the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes, and hosted in Amsterdam with the support of the Netherlands Film Fund, served as an invitational incubator for genre film projects in the late stages of financing. It officially marked the launch of the major partnership between the Marché du Film and Fantasia, as the first joint event in a 3-stop slate of networking and market opportunities for genre film projects at various stages in development & financing.

Doreen Boonekamp, CEO of the Netherlands Film Fund: We are pleased that the Frontieres Financing and Packaging Forum has been successful to all participants and experts and very happy that Amsterdam turned out to be a perfect location!

12 genre projects from across Europe and North America in the final stages of financing participated in the Amsterdam-based Forum. Project helmers included producers Julie Baines (DETOUR), Katie Holly (LOVE & FRIENDSHIP), Sophia Lin (COMPLIANCE, TAKE SHELTER), Magnus Paulsson (SHELLEY), and Casey Walker (THE VOID). 25 industry leaders from across Europe and North America specializing in finance, packaging & distribution were invited to meet with the projects via group strategy sessions, one to one meetings, and a proof of concept development lab. Represented organizations included experts from CBS Films, Creativity Capital, Epic Pictures, IFC Films, Magnolia Pictures, Motion Picture Capital, MPI Media Group, Soda Pictures, Vertigo Releasing, Universal Pictures International, and XYZ Films. The Forum also featured a case study of past Frontières project RAW (dir. Julia Ducournau), with producers Jean Des Forêts (Petit Film) and Jean Yves Roubin (Frakas Productions), who met at the 2014 edition of the Frontières market in Brussels, followed by a Dutch Avant-Premiere screening of the film RAW at the EYE Institute.

Jérôme Paillard, Executive Director, Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes: The Amsterdam Forum brought together a very high level of expertise within the group of 60 professionals present for 3 days. The projects all in advanced stage of development took advantage of the participation of these seasoned experts invited to focus on this qualitative selection of projects. We look forward to welcoming them all at the Marché du Film next May.

Next step for Frontières will be in May in Cannes at the Marché du Film where the 12 Forum projects will unveil their completed proofs of concept to the international market during a screening on Saturday May 20. The proof of concept presentation will be a featured activity in the Frontières Platform in Cannes, a dedicated section of networking activities and presentations geared towards the genre film industry.

Other Frontières Platform events in Cannes include Frontières Goes to Cannes, a screening of footage from 4 work-in-progress films on Sunday May 21, and participation in the Fantastic Fanatics Mixer.

Julie Bergeron, Head of Industry Programs at the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes: The Amsterdam Frontières Forum, our first joint initiative with Fantasia, proved to be a good moment for the projects in-between Frontières in Montreal in July and the Marché du Film next May in Cannes. The event gathered a selective group of seasoned experts to meet and discuss in-depth with the projects to prepare them better for their pitching in Cannes. We are very excited to present, for the first time in Cannes, a “proof of concept” screening of high quality genre films. Mark your agenda for the morning of Saturday May 20!

Lindsay Peters, director of Frontières & industry director at the Fantasia International Film Festival: After 8 editions of our co-production market, this collaboration with the Marché du Film will bring Frontières to a new level and provide expanded networking opportunities for the genre community. The Forum in Amsterdam is our first step in creating a new format for collaborative development and financing strategies for genre films, which will continue in Cannes at the Platform events, as well as at the Fantasia market in July.

The Frontières Finance & Packaging Forum is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, and was made possible thanks to the support of the Netherlands Film Fund, Wallimage, the Imagine Film Festival and the Eye Film Institute.

The Frontières Platform in Cannes will take place May 20-21 at the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes; submissions are open until March 1 for the work-in-progress presentation Frontières Goes to Cannes. The 9th edition of the Frontières International Co-Production Market will take place July 20-23 at the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal.

Submissions for projects in development and early financing are open until March 24. 

Frontières - Marché du Film - Amsterdam Forum wrapped


Résultat d’images pour Frontières - Marché du Film - Amsterdam Forum

The first edition of the Frontières Finance & Packaging Forum successfully concluded after 3 days of meetings, strategy sessions and networking from February 16-18 in Amsterdam. This collaborative initiative between the Fantasia International Film Festival and the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes, and hosted in Amsterdam with the support of the Netherlands Film Fund, served as an invitational incubator for genre film projects in the late stages of financing. It officially marked the launch of the major partnership between the Marché du Film and Fantasia, as the first joint event in a 3-stop slate of networking and market opportunities for genre film projects at various stages in development & financing.

Doreen Boonekamp, CEO of the Netherlands Film Fund: We are pleased that the Frontieres Financing and Packaging Forum has been successful to all participants and experts and very happy that Amsterdam turned out to be a perfect location!

12 genre projects from across Europe and North America in the final stages of financing participated in the Amsterdam-based Forum. Project helmers included producers Julie Baines (DETOUR), Katie Holly (LOVE & FRIENDSHIP), Sophia Lin (COMPLIANCE, TAKE SHELTER), Magnus Paulsson (SHELLEY), and Casey Walker (THE VOID). 25 industry leaders from across Europe and North America specializing in finance, packaging & distribution were invited to meet with the projects via group strategy sessions, one to one meetings, and a proof of concept development lab. Represented organizations included experts from CBS Films, Creativity Capital, Epic Pictures, IFC Films, Magnolia Pictures, Motion Picture Capital, MPI Media Group, Soda Pictures, Vertigo Releasing, Universal Pictures International, and XYZ Films. The Forum also featured a case study of past Frontières project RAW (dir. Julia Ducournau), with producers Jean Des Forêts (Petit Film) and Jean Yves Roubin (Frakas Productions), who met at the 2014 edition of the Frontières market in Brussels, followed by a Dutch Avant-Premiere screening of the film RAW at the EYE Institute.

Jérôme Paillard, Executive Director, Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes: The Amsterdam Forum brought together a very high level of expertise within the group of 60 professionals present for 3 days. The projects all in advanced stage of development took advantage of the participation of these seasoned experts invited to focus on this qualitative selection of projects. We look forward to welcoming them all at the Marché du Film next May.

Next step for Frontières will be in May in Cannes at the Marché du Film where the 12 Forum projects will unveil their completed proofs of concept to the international market during a screening on Saturday May 20. The proof of concept presentation will be a featured activity in the Frontières Platform in Cannes, a dedicated section of networking activities and presentations geared towards the genre film industry.

Other Frontières Platform events in Cannes include Frontières Goes to Cannes, a screening of footage from 4 work-in-progress films on Sunday May 21, and participation in the Fantastic Fanatics Mixer.

Julie Bergeron, Head of Industry Programs at the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes: The Amsterdam Frontières Forum, our first joint initiative with Fantasia, proved to be a good moment for the projects in-between Frontières in Montreal in July and the Marché du Film next May in Cannes. The event gathered a selective group of seasoned experts to meet and discuss in-depth with the projects to prepare them better for their pitching in Cannes. We are very excited to present, for the first time in Cannes, a “proof of concept” screening of high quality genre films. Mark your agenda for the morning of Saturday May 20!

Lindsay Peters, director of Frontières & industry director at the Fantasia International Film Festival: After 8 editions of our co-production market, this collaboration with the Marché du Film will bring Frontières to a new level and provide expanded networking opportunities for the genre community. The Forum in Amsterdam is our first step in creating a new format for collaborative development and financing strategies for genre films, which will continue in Cannes at the Platform events, as well as at the Fantasia market in July.

The Frontières Finance & Packaging Forum is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, and was made possible thanks to the support of the Netherlands Film Fund, Wallimage, the Imagine Film Festival and the Eye Film Institute.

The Frontières Platform in Cannes will take place May 20-21 at the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes; submissions are open until March 1 for the work-in-progress presentation Frontières Goes to Cannes. The 9th edition of the Frontières International Co-Production Market will take place July 20-23 at the Fantasia International Film Festival in Montreal.

Submissions for projects in development and early financing are open until March 24. 


Check these Festivals calling March 9 onwards





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Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus.  


Digital Gym

Golden Trailer Awards 2017


Submit your: Trailers, Teasers, Posters, Video Games, TV Spots, Radio Spots, Innovative Theatrical Advertising & More
***Discount for early submission. Early bird deadline is February 14th, 2017***. Regular Deadline: Friday March 31st, 2017

Seventeen New Categories this year/ BEST TRAILER FOR TV Show or Mini-series, Best Trailer or TV Spot FOR TV SERIES, STREAMING SERIES, LIMITED SERIES, WEB SERIES & MINI-SERIES....

For information on Industry Sponsorship, advertising in the GTA 18 program book and Web Banners on GoldenTrailer.com please email GBrahney@goldentrailer.com.

Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website: http://goldentrailer.com/ I Awards I Facebook Twitter I Submit I Contact


Digital Gym

New Media Film Festival
June 6-8, 2017

April 25, 2017 Final Deadline

The Best in New Media....Honoring Stories Worth Telling 

Judges from HBO, Marvel, Emmys, Grammys, Oscars and other Industry Leaders
Each entry is considered for Screening, Competition ($45k in awards) and Distribution Opportunities. 

“If the TED Conference is where technology, entertainment and design meet in a broad forum, then the New Media Film Festival is its cinematic counterpart.” – VG

"I thank the New Media film festival for what they've done for young filmmakers."– Legendary Director Roger Corman

"Top 25 Festivals Worth The Entry Fee" - Movie Maker Magazine

"Makes the cutting edge accessible" - Huffington Post


Email I + 1 310-288-1100 I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Past Winners I  SUBMIT


Digital Gym

The World of Film Festival
September 28 – October 1, 2017

March 26, 2017 Regular Deadline

The submissions for the 4th edition of the World of Film International Festival in Glasgow, Scotland are now open. The very earlybird submitters can send their short and feature films across the three main sections of the festival - First Features & Shorts Competition, Female Perspective & Focus on Balkan Cinema. 

Films can be exclusively submitted via Film Freeway by clicking on the link below. 

Digital Gym

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Calling

March 19, 2017 Late Deadline 

The Melbourne Doc Fest each year curates world class features direct from some of the hottest most prestigious documentary film festivals in the world like Sheffield Doc Fest, Traverse City Film Festival Doc NYC, SXSW, Doc Edge and IDFA. But what matters to us most is documentaries that are well-made, compelling, thought provoking, passionate and relevant to Australian audiences.

The Melbourne Doc Fest is one of the world newest documentary film festivals and one of the most fun and interesting stop overs on the international documentary film festival circuit. It is the only festival in Australasia to provide feedback on submissions. ...

Good luck filmmakers! 


Digital Gym

Montreal International Animation Film Festival - ANIMAZE August 17 – 20, 2017

Late Deadline March 31, 2017

In partnership with filmfestivals.com

Montreal International Animation Film Festival is a people's film festival an dindutry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology. 
All genres and forms are welcome.
Software an award prize. Visibility in out travelling show in Berlin, Cannes Annecy, Glasgow and more.


Animaze - Montreal International Animation Film Festival's blog I Website I Submit I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon

Digital Gym

New York Festivals  
The 2017 Television & Film Awards gala will take place at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 25th, 2017


Deadline extended

The New York Festivals International TV & Film Awards honors the World’s Best TV and Films at its annual gala at NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 25th. Founded in 1957, NYF TV & Film Awards offers a powerhouse of categories including: 30 categories for documentaries and dozens of categories for news, drama and performers. New York Festivals welcomes network, studio, independent, and student productions of all lengths across all platforms. Late entries accepted until January 5th, 2017. For more information visit: http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/tvfilm/

NYF TV & Film Awards New Categories for 2017: Heroes, Ecotourism, and Best Use of Technology

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Rose Anderson

Digital Gym

Animation Day in Cannes 

Animaze Daze in Cannes Screenings May 18


Regular Deadline is March 15

Submit your best short animated films for a screening May18th at Cannes Film Festival.
Enjoy industry visibility in front of the animation professionals attending Cannes during Animation Day in Cannes (second edition). take advantage of free promotion to buyers and media on our Animation Day in Cannes Newsletters, animation Day in Cannes websitefilmfestivals.com pages dedicated to Animation Day in Cannes and our Youtube channel, which will be offered for buyers and Media.

Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon


Digital Gym


La Journée de l'Animation à Cannes

ATTENDING CANNES? List in the catalog your animation titles in Cannes: shorts, features, work in progress, scripts.  
We will build with your entry in our online bumper issue of animation in Cannes and offer strong promotion and visibility in front of the gathered industry key players (buyers, media and fellow producers...).


Your entry will get you inside the ONLY CATALOG OF ANIMATION IN CANNES and WHO'S WHO.

We will publish these on our websites and blast invites to media and buyers in Cannes to browse them. 
We will also publish a Who's Where PDF offering your details (those you are happy to share) to potential partners of yours. So make sure to edit your details once you know them (cannes cell number) 
SCREENING of winning selection takes place May 18th at Palais des Festivals

Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook Twitter I Contact Bruno Chatelin

Digital Gym




DEADLINES APPROACHING FAST: Browse by dates, genre... in the search engine


THE DISCOVERY SECTION Browse our site for other festival calling now.

Bookmark this link


Add a film listing to your profile, your free entry in the film directory on filmfestivals.com

Feed your blog profile, promote for free

Digital Gym



We can offer Festival consulting and marketing services to fit your film ambitions.

-          The 500€ Festival Fast Track 


The Festival Fast Track service offers you a presence in the film showcase page with links and video streaming. The Film promotion Showcase is a combination of online services, (charged 500€ or about $690) that will bring recognition from our international audience who trust us as the only international media totally dedicated to the festival circuit. The Film promotion Showcase includes all those features: 

- Film directory Database listing of your film. Ready for a quick initial evaluation.

- Your film and logo featured on the Showcase Section (linked from all pages) to highlight the film blog itself (example here) including a dedicated page.

- Newsletter messages:  2 runs to our newsletter audience of 197 000 (4 lines) sample

- Editorial on filmfestivals.com about your film, 1 article guaranteed.

- One week long banner campaign on our sites. 728X90 pixels

- And we include your film in our monthly blast to festival programmers and other festival staffers 


-          The 350€ Film Showcase Booster


The package includes the previous packages benefits less the banner campaign.  

-           The 150€ Filmmakers Showcase Eblast to festival Programers 


The package and includes your ad in the eBlast with 4 lines promo : visual, title, link to trailer, synopsis 190$ 150€ 


We can also brainstorm with a range of packages include your film blog promotion with banners and newsletter ads  

We can also discuss a Cannes presence as we are a regular partner of Cannes Market.

We can work with you on a consulting basis around a viral campaign

We help some filmmakers and assist them in the Festival Circuit designing the strategy, handling festival submissions, waiving submission feees, negotiating screening fees...

Just ask me bruno@m21entertainment.com


Rather than pushing to scores of festivals let the film be noticed AND asked for by Fest directors?

Look for publishing help here: http://www.filmfestivals.com/en/blog/filmfestivals/register_a_film

Check the 10 good reasons to open a blog on filmfestivals.com.

Happy new year and good luck for your film...  

The Filmfestivals.com  team


Kind regards
Bruno Chatelin




Digital Gym

Submit to Animaze Daze in Cannes - Screenings during Animation Day in Cannes May 23


Animaze Daze in Cannes Screenings May 23


Regular Deadline is March 15


Submit your best short animated films for a screening May18th at Cannes Film Festival.
Enjoy industry visibility in front of the animation professionals attending Cannes during Animation Day in Cannes (second edition). take advantage of free promotion to buyers and media on our Animation Day in Cannes Newsletters, animation Day in Cannes websitefilmfestivals.com pages dedicated to Animation Day in Cannes and our Youtube channel, which will be offered for buyers and Media.

Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon

Send your best animation to Montreal International Animation Film Festival - ANIMAZE August 17 – 20, 2017


Montreal International Animation Film Festival - ANIMAZE August 17 – 20, 2017

Late Deadline March 31, 2017

In partnership with filmfestivals.com

Montreal International Animation Film Festival is a people's film festival an dindutry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology. 
All genres and forms are welcome.
Software an award prize. Visibility in out travelling show in Berlin, Cannes Annecy, Glasgow and more.


Animaze - Montreal International Animation Film Festival's blog I Website I Submit I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon



69th Berlin Film Festival/Overview


by Alex Deleon, <filmfestivals.com>



Looking back over the recently completed 69th installment of the Berlin Film Festival I must say it was one of the best in recent memory. The weather, as to be expected in February in Berlin, was bad -- freezing, then rainy --  but this is good for staying inside to watch films.  The social scene was as lively as ever, especially with the Golden Bear Lounge next to the press conference room to hop in and out of between screenings --

the perfect place for quick meetings with old friends.

As for the selection of films, with over 300 entries to choose from in a diversity of sidebars, Panorama, Forum, Retrospectives, etc.

the Berlinale is something like playing the lottery. Aside from a few "old reliables" -- directors and actors whose work you know -- much of the selection is from unknowns and remote corners of the world. I did manage to see eleven of the eighteen films in competition and a total of 27 films in nine days, plus a number of interesting press conferences, always a highlight of the Berlin week.

To start with, the opening film, Django, about the famed mid-century gypsy guitarist, Django Reinhardt, was a memorable landmark with an incredible performance by French actor RedaKateb.  Most competition films, however, were about bad personal relationships and an ordeal to sit through. What ever happened to films about good relationships? -- They are obviously not favored by the climate of the times. Fortunately there is no law that says you have to sit through a "feel bad" film to the bitter end and so half a dozen psychological ordeal films resulted in an early walkout. The comp films were about evenly divided between ordeals and nonordeals. The winning film, Ildiko Eniko's Hungarian entry, "About Body and Soul" was a delight, and two other films interesting purely from an ethnic standpoint: "Felicité" set in Kinshasa, the capital of Congo and spoken in the Lingala language, and "One Thousand Ropes" set in a Samoan ghetto in New Zealand, probably the first film ever spoken in Samoan. Both were however personal Ordeal films. 

Among highlights, memorable films outside of the competition section were the following:

"The Kings Choice",  a WW II  historic drama from Norway about King Hakon's difficult decision not to cave in to the invading Germans; "Viceroy House", also an historical drama set in 1947 and showing the brutal partition of India from the British point of view; "The World on a Wire" a little known 1974 made for TV scifi fantasy drama by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, similar to The Matrix, but preceding it by ten years -- a true mind bender; Agnieska Holland's Polish drama "Spoor" calling for an end to the slaughter of wildlife, with an older woman as the central figure; The French pas-de-deux "Midwife" (Sage-Femme) involving French stars Catherine Deneuve and Catherine Frot, as an alienated mother- daughter reconciling -- Among the retrospectives; The classic Hollywood "War of the Worlds" 1953, with marvelous special effects by Hungarian FX master George Pal, long before the age of artificial computer illusions; finally  Francis Coppola's unique Gangster Musical, "The Cotton Club" of 1974. 

What it came down to was at least one memorable film every day,  topped off on the very last day by Finnish master of laconic celluloid wit, Aki Kaurismäki's latest, "The Other Side of Hope" which takes a non-judgemental but highly incisive look at Muslim immigration in Finland, a very hot issue these days in Germany. Kaurismäkis press conference was one of the high points of the Berlin week and, true to form since he is known as a heavy drinker, Aki was too loaded to take the stage to accept his Best Director Silver Bear award on closing night -- a perfect windup to an excellent film festival.


Dates Set for the 30th Anniversary Edition of Tokyo International Film Festival: Oct. 25 - Nov. 3 , 2017





The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2017, with festivities running from October 25 to November 3 at Roppongi Hills, EX Theater and other venues in Tokyo.

TIFF was launched in 1985 as Japan’s first major film festival and in the ensuing years, shown a spotlight on excellent films and filmmakers from around the world, screening overs 5,000 films. In 2016, the 29th TIFF expanded its main venues to include EX Theater, and drew 181,031 attendees.

The 30th anniversary edition of TIFF will pursue enhancements in every area, as the festival strives to attract leading filmmakers, to expand its discovery of emerging talents, and to serve as a nexus for cultural interaction between films and cinema lovers, beyond national borders.

The TIFF team appreciates your ongoing support and interest in the Tokyo International Film Festival.
See you in Tokyo in 2017!


©2016 TIFF


30th Tokyo International Film Festival
Date: October 25 (Wed.) – November 3 (Fri.), 2017
Venues: Roppongi Hills, EX Theater and other venues in Tokyo
Hosted by: UNIJAPAN
Official Website: www.tiff-jp.net

*Film submissions for the 30th Tokyo International Film Festival will be accepted from late April, 2017.


Israel FF in LA Honors Three in 31st Anniversary Launch



The Los Angeles based Israel Film Festival, the largest showcase of Israeli films in the U.S., is launching its 31st edition by hosting an awards luncheon honoring CAA’s Adam Berkowitz, award-winning producer David Shore and real estate developer/philanthropist Max Webb, it was announced by Festival Founder and Executive Director Meir Fenigstein. Berkowitz, the co-head of the television department at Creative Artists Agency, has been named the 2017 IFF Career Achievement Award recipient. Writer/producer Shore will receive the 2017 IFF Visionary Award, and Max Webb, the founder of Shapell Properties, will collect the 2017 IFF Lifetime Achievement Award. The gala luncheon will take place on Thursday, March 16 at the Four Seasons Hotel, with Elon Gold serving as Master of Ceremonies.

Berkowitz is co-head of the television department at Creative Artists Agency (CAA), where he works with many of the world's leading television producers, writers and directors. Berkowitz has been instrumental in packaging and selling numerous television programs, including Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Arrested Development, Two and a Half Men, Masters of Sex, True Detective, Justified, Rescue Me, Big Love and Netflix's House of Cards, amongst others. Additionally, he sold the first Israeli series ever to Netflix, The Greenhouse, as well as the critically acclaimed Israeli series Fauda. Berkowitz also represents many of Israel's leading production companies, writers, directors and actors. Prior to joining CAA in 1997, Berkowitz was an Agent at the William Morris agency. He currently serves on the board of the Hollywood Radio & Television Society and is chairman of the entertainment division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles.

Shore created what was at one point the world's most watched television program, House. The first-season episode "Three Stories" won him a Peabody, a Humanitas Prize and the 2005 Emmy® Award for Outstanding Writing. Since then, David co-created Battle Creek for CBS and Sneaky Pete for Amazon, and served as an executive producer of Houdini and Doyle, which aired on Fox in 2016. David has served as a director of the Writers Guild of America, West; the Writers Guild Foundation; the Humanitas International Foundation; and the International Board of Israel based Save a Child's Heart, an organization that saves children throughout the world who have congenital heart defects.

Webb, who just celebrated his 100th birthday this month, was born on March 2, 1917 in Lodz, Poland, one of seven children to Avraham and Sheva Weisbrot. During the war, Max survived twelve labor camps and six concentration camps, including Auschwitz Birkenau, where in 1943 he met Nathan Shapell, with whom he developed a lifelong friendship and partnership. Max, along with his brothers-in-law Nathan and David Shapell, founded Shapell Industries in 1955. For over 60 years they have provided thousands of homes throughout California as well as commercial areas. Having survived the nightmare of the camps is a constant reminder that his life was given back to him as a miracle from G-d. Following liberation Max promised to do whatever he could to help those less fortunate and to rebuild the Jewish people. As a great humanitarian, he has kept that commitment over the years by giving generously of his time and money to numerous worthwhile causes and organizations.

For over 30 years, the Festival has presented nearly 1,000 feature films, documentaries, television dramas and short films to close to million filmgoers and brought hundreds of Israeli filmmakers to the U.S. to share their art. The Israel Film Festival is produced by IsraFest Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization created in 1982. Among the Sponsors of the 31st Israel Film Festival are long-time partners Millennium Films, Rabinovich Foundation, New Regency Productions, Adelson Family Foundation, Israel Film Fund, The Hollywood Reporter, Eclipse, Variety, IAC (Israeli American Council), Israel Consulate in Los Angeles, Maurice Marciano Family Foundation, Diane & Guilford Glazer Foundation, Izek & Aline Shomof, IDB Bank, Four Seasons Hotel, The Orlando Hotel, Clear Channel, joined by Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Netflix, Showtime and Lionsgate.

www.israelfilmfestival.com *  310-247-1800/213-948-8800  *  info@israelfilmfestival.org

NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference Photos


By Maria Esteves

The 54th New York Film Festival 2016 (NYFF54) Closing Night Premiere Press Conference of THE LOST CITY OF Z, with director James Gray; cast members , Sienna Miller, Robert Pattinson, Tom Holland, and Angus Macfadyen moderated by festival director Kent Jones, NYFF, was held at the Walter Reade Theater, NYC, Saturday, October 15, 2016.

Questions posed to director Gray and cast members by moderator Jones and members of the press included: When did you read this material for the first time, the David Grann’s? Can you talk about your experience shooting in the jungle and how difficult it was? Did you familiarize yourself with Herzog’s work in the Amazons? If you did, what is different in this film in what you tried to achieve? The actors, how did they oriented themselves within the world of this movie? How did you cultivated the father and son relationship? THE LOST CITY OF Z in theaters April 14, 2017. Watch trailer












NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference: L-R, festival director
Kent Jones, NYFF, director James Gray, actress, Sienna Miller, actors
Robert Pattinson, Tom Holland, and Angus Macfadyen.












NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference: Actress, Sienna Miller.











NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference: Festival director Kent Jones,
NYFF, left, and director James Gray.












NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference: Cast members Robert Pattinson,
left, and Tom Holland.












NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference: L-R, Cast members actor Robert
Pattinson, actor Tom Holland, and actor Angus Macfadyen.

Museum of Modern Art: Doc Fortnight 2017



MOMA’s presentation of innovative nonfiction films was held from February 16-26 with more than 20 features and 10 shorts, including a section of new media Canadian nonfiction films and a retrospective of Emiko Omori with six productions. As in prior editions the program covered a broad range of themes and issues as well as innovative approaches in documentary film making. This year’s edition presented an outstanding selection of films investigating global issues and problems faced by contemporary societies.



Rahul Jain’s feature Machines, (2016, India/Germany/Finland) opened the program. This first production by a film maker still attending school provides a superb visual exploration of a huge textile factory in Gujarat, India including interviews with workers and managers setting the political context of the documentation. Workers seem to be part of the machinery they attend. Given extensive unemployment for the semi and unskilled labor force in that and other Indian areas employers can readily replace workers. One worker states that those who rebel are considered dangerous and get killed. Workers in turn become dependent on minimal wages because they cannot assert themselves. During the first six months of their employment only half of the salary is paid because they are in training.  Workers, including many teenagers and children, complete 12-hour shifts under dreadful conditions. As Jain’s visual exploration of the work process and the aged machinery shows, there is virtually no modern technology or automation used, thus there is no need to hire skilled labor which would require higher wages.  Management expresses contempt for their workers and even suggests that they are overpaid. Yet the verbal exchanges recede behind the visual imagery, the long cuts and a superb score. Colorful textiles dominate the screen yet they are balanced by the juxtaposed images of the environmental damage the production process causes. As Jain pointed out in the post screening discussion, American features tend to have more than a thousand cuts while Machines has only about 170. The score uses sounds recorded by 70 contact microphones which Jain attached o to the factory machinery. Rahul Jain plans to rent theatres in India to show his film and wants to present it on Indian television, stimulating a debate of the issues presented.


Plastic China, Jiu-liang Wang, 2016, China. 

The filmmaker finished Beijing Besieged by Waste in 2011, a comprehensive documentary that received widespread attention in China and caused the government to force the municipality of Beijing to address the problem[MM1]  of environmentally sound waste disposal. Plastic China investigates an equally important issue, disposal of highly toxic plastic waste. China is the world’s largest importer of plastic waste generated by advanced industrial societies, specifically the United States. More than half of the global plastic waste is imported by China. In 2011 one million tons were shipped from the US to China, a figure that is much higher now given the growing costs of recycling in the US. Whereas advanced technologies permit the US to process some plastic waste the bulk of it is shipped to China. 30 Chinese towns handle the imported plastic with devastating consequences for the environment, polluting air, water, and impairing the health of the people processing it. Increased consumption in China adds to the amount that must be processed or recycled. The work is carried by mainly small family based enterprises and requires few skills. Jiu-lang Wang investigates two families with children, which make a living processing the waste that surrounds them. In Machines, the surplus of unskilled labor in India forces people to accept poorly paying work to survive. The same holds for the plastic waste processing in China. Sorting out plastic waste requires few skills and as large numbers of people migrate from the countryside to cities where farming skills cannot be applied plastic processing can becomes one of few options for employment. Income is needed to survive but also to pay for the schooling of children; motivating their parents to engage in dirty labor and forcing the children to help. There are upsetting images in this documentary. A family literally lives in the plastic toxic trash which serves as a playground for the children, eating food found in the waste. They also get dead fish from a polluted creak and after frying they eat the fish. According to the film maker his documentation resulted in the closure of some processing facilities. Hopefully, this film will help to foster the consideration of toxic waste pollution which has not yet figured prominently as an issue in Chinese public discussion.


Austerlitz, Sergei Loznitsa, 2016, Germany 

There is no single documentary answer to reporting about the challenging theme of concentration camps. Loznitsa does not probe what his images present, holocaust tourism.  His camera does not move and remains fixed recording black and white images of visitors to two concentration camps near Munich and Berlin; Dachau and Sachsenhausen. Dressed like summer tourists we see them entering and leaving the camps and buildings which harbored horror. We watch those taking pictures of themselves in front of and behind the ignominious Arbeit Macht Frei[MM2]   (Work Liberates) sign of the entry gate. They talk with each other sometimes, and listen to the tour guides. The documentary has no score and is restricted to few excerpts of the explanations offered by the guides. The facial expressions of the visitors do not reveal the impact of what they see, or at least their faces do not seem to show emotions when they inspect the furnaces where thousands were cremated. Rather, we see selfies of the visitors taken from all kind of angles. The inscriptions on their casual t-shirts reflect the tourist mentality. They seem to be consuming the experience of the camp, apparently disconnected from the horror and murder that took place seven decade ago. There is no discernible link. As the film’s title Austerlitz , referring to a vaguely known century-old battle implies,  a clear memory of the  historical and the dreadful seems to be drifting away. The question remains in the discussion of the tourism which Loznitsa depicts, what motivates individuals to visit places of horror and destruction. Is their curiosity restricted to the consumption of visual images or does it still encompass learning and commiseration?


Wolf and Sheep, Shahrbanno Sadat, 2016, Denmark/France/Sweden/Afghanistan.

The filmmaker who is Afghanistan’s first female feature director received the 2016 Cannes Art Cinema Award for Wolf and Sheep, a film which crosses the traditional boundaries of filmmaking. Her presentation of everyday life in a small Afghan shepherd village is a mélange of ethnographic and naturalistic folkloric elements incorporating the fairy tale of a green nude female visible for brief moments.  There are no actors and the story is carried by dozens of imported villagers and children playing themselves. The action takes place in a village which the director recreated for security reasons in neighboring Tajistan because her crew consisted of foreigners and the film’s tale was considered offensive to the Taliban. The audience gains an intimate view of the life of male and female villagers and their children whose spheres are gender segregated. Time seems to stand still for these people and their communication is shaped by gossip and their daily experiences. Young girls and boys tend the flock of sheep and the adults continue repetitive activities which have remained unchanged over decades. Slowly paced, the story evolves with some high points, a funeral opening the film, wolfs killing some sheep, a boy losing an eye in a slingshot accident, and, closing the story, the villagers deserting their homes because of outsiders threatening them. The superb photographic and sound work in this film and the captivating delivery of the story by non-actors conveys to Wolf and Sheep authenticity.


Claus Mueller,  filmexchange@gmail.com


 [MM1]What problem?

 [MM2]You should provide the translation in parenthesis


17th Nippon Connection Film Festival First Program Highlights




Focus on documentaries / more than 100 films from Japan /
diverse supporting program


From May 23 to 28, 2017 the seventeenth edition of the Nippon Connection Film Festival will take place in Frankfurt am Main. With more than 100 short and feature length films, it is the biggest festival for Japanese film worldwide, offering a varied and exciting insight into Japanese cinema. Many directors and actors are present to introduce their works to the local audience for the first time. Apart from the films, a diverse supporting program gives visitors the chance to delve into the multi-faceted culture of Japan. The main venues are at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and at Theater Willy Praml in der Naxoshalle.

Focus on documentary films

At this year's festival a special attention will be directed at documentary films. Among others, Atsushi Funahashi will present his film Raise your Arms and Twist, in which he observes the everyday life of Japanese pop idol singers of the group NMB48. The director skillfully combines social and media critique without degrading the stars or their fans. In her film 95 and 6 to Go young American filmmaker Kimi Takesue explores the history of her Japanese ancestors who emigrated to Hawaii, taking the conversations with her grandfather as a starting point. Steven Okazaki's Mifune: The Last Samurai portrays the life and work of legendary actor Toshiro Mifune, who has written film history through his cooperation with Akira Kurosawa.

Numerous German premieres

Once more, many films can be seen for the first time on German screens. Nippon Honor awardee Kiyoshi Kurosawa mixes love drama and subtle horror in his latest work, Daguerrotype. It is the first film the renowned director shot outside of Japan. A tough and uncompromising approach is chosen by 35-year-old director Tetsuya Mariko in his drama Destruction Babies, awarded at last year's Locarno Film Festival. The film tells the story of Taira, a youth without prospects, and his descent into a spiral of violence.

Filled with tender humor, Ryota Nakano's award-winning drama Her Love Boils Bathwater unfolds the story of Futaba, who is terminally ill and tries to reunite her scattered family during her last days. In the drama The Long Excuse by Miwa Nishikawa, a lonely writer must get a grip back on his life after a heavy blow of fate. Director Miwa Nishikawa will attend the festival. In his family drama Harmonium, director Koji Fukada shows how the appearance of an old acquaintance can turn an ordinary family life upside down. Harmonium received the Jury Prize in the section “Un certain regard” at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

As a highlight of the Nippon Animation section, Nippon Connection presents the German premiere of Naoko Yamada's anime A Silent Voice in cooperation with Kazé. Based on the manga of the same title by Yoshitoki Oima, the film centers around the character of Shoya Ishida, who had bullied his deaf classmate Shoko Nishimiya in school. A couple of years later, Shoya, stricken by remorse, starts looking for Shoko to apologize for his behavior.

Reboot of Nikkatsu Roman Porno films

In the 1970s and 1980s the so-called Roman Porno films from the Japanese film studio Nikkatsu served as a field of experimentation and a stepping stone for young directors. For the 45th anniversary of that genre, the Nippon Connection Film Festival shows two installments of the “Roman Porno Reboot Project” as German premieres. Kazuya Shiraishi's Dawn of the Felines deals with three young women and their work as prostitutes in Tokyo. Akihiko Shiota's Wet Woman in the Wind depicts the relationship between theater author Kosuke, who lives as a recluse in the woods, and the nymphomaniac waitress Shiori.

Extensive cultural program

Apart from the films, the festival offers a wide variety of workshops, lectures, and exhibitions, inviting the audience to get to know more about Japanese culture. Interested visitors can participate in the manufacturing of kyogen masks in a wood carving workshop, or they can learn about vital points of the human body and their application in the martial arts in the kyusho jitsu workshop. In cooperation with Weltlesebühne e.V., Ursula Gräfe, known as a translator of the works of Japanese star author Haruki Murakami, will give insight into various aspects of her work.

Again, there are also many exciting events for the youngest visitors in the Nippon Kids section. The wonderful puppet animation film Chieri and Cherry by Makoto Nakamura will be shown as a children's film with German live dubbing. Kids can have a go at traditional Japanese drums in the taiko workshop or they can try out preparing tasty Japanese sweets in the panda dango cooking class. Taruto Fuyama, professor at Tokyo University of the Arts in Yokohama, will show in his workshop how to create handmade painted animation films.

The festival

The Japanese Film Festival Nippon Connection is organized on a voluntary basis by the 70 members of the non-profit Nippon Connection registered association. The festival is under the patronage of Peter Feldmann, Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main, and Takeshi Kamiyama, Consul General of Japan in Frankfurt am Main. Festival centers are located at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm and Theater Willy Praml in der Naxoshalle. Additional events take place at Mal Seh’n Kino, the German Film Museum, Ausstellungsraum Eulengasse and the Theater Die Käs.

The complete program as well as tickets will be available from April 29, 2017 at the festival website: www.NipponConnection.com

Further information

The Evil Within will have its UK premiere at Dead by Dawn, Scotland's International Horror Film Festival 24th Edition


Adele Hartley, Dead by Dawn's Festival Director announced that The Evil Within will have its UK premiere and open the festivalt:  Scotland's International Horror Film Festival 24th Edition / 20 - 23 April, 2017 www.deadbydawn.co.uk

FB: www.facebook.com/DeadByDawnHorrorFestival

Twitter: @deadbydawnfest

THE EVIL WITHIN will open this year's festival, screening at 8.30pm on Thursday 20 April.


The screening takes place in Cinema One at Filmhouse, Edinburgh, and tickets will be on sale from the beginning of April through www.filmhousecinema.com


The Evil Within will be eligible for the Audience Award for Best Feature.

No automatic alt text available.


Highlights and Previews from the Festival Circuit Volume 762 - Filmfestivals.com



Wishing you all much success on the festival circuit!

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Digital Gym

FOCUS ON Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 



Akward Moment at 2017 Oscars And the winner is ... opps, sorry about that!

by Oscar Deleon. <filmfestivals.com> We weren't trying to be funny -- It was a genuine f***up --   The mistaken announcement that LaLaLand had won best picture and the embarassed correction by co-awarder Warren Beatty naming Moonlighting as the real winner was a most appropriate capstone to the "craziest Oscars ever". Explanation: he was handed the wrong envelope -- which named Emma Stone as bes...

The 89th Academy Awards

By Maria Esteves – February 27, 2017 The 89th Academy Awards hosted by Jimmy Kimmel was held at Dolby Theatre & Highland Center, Hollywood, C.A on Sunday, February 26, 2017 and televised live on ABC Network and live streamed in more than 225 countries. Presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (A.M.P.A.S.), the Oscars honored outstanding film achievements of 2016. La La Land was top winner with six Oscars including Best Director for DAMIEN CHAZELLE and Best Actre...

Digital Gym

Golden Trailer Awards 2017


Submit your: Trailers, Teasers, Posters, Video Games, TV Spots, Radio Spots, Innovative Theatrical Advertising & More
***Discount for early submission. Early bird deadline is February 14th, 2017***. Regular Deadline: Friday March 31st, 2017

Seventeen New Categories this year/ BEST TRAILER FOR TV Show or Mini-series, Best Trailer or TV Spot FOR TV SERIES, STREAMING SERIES, LIMITED SERIES, WEB SERIES & MINI-SERIES....

For information on Industry Sponsorship, advertising in the GTA 18 program book and Web Banners on GoldenTrailer.com please email GBrahney@goldentrailer.com.

Profile on filmfestivals.com I Website: http://goldentrailer.com/ I Awards I Facebook Twitter I Submit I Contact


Digital Gym

New Media Film Festival
June 6-8, 2017

April 25, 2017 Final Deadline

The Best in New Media....Honoring Stories Worth Telling 

Judges from HBO, Marvel, Emmys, Grammys, Oscars and other Industry Leaders
Each entry is considered for Screening, Competition ($45k in awards) and Distribution Opportunities. 

“If the TED Conference is where technology, entertainment and design meet in a broad forum, then the New Media Film Festival is its cinematic counterpart.” – VG

"I thank the New Media film festival for what they've done for young filmmakers."– Legendary Director Roger Corman

"Top 25 Festivals Worth The Entry Fee" - Movie Maker Magazine

"Makes the cutting edge accessible" - Huffington Post


Email I + 1 310-288-1100 I Website I Facebook I Twitter I Past Winners I  SUBMIT


Digital Gym

The World of Film Festival
September 28 – October 1, 2017

March 26, 2017 Regular Deadline

The submissions for the 4th edition of the World of Film International Festival in Glasgow, Scotland are now open. The very earlybird submitters can send their short and feature films across the three main sections of the festival - First Features & Shorts Competition, Female Perspective & Focus on Balkan Cinema. 

Films can be exclusively submitted via Film Freeway by clicking on the link below. 

Digital Gym

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Calling

March 19, 2017 Late Deadline 

The Melbourne Doc Fest each year curates world class features direct from some of the hottest most prestigious documentary film festivals in the world like Sheffield Doc Fest, Traverse City Film Festival Doc NYC, SXSW, Doc Edge and IDFA. But what matters to us most is documentaries that are well-made, compelling, thought provoking, passionate and relevant to Australian audiences.

The Melbourne Doc Fest is one of the world newest documentary film festivals and one of the most fun and interesting stop overs on the international documentary film festival circuit. It is the only festival in Australasia to provide feedback on submissions. ...

Good luck filmmakers! 


Digital Gym

Montreal International Animation Film Festival - ANIMAZE August 17 – 20, 2017

Late Deadline March 31, 2017

In partnership with filmfestivals.com

Montreal International Animation Film Festival is a people's film festival an dindutry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology. 
All genres and forms are welcome.
Software an award prize. Visibility in out travelling show in Berlin, Cannes Annecy, Glasgow and more.


Animaze - Montreal International Animation Film Festival's blog I Website I Submit I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon

Digital Gym

New York Festivals  
The 2017 Television & Film Awards gala will take place at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 25th, 2017


Deadline extended

The New York Festivals International TV & Film Awards honors the World’s Best TV and Films at its annual gala at NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 25th. Founded in 1957, NYF TV & Film Awards offers a powerhouse of categories including: 30 categories for documentaries and dozens of categories for news, drama and performers. New York Festivals welcomes network, studio, independent, and student productions of all lengths across all platforms. Late entries accepted until January 5th, 2017. For more information visit: http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/tvfilm/

NYF TV & Film Awards New Categories for 2017: Heroes, Ecotourism, and Best Use of Technology

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Rose Anderson

Digital Gym

Animation Day in Cannes 

Animaze Daze in Cannes Screenings May 18


Regular Deadline is March 15

Submit your best short animated films for a screening May18th at Cannes Film Festival.
Enjoy industry visibility in front of the animation professionals attending Cannes during Animation Day in Cannes (second edition). take advantage of free promotion to buyers and media on our Animation Day in Cannes Newsletters, animation Day in Cannes websitefilmfestivals.com pages dedicated to Animation Day in Cannes and our Youtube channel, which will be offered for buyers and Media.

Info I Submit Now I Website I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon


Digital Gym

The Unwilling selected at The Indie Horror Film Festival April 20 – 22, 2018

April 20 – 22, 2018 The Indie Horror Film Festival is an independent film festival. We strive to support independent film, and work to get the filmmakers more notice, and to get independent films seen. The Indie Horror Film Festival started in 2005 (known then as "Indy Horror Film Festival") by Gatlin Pictures (Jason Davis - Horror Author / Festival Founder). The festival gain some size but then disappeared for a couple years. In 2010 Breaking Fate Entert...

The Unwilling selected for The Transylvania Cinema Awards August 25 – 27, 2017

August 25 – 27, 2017 Transylvania Cinema Awards is a film competition with two seasonal events, reuniting cinema enthousiasts in the heart of Transylvania, Romania. The goal is to design a space where innovation and creativity fusion in order to deliver the best result to a new public. We create an opportunity for filmmakers to get their films judged and let them compete with other filmmakers. We perform a comprehensive evaluation process and the jury of film prof...

The Unwilling selected for The Maryland Film Festival March 31 – April 2, 2017

March 31 – April 2, 2017 Welcome, filmmakers, to the Maryland International Film Festival-Hagerstown. We are excited about our 6th year coming up on March 31 - April 2. For 6 years, we've been bringing in the finest films from around the world. The film festival became a 501(c)3 and launched in 2009 and now screens more than 70 films each year! Hollywood Director Joe Carnahan is our creative director, and has been a powerful partner with our festival! He has brought us su...

The Unwilling Selected to open Toronto Spring of Horror and Fantasy

April 7 – 9, 2017 Toronto Spring of Horror and Fantasy was created to give people of Toronto access to quality genre films throughout the year. Our aim is to showcase the best genre films from around the World from new filmmakers and seasoned veterans. Our focus is on new voices and we prefer creativity over big budgets. In addition to having short films in front of features, we also aim to start most screenings with a genre appropriate music video to set the mood...

The Unwilling selected at IIPMF Festival in Ancona

The Unwilling is now in the Official Selection of IIPM FESTIVAL.  June 8 – 11, 2017     Email Website Facebook Twitter Instagram Venue   Movieland Goldoni Organizers Michael Segal FESTIVAL FOUNDER & CEO Roberta Graziosi FESTIVAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Simone Piresti CREATIVE DIRECTOR   ...

Film Review: The Lost City of Z

By Maria Esteves – March 14, 2017 Dedicated to the Loving Memory of My Father Getulio Esteves (1927-2016). THE LOST CITY OF Z is a compelling true story based on the three voyages of a British explorer Lieutenant Colonel Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam) during 1906-1954, who journeyed to find a city between Bolivia and Brazil, in the uncharted Amazonian jungle, the oldest civilization known to mankind. Raised from humble beginnings, the first voyage, allowed Percy to redeem his fam...

The Kong Show: KONG SKULL ISLAND, Hiddleston, Larson, Jackson Deliver “Bigly”

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent When the original KING KONG was released by RKO in March of 1933, some of the trade ads included a tie-in between Kong’s big bang box office receipts and the failed banks of the Great Depression roaring back to profitability. It was a nostalgia sell, a heart-tug for a pre-code Hollywood monster romp, the likes and scale of which had never been seen on the silver screen. In a quick recap, Merian C. Cooper was turned down at Paramount, th...

NYFF54 The Lost City of Z Press Conference Photos

By Maria Esteves The 54th New York Film Festival 2016 (NYFF54) Closing Night Premiere Press Conference of THE LOST CITY OF Z, with director James Gray; cast members , Sienna Miller, Robert Pattinson, Tom Holland, and Angus Macfadyen moderated by festival director Kent Jones, NYFF, was held at the Walter Reade Theater, NYC, Saturday, October 15, 2016. Questions posed to director Gray and cast members by moderator Jones and members of the press included: W...

"Minorities" tribute of the 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.

19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 3-12 March, 2017   MINORITIES TRIBUTE   The first openly transgender firefighter in New York, Roma survivors of the Holocaust, the odyssey of the Kurdish refugees, the persecution of the Sami tribe, a lesbian refugee in search of a better life; people from all over the world who endure, claim and fight for equal opportunities and a better future, take centre stage in the "Minorities" tribute of the 19th Thessaloniki Documentary F...

Thessaloniki Documentary Festival opened the 19th edition with The Rolling Stones Olé Olé Olé!: A Trip Across

  The 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, part of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, presents approximately 213 films (shorts and features) by directors from all over the world, as well as a full parallel events program.   FILM PREMIERES The 19th TDF presents 1 world, 14 international, 4 European and 183 Greek premieres:   World Premieres: Upon The Shadow, Nada Mezni Hafaiedh, Tunisia, 2017, 80’ – Human Rights   International Premieres: ...

Apologies from Price Waterhouse Coopers

Here's the apology, official. But why is PWC still the accounting firm of record. Award Season''s 2017 wrong *wow finish* (Humphrey Bogart uses the wow finish line to Bergman in Casablanca.)...   STATEMENT FROM PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS   We sincerely apologize to "Moonlight,""La La Land," Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture. The presenters had mistakenly been gi...

Global has signed an output deal with one of China’s leading production and distribution companies, Enlight Pictures

  Independent Entertainment Studio Will Launch Sales On THE DEVOTION OF SUSPECT X At Filmart   Prolific independent entertainment studio IM Global has signed an output deal with one of China’s leading production and distribution companies, Enlight Pictures, to handle worldwide sales outside of China on the company’s upcoming slate, it was announced today by IM Global Founder and CEO Stuart Ford.    IM Global will handle sales for up to six titles from Enlight...

KAURISMĀKI'S THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE: A Laconic meditation on Islamic Immigration in Finland

BERLIN 2017, Getaway Day by Alex Deleon <filmfestivals.com>    Aki Kaurismäki center, flanked on either side by the two main actors of "The Other Side of Hope", Sherwan Haji and Sakari Kuosmanen, at the Berlin press conference for his latest film   Kaurismäki is not the kind of director's name that is likely to attract many customers to American cinemas but here in Germany his is a name to be reckoned with...

Sand Castle launching on NETFLIX on April 21, 2017

From a powerful and personal script by screenwriter Chris Roessner who was inspired by his experiences in Iraq, the film is an honest and candid depiction of the Second Gulf War told through the eyes of a group of American soldiers on the front lines. Sand Castle is the second feature film from acclaimed Brazilian director Fernando Coimbra (A Wolf at the Door), who also directed episodes from Season One of the Netflix global-hit series "Narcos."   Watch the tra...

A big thanks to the Entertainment Finance Forum participants and to Winston Baker's partner filmfestivals.com

Last week, we were joined by award-winning directors and producers such as Neal Moritz, Cathy Schulman, Don Hahn, Penney Finkelman Cox, Ted Hope, Rob Minkoff, entertainment executives such as Lionsgate’s Jen Hollingsworth and Laura Kennedy, OddLot’s Rachel Shane, Skybound’s David Alpert, and many more. We would like to extend a special thanks to our sponsors and partners: Akin Gump, EP Financial Solutions, FTI Consulting, Hogan Lovells, Vine Alternative Investments, Fift...

Films in competition for the Golden Gate Awards (GGAs)

The San Francisco Film Society today announced the films in competition for the Golden Gate Awards (GGAs), which will distribute nearly $40,000 in total prizes this year in various narrative and documentary categories. Among the most significant awards for emerging global film artists in the United States, the Golden Gate Awards, first presented at the San Francisco International Film Festival (April 5–19) in its inaugural year in 1957, represent a signature featur...

This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice Lectures on exceptional film restorations and film heritage projects

From April 3 to May 15, EYE and the University of Amsterdam present This is Film! Film Heritage in Practice, a series of six public lectures at EYE devoted to notable projects in the field of film restoration and film heritage. Giovanna Fossati (chief curator at EYE and professor of Film Heritage at the UvA) addresses ...

Five tips on Creative Strategy for entertainment marketers

Neil Goetz Founder & Executive Creative Director The Engine Room     Those of us who work in the entertainment marketing industry know all too well that creating a successful movie trailer or TV promo is an inexact science. When I’m working with a studio or TV network client to create a new piece of marketing for an upcoming campaign, I’m often reminded of my late mother, Marian. Not only was my mother an incredible cook and a master baker, but she knew t...

NYC Indie Film Fest March Indie Night: Art Doc Friday Screening Event

Join us for our March Indie Night, Art Doc Friday! This month we're screening short documentaries from past festivals focused on the arts, from music to graphic design. Indulge in a drink while you watch, your first one on us with your admission ticket, and get inspired!    FEATURED FILMS:  Cuba's Violin (18 min) Lucas Blalock’s Digital Toolkit (6 min) S -- The Musical Shuttle (40 min) Unsung Ingenues (34 min)    Friday, Ma...

The Orchard will release director Pat Healy’s feature debut TAKE ME, starring Taylor Schilling opposite Healy

The Orchard   announced today that the company will release director Pat Healy’s feature debut TAKE ME, starring Taylor Schilling opposite Healy. The Duplass Brothers serve as executive producers while Mel Eslyn and Sev Ohanian serve as producers of the film, which will have its world premiere at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, followed by a theatrical and digital release May 5th.   The acquisition marks an ongoing relationship with the Duplass Brothe...

Sundance premiere 'The Discovery' with R Redford Launching Day and Date on Netflix

A Netflix Original Film   The Discovery   Directed and Co-Written by Charlie McDowell (The One I Love) Starring Robert Redford, Rooney Mara, Jason Segel, Jesse Plemons & Riley Keough    ***World Premiere - 2017 Sundance Film Festival***   OPENING THEATRICALLY IN NEW YORK, LOS ANGELES AND PASADENA ON MARCH 31 AT IPIC THEATERS            In the near future, the world is off-balance...

Digital Gym


THE EVIL WITHIN by late Andrew Getty

The sadistic tale of a lonely, mentally handicapped boy who befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on a murderous rampage to kill the people he loves most.
Starring: Frederick Koehler (Death Race), Sean Patrick Flanery (The Boondock Saints), Michael Berryman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) Brianna Brown (General Hospital), Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), Kim Darby (True Grit)
Written and directed by late Andrew Getty - Produced by Eric Berliner, Michael Luceri - Sales Vision Films Lise Romanoff
Horror, Thriller, 100 Min, 2016 Premiering at Fantasporto 2017 
Synopsis I Trailer I Poster I Screener request I Sales I Festival placement
Digital Gym

OFFENSIVE, Jon Ford's powerful thriller.


“Holy shit! This flick is something else !” “Stands out as a roaring success!” - Dreadcentral, 4 stars. ****

"A well crafted thriller! Offensive will make your blood boil!” - Hollywood news 4 stars ****

"A bloody brutal spin on the home invasion story!” - Kat Hughes 4 stars ****

"Director Jonathan Ford expertly crafts the tension levels.” - Gareth Jones 4 stars ****

"They were forced beyond breaking point; they have no regrets, does that make them bad people?
The first part of this film will enrage you ! The second part will sate you !". Bruno Chatelin - Filmfestivals.com

A retired couple, Bernard and Helen Martin, inherit a remote house in rural France, the very same village Bernard’s war hero father liberated during the Second World War, over 70 years earlier. This peaceful couple quickly become the target of a crual gang of street kids, who terrorise the village.

An e-generation permanently plugged into their devices, devoid of empathy, a new breed of technological psychopath…Pushed beyond breaking point, can Bernard live up to his father’s legend, as the situation explodes into a brutal war of generations ?

Website I Festival Bookings I Facebook I Contacts @ Production I Synopsis I Trailer I Poster

Digital Gym

Revolution by Rob Stewart (following the success of Sharkwater) 
over 40 festival wins so far

Eco Documentary feature film by Rob Stewart April 2015, 82 minutes (Sharkwater)
Revolution is a film about changing the world. The true-life adventure of Rob Stewart, this follow-up to his acclaimed SHARKWATER (36 festival wins) documentary continues his remarkable journey; one that will take him through 15 countries over four years, and where he'll discover that it's not only sharks that are in grave danger -- it's humanity itself.

Website I Epk on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener

Digital Gym


The Evil Within will have its UK premiere at Dead by Dawn, Scotland's International Horror Film Festival 24th Edition

Adele Hartley, Dead by Dawn's Festival Director announced that The Evil Within will have its UK premiere at her event:  Scotland's International Horror Film Festival 24th Edition / 20 - 23 April, 2017 www.deadbydawn.co.uk FB: www.facebook.com/DeadByDawnHorrorFestival Twitter: @deadbydawnfest   * THIS IS HORROR Award Winner: UK EVENT OF THE YEAR * ...

17th Nippon Connection Film Festival First Program Highlights

  Focus on documentaries / more than 100 films from Japan / diverse supporting program   From May 23 to 28, 2017 the seventeenth edition of the Nippon Connection Film Festival will take place in Frankfurt am Main. With more than 100 short and feature length films, it is the biggest festival for Japanese film worldwide, offering a varied and exciting insight into Japanese cinema. Many directors and actors are present to introduce their works to the local audience for the first ti...

Museum of Modern Art: Doc Fortnight 2017

  MOMA’s presentation of innovative nonfiction films was held from February 16-26 with more than 20 features and 10 shorts, including a section of new media Canadian nonfiction films and a retrospective of Emiko Omori with six productions. As in prior editions the program covered a broad range of themes and issues as well as innovative approaches in documentary film making. This year’s edition presented an outstanding selection of films investigating global issues and problem...

Israel FF in LA Honors Three in 31st Anniversary Launch

The Los Angeles based Israel Film Festival, the largest showcase of Israeli films in the U.S., is launching its 31st edition by hosting an awards luncheon honoring CAA’s Adam Berkowitz, award-winning producer David Shore and real estate developer/philanthropist Max Webb, it was announced by Festival Founder and Executive Director Meir Fenigstein. Berkowitz, the co-head of the television department at Creative Artists Agency, has been named the 2017 IFF Career Achievement Award reci...

Dates Set for the 30th Anniversary Edition of Tokyo International Film Festival: Oct. 25 - Nov. 3 , 2017

    The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2017, with festivities running from October 25 to November 3 at Roppongi Hills, EX Theater and other venues in Tokyo. TIFF was laun...

69th Berlin Film Festival/Overview

by Alex Deleon, <filmfestivals.com>     Looking back over the recently completed 69th installment of the Berlin Film Festival I must say it was one of the best in recent memory. The weather, as to be expected in February in Berlin, was bad -- freezing, then rainy --  but this is good for staying inside to watch films.  The social scene was as lively as ever, especially with the Golden Bear Lounge next to the press conference room to hop in and out of between screenin...


Check these Festivals calling March 9 onwards

    Read this online                  FOLLOW US ON THE SOCIAL NETWORKS:               Dear filmmakers friends do not miss these Festivals in Focus.   > PARTNERS FESTIVALS IN FOCUS Golden Trailer Awards 2017 REGULAR ENTRY DEADLINE March 31st, 2017 Submit your: Trailers, Teasers, Post...

Frontières - Marché du Film - Amsterdam Forum

The first edition of the Frontières Finance & Packaging Forum successfully concluded after 3 days of meetings, strategy sessions and networking from February 16-18 in Amsterdam. This collaborative initiative between the Fantasia International Film Festival and the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes, and hosted in Amsterdam with the support of the Netherlands Film Fund, served as an invitational incubator for genre film projects in the late stages of financing. It officially ...

FIFOG Trailer

Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève 2017 du 1 au 9 avril 2017 ...

The Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA) announced today its galas and 2017 lineup

The Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA) announced today its galas and 2017 lineup of narrative and documentary features, and short films for its 15th annual festival. Gala tickets and passes are now available at www.indianfilmfestival.org. Tickets for individual films will go on sale on March 17. The festival is widely recognized as the premiere showcase of groundbreaking Indian cinema globally. The 15...

The 15th Istanbul Biennial is collaborating with this year’s edition of the Istanbul Film Festival

The 15th Istanbul Biennial is collaborating with this year’s edition of the Istanbul Film Festival on an extensive film programme which relates to the biennial’s title and theme: “a good neighbour”. “There is nothing like the medium of film when it comes to visual storytelling, and as we know, good storytelling often includes moral conundrums that are important to understanding who we are and the societies we live in”, says artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset, ...

Socially Relevant Film Festival, New York – Preview

Devoted to film as a medium to increase our consciousness about social issues the festival will hold its 4th edition from March 13-16 offering films, panels and receptions. Even though it is a relatively small specialized niche festival about 500 production were submitted including new feature films, documentaries and shorts, most of which had not been shown before in New York or the United States.   In the feature film section six films were selected premiering here i..

Digital Gym


We Interrupt Our Movie Coverage for Wikileaks “Zero Year” & Recall Gibney’s ZERO DAYS

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent "Hello World,” is usually a newbie’s first line of code in programming, but as of Wikileaks Vault 7 data dump about CIA covert hacking on Mar. 7, followed by Julian Assange’s “Press Conference” on Mar. 9, the whole world is actually reeling, as in the wake-up call: Hello World! But fear not, leave it to the much-maligned Entertainment Journalists to tread where no investigative reporter dare to go. Later on, ...

John Berger Tribute @ 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival

19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival 3-12 March, 2017       “We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice” John Berger   The 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival hosts a special tribute that honors the iconic late British art critic, author and painter John Berger (1926-2017), a highly influential, multifaceted intellectual whose legacy will be cherished.   The tribute presents two documentary films: The Seasons in Quincy: Fo...

Carte Blanche to Dimitri Eipides to select 10 documentaries

Renowned Greek festival programmer Dimitri Eipides, the man who established the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival in 1999 and directed it ever since until 2016, is given a carte blanche at the 19th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival to select 10 documentaries that will be screened in this year's event.   The festival thus honours a special person that has been devoted to cinema for many decades; “a godfather of interesting cinema”, as the director Jim Jarm...

Martin Scorsese - The Exhibition this summer at EYE Filmmuseum 25 May – 3 September 2017

Major exhibition on Martin Scorsese illuminates his work, life and passion for cinema       Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976, Columbia Pictures)    After Berlin,...

Robert Osborne: Keeper of OSCAR's Secrets Gone Now

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Today, a familiar face left the Hollywood landscape as TCM host Robert Osborne, 84, died on Monday Mar.6, 2017. But he was much more than just another talking head about movies and movie stars. Osborne came to Tinsel Town from “off the farm,” as he recounted when we spoke about the Oscars history in 2011. Instead of penning a typical tribute, here’s a real inside look back at a man whose work in show business lives on. Ironical...

FestForums NYC Panelists Spotlight

      Click For Agenda   ...

Digital Gym


Partner Film Festivals Calling. Fast-Approaching Deadlines

Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster

Filmfestivals.com was established 1995 as world reference in this niche, we are proud of our track record in helping festivals attract more legitimacy, visibility and film submissions from our large base of international film professionals (370 000 unique filmmaker visitors each month), 159 500 subscribers to the newsletter. ONE TIME OFFER We suggest this quick one month booster program for your call for entry including  with 4 newsletter ads, your call for entry promoted one month lon...  

The Bulletin Board I Pro Services's blog  Advertise your festival in the next eBlast to our filmmakers.   

Major Buzz Factory : Expérience de Bruno Chatelin du marketing Digital pour les films

Fort d'une expérience acquise dans la distribution de films pour deux Majors (Sony et Fox mariée sous a direction avec UGC) Bruno Chatelin propose une expérience pointue au service de votre stratégie digitale à Travers sa structure de Conseil MAJOR BUZZ FACTORY Le fondateur Bruno Chatelin : un Professionnel de la communication entouré de spécialistes, son expérience est ancrée sur trois univers La publicité, Le mark.eting et le digital.

Digital Gym


Le Festival Ptit Clap organise une Masterclass de Samuel Benchetrit

le Festival Ptit Clap organise une Masterclass de Samuel Benchetrit au Cinéma Pathé Levallois le jeudi 23 mars à 19h30. Venez rencontrer le cinéaste lors ...

Le FIFF lève le voile sur les titres de sa programmation

A deux semaines de son coup d’envoi (31 mars – 08 avril), le Festival International de Films de Fribourg lève enfin le voile sur l’intégralité de sa programmation et de ses invité-e-s. Au total, 140 films en provenance de 45 pays seront présentés dont 10 en Première Mondiale et 70 en Première Suisse, Européenne ou Internationale. Nombreux seront les cinéastes et les invité-e-s présent-e-s &...

Les Reflets du cinéma ibérique et latino-américain se tiendront du 15 au 29 mars

Les Reflets du cinéma ibérique et latino-américain se tiendront du 15 au 29 mars dans une dizaine de salles de la région. De l’Argentine à l’Espagne en passant par la Colombie, un festival unique, haut en couleurs et ponctué de temps forts ! Les Reflets, une invitation au voyage. Au programme de cette 33e édition : - 13 000 spectateurs attendus - une quarantaine de longs métrages (dont la plupart en avant-première ou in...

Lost City of Z adapté du livre "Le Continent perdu dans l’enfer amazonien" de Percy Harrison Fawcett

  Ne manquez pas le film, captivant, qui a été dévoilé au Festival e Berlin 2017. Les huit expéditions de Percy Harrison Fawcett au coeur de l'Amazonie constituent l'une des plus extraordinaires aventures du XXe siècle. Colonel de la British Army, prototype de l'explorateur anglais à la fois visionnaire et flegmatique, Fawcett s'était juré - sur la foi d'anciennes chroniques portugaises et d&#...

Cinélatino, 29èmes Rencontres de Toulouse: Découvrez les 12 films de la compétition fiction!

  Cinélatino, 29èmes Rencontres de Toulouse a le plaisir de dévoiler les 12 films sélectionnés en compétition, dont 11 premières françaises et une première européenne, et les 15 films présentés en section Découvertes, dont 6 premières françaises et une première européenne. Cette année encore, les spectateurs toulousains ont ...

Point sur le Festival Hallucinations Collectives, le festival de l'Autre Cinéma à Lyon.

La 10ème édition du festival Hallucinations Collectives se déroulera du 11 au 17 avril 2017 au cinéma Comoedia, à Lyon. Dix ans, dix films   Pour fêter sa dixième édition, Hallucinations Collectives, le festival de l’Autre Cinéma, a décidé de se faire plaisir et de vous faire plaisir. Cette année, pas de thématiques, mais un « Cabinet de Curiosités » spécia...

A l'écoute du Festival de documentaires musicaux, Musical Ecran de Bordeaux

La troisième édition du festival Musical Ecran se tiendra du 3 au 9 avril dans cinq lieux emblématiques bordelais : Cinéma Utopia, Cour Mably, Bibliothèque Mériadeck, Station Ausone... Au programme, une sélection de 17 documentaires, une dizaine de réalisateurs et spécialistes présents sur la semaine et 3 soirées live à ne pas manquer pour prolonger les projectio...

Django présenté en Grande première à Bienne

Madame, Monsieur, Heureux du succès et du soutien que le Festival reçoit, le comité d'organisation aborde la 13e édition avec confiance et passion : l’enthousiasme du public, curieux e...

La société de production Wayna Pitch organise la Tournée du Cinéma Equitable 2017, du 1er au 25 mars

    La tournée Cinéma Équitable est un événement annuel qui s’arrête pendant un mois dans les salles de cinéma, partout en France. L'édition 2017 revient donc avec le long métrage Tapis Rouge de Frédéric Baillif et Kantarama Gahigiri. Projection presse lundi 6 mars, 15h30, au Club de l'Etoile (Paris). Le cinema équitable Le Cin&eacut...


Full Program Announced for 60th San Francisco International Film Festival



The SF Film Society will present a special tribute to acclaimed actor, writer, and filmmaker Ethan Hawke at the 60th San Francisco International Film Festival.









Festival Runs April 5–19 at Venues Throughout San Francisco and Berkeley




The complete lineup has now been announced for the landmark 60th San Francisco International Film Festival, running April 5–19 at venues throughout San Francisco and Berkeley.
Browse the full public program info at sffilm.org/festival
Find press releases, high-resolution film stills and awardee images, logos, program guides and more at sffilm.org/press
In other news…
The San Francisco Film Society is now SFFILM! Connect with us on social @SFFILM, and visit our newly renovated website.
2017 SFFILM Festival by the Numbers:
181 Films
66 Narrative Features
36 Documentary Features
2 New Vision Features
2 TV Series
75 Shorts
51 Countries Represented
38 Languages
6 World Premieres
7 North American Premieres
2 US Premieres
57 Women Directors
Highlights from today's press conference included these announcements:
The Festival’s Opening Night selection is Gillian Robespierre’s Landline, starring Jenny Slate, Edie Falco, John Turturro, and Jay Duplass. Special guests are expected to attend the kickoff event on April 5.  Read the full press release.
The Festival’s 2017 award recipients include Eleanor Coppola (George Gund III Craft of Cinema Award), Tom Luddy (Mel Novikoff Award), and Lynn Hershman Leeson (Persistence of Vision Award).
Special Tributes will be presented to Ethan Hawke(including a screening of his new film Maudie), James Ivory(with a 30th anniversary screening of Maurice), John Ridley(with an early look at his new SHOWTIME series Guerilla), and Gordon Gund(profiled in the short documentary The Illumination).
The Festival will present a special screening of Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane, featuring an unprecedented onstage conversation with William Randolph Hearst III (whose grandfather inspired the title character) and film historian David Thomson about the film’s legacy.  Read the full press release.
Pixar and Disney Animation Studio President Edwin Catmull will deliver the Festival’s State of Cinema Address, kicking off an all-day Creativity Summit where influential figures in the vanguard of art, film, and tech will participate in in-depth discussions about how their work intersects.  Read the full press release.
SFFILM is debuting Launch, a new boutique program designed to introduce a curated slate of films to screen for Festival audiences and select film industry representatives. Kicking off with five world premieres from the official Festival lineup, Launch serves as an experimental alternative to larger-scale film sales environments elsewhere in the US.  Read the full press release.
The innovative SFFILM Screening Room has re-launched—where SFFILM members can stream a curated selection of Festival films in the weeks following the public program. Streaming content is available on the web at sffilm.org/watch or on the new SFFILM app, available on iOs and Android devices.  Read the full press release.
Browse the complete list of Festival press releases HERE, including the previously-announced Centerpiece and Closing Night programs, the Golden Gate Award feature film competitions, the Festival’s Live & Onstage program featuring musical performances by Will Oldham, DeVotchKa, Terence Nance, and Asian Dub Foundation, among others.
The deadline for media accreditation for the 2017 San Francisco International Film Festival is Friday March 24. To learn more about media accreditation and for instructions on how to apply, contact Press Office Coordinator Dominique Oneil at doneil@sffs.org.


60th San Francisco International Film Festival
The 60th San Francisco International Film Festival runs April 5–19 at the Alamo Drafthouse New Mission, the Castro Theatre, the Roxie Theater, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Victoria Theatre, and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco and BAMPFA in Berkeley. Held each spring for 15 days, SFIFF is an extraordinary showcase of cinematic discovery and innovation in one of the country’s most beautiful cities, featuring nearly 200 films and live events, 14 juried awards with nearly $40,000 in cash prizes and upwards of 100 participating filmmaker guests.

San Francisco Film Society
The San Francisco Film Society champions the world’s finest films and filmmakers through programs anchored in and inspired by the spirit and values of the San Francisco Bay Area. Building on a legacy of nearly 60 years of bringing the best in world cinema to the local audiences, SFFS is now a national leader in film exhibition, media education and filmmaker services.
The Film Society presents more than 100 days of exhibition each year, reaching a total audience of more than 100,000 people. Its acclaimed education program introduces international, independent and documentary cinema and media literacy to more than 10,000 teachers and students. Through Filmmaker360, the Film Society’s filmmaker services program, essential creative and business services, and funding totaling millions of dollars are provided to deserving filmmakers at all stages of their careers.
The Film Society seeks to elevate all aspects of film culture, offering a wide range of activities that engage emotions, inspire action, change perceptions and advance knowledge. A 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, it is largely donor and member supported. Membership provides access to discounts, private events and a wealth of other benefits.
For more information visit sffs.org



Imagine Film Fest : European Genre Forum first wave of selected projects announced!



The European Genre Forum has selected seven projects to take part in its first training cycle, starting in April this year. With seven projects from six countries, the projects are well spread out geographically. The stories reflect the wide variety of fantastic cinema, from the folk legend of Striguni to the supernatural tragedy of Hum and from the search for dreams in The Woolgatherer’s Store to the cannibals of Family Dinner. There is Celtic legend in The Leprechauns, a sea monster in Mindscape, a sex date gone wrong in Thaw and a mix of heist and horror in Sewer.
First wave of selected projects:
Family Dinner - Capra Films (Austria)
Hum - Parsley Productions (United Kingdom)
The Leprechauns - Causeway Pictures Ltd (United Kingdom)
Mindscape - Bruno Isaac (Portugal)
Striguni - Ziva Productions (Croatia)
Thaw - Demeter Films (Spain)
The Woolgatherer’s Store - Fast & Loose Productions (The Netherlands)
All participants will attend The Director’s Lab that takes place during the Imagine Film Festival in Amsterdam from the 17th to the 21st of April. Their programme includes one-on-one sessions with script doctors, a producer’s talk by Brendan McCarthy, a case study of Alexandre Philippe’s Sundance entry 78/52 and a director’s mentoring session by Ben Wheatley.
The Directors’s Lab is followed by the Producer’s Lab as part of Fantastic Zagreb (5-9 July) and a Marketing and Packaging Lab as part of Black Nights Tallinn (24-28 November).
About the European Genre Forum
 The European Genre Forum (EGF) is a training programme that sets to boost the careers of
future players in  the  European  genre  film  industry  through  a  cycle  of  three  talent  labs.  Each lab consists of three days of trainings, one-on-one sessions, case studies and so on. The programme is jointly organized by Fantastic Zagreb, Imagine Film Festival (Amsterdam), Black Nights FF and its Industry platform Industry@Tallinn& Baltic Event (Tallinn) and Screen Division (Paris). The programme is supported by the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme of the European Union.
For more information, please contact Project Coordinator Annick Mahnert at info@europeangenreforum.com.
Stay updated? Subscribe to the EGF newsletter or check out Facebook!










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Imagine Film Festival
12 - 22 April 2017 - EYE in Amsterdam





Call for Entries: Early Bird Deadline approaches for 13th Zurich Film Festival!



Dear filmmakers, the festival season officially starts with the Call for Entries, which began February 15th. Early Bird submissions end on March 31st! Films can be submitted via the platform Withoutabox.

Competition categories

The competition comprises of the following three categories:


  • International Feature Film Competition
  • International Documentary Film Competition
  • Focus Switzerland, Germany, Austria (Feature Films and Documentary Films)

The Golden Eye endowed with a CHF 25,000 cash prize will be awarded in each of the two categories International Feature Film Competition and International Documentary Film Competition by two separate juries. The Golden Eye endowed with a CHF 20,000 cash prize will be awarded in the competition category Focus Switzerland, Germany, Austria by a separate jury. Winning films with Swiss distribution further profit from P&A contribution for a theatrical release in Switzerland.

Competition entry requirements

Submissions to the competition must fulfill the following criteria:

-Director's 1st, 2nd or 3rd feature-length film (> 60 min)
-Projects completed after October 1, 2016
-Minimum status requirement: Swiss Premiere at ZFF

Out of Competition sections

(Documentary Films, Feature Films, Series).

  • Gala Premieres
  • Special Screenings
  • New World View
  • Border Lines
  • Window to the World
  • TVision
  • ZFF for Kids

Submissions to the Non Competition sections must fulfill the following criteria:

-Films must be at least 60 minutes long (except TV pilots)
-Projects completed after October 1, 2016
-Minimum status requirement: Swiss Premiere at ZFF


Submission fee

smiley -Early Bird until March 31: Euro 50
-From April 1 until June 30: Euro 75

Please submit your film here!

For questions regarding submissions, please contact Christine Albrecht.

We're looking forward to receiving your submission!

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