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RESERVE NOW Couture Fashion Week New York and the Global Short Film Awards are pleased to present a very special event: Cannes Fashion and Global Short Film Awards to be held during the world-famous...
View ArticleWonderful and Imaginary Film Festival Cocktail Party
The Wonderful and Imaginary Film Festival founded by Benedicte Beaugeois will be hosting a cocktail party at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater film pavilion today, May 20th from 17h to 19h!A unique...
View ArticleCannes Film Screenings - Sunday May 21
Battements Par Minute // Robin Campillo (In Competition – Feature Films)8:30 – Grand Théâtre Lumière15:00 – Grand Théâtre Lumière 18:30 – Grand Théâtre LumièreEarly 1990s. With AIDS having already...
View ArticleWind River Review
Last night I was able to attend a showing of Wind River at the Debussy Theatre, where part of the cast, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, and Julia Jones, and the director, Taylor Sheridan, aslo...
View ArticleVirtual Reality Sweeps Cannes Marché
“Virtual Reality isn’t just a niche thing,” explained Alfredo Guilbert, Chief Operating Officer of San Francisco’s Digital Film Cloud Network. He went on to explain how VR could be used for a variety...
View ArticleRefugee Voices In Film Screening
The Refugee Voices in Film screening was located at the Doc Corner in the Palais, at 10 am, May 21st. A series of blocks of videos were presented, each with different themes and voices. Part One was...
View ArticleAkon Comes to Gotha - Cannes
Akon performed at Gotha in Cannes on Saturday night. The first weekend of Le Festival de Cannes was also the opening weekend for Gotha Club. The club attendees were very well dressed as excitement...
View ArticleCannes Stands #withrefugees
May 21st on Plage 45, The UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) and IEFTA (The International Emerging Film Talent Association) hosted a party to discuss their cause, and the film they made which focuses on...
View ArticleThe 1st Amman International Film Festival launches ...in Cannes, what else!
The first edition of Amman International Film Festival - Awal Film, due to take place in 2018, was announced today during the 70thCannesFilmFestival. This new festival offers a different and innovative...
View ArticleAMPAV Today May 22 and 23 schedule
View ArticleCannes in Focus day 6 Newsletter
Wishing you all much success on the festival circuit!Read this online FOLLOW US ON THE SOCIAL NETWORKS: Advertise in our Cannes in focus newsletters and Animation in focus...
View ArticleHappy End - Red Carpet Premiere
Last night, I had the oppurtunity to attend the red carpet premiere of the French/Austrian film, Happy End, directed by Michael Haneke and starring Isabelle Huppert, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Mathieu...
View ArticleDoc Day Mixer Party at Plage des Palmes
Key Doc Festivals gathered in one single spot...nextto Jérôme Paillard on stage at Doc Day Mixer may 23 Plage des Palmes
View ArticleOpening of AMPAV on May 21 with Brittany Snow
On May 21st, during the 70th annual Cannes film festival, Brittany Snow was the special guest for the opening ribbon cutting for the American Pavilion. Every year the AMPAV invites a beloved celebrity...
View ArticleCannes Film Festival Cancels Fireworks and Amps Up Security
In light of the recent terror attack in Manchester, the Cannes Film Festival canceled it's "Spectacle Pyrotechnique" which was set for Tuesday night and fortified an already massive security force...
View ArticleWomen in Motion: Diane Kruger
Women in Motion by Kering concluded today their third edition, conversing with Women in the film business about their experience and their contribution to equal rights for women in the industry. The...
View ArticleNew York Polish Film Festival 2017
Held from May 2-7 the Polish Film Festival celebrated its 13th year honoring the distinguished film director Andrezej Wajda and the Wajda School which he established with Wojciech Marczewski in 2002....
View ArticleDominican Republic Global Film Festival accredited as the first Caribbean...
Adrien Majourel (Project and Festival Manager, FIAPF), Omar De La Cruz (Director FCGD) y Benoit Ginisty (Director General, FIAPF) With this seal of excellence, the FCGD joins the exclusive community...
View ArticleShowings Today - Day 10 - Cannes Film Festival
L'amant Double - 7:00pm, 1h47 - Grand Théâtre Lumière Chloé, a fragile young woman, falls in love with a psychoanalyst named Paul. She moves in with him after a few months and soon realizes that he is...
View ArticleAus Dem Nichts - Red Carpet Premiere
Last night was the red carpet showing of Aus Dem Nichts or In The Fade, by it's english title. The film was directed by Faith Akin and starred Diane Kruger as a woman who had just lost her son and...
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