Venice Film Market Opening
The IV edition of the Venice Film Market this year took place from September 3rd to September 8th .
The services organized as part of the Venice Film Market aim to promote the general networking between Industry professionals attending the Venice Film Festival, the visibility of the titles in official line-up and in the market, as well as to support the audiovisual industry in Italy and in Europe. Further encouraging the direct contact between buyers and sellers, in order to enhance the possibilities for selling and acquiring the rights for national and international distribution. This year two important events, the European Gap-Financing Market and Final Cut in Venice, were confirmed to consolidate the activities of co-production in the international market place. The Opening Night of the Venice Film Market welcomed all Industry delegates, wishing them a successful and profitable time in Venice.
1700 professionals have this year been registered to the Market, of which more than 400 production companies and 200 distribution companies. The Industry Guide has been published with the data compiled by August 10th . 426 companies published in the Guide The online Industry Guide has been updated daily, with at the moment 575 companies present.
The main VFM events this year were the following:
European Gap Financing Market The new platform intended to support the European producers to secure the final financing of their projects through one to one meetings with potential and appropriate international professionals and the main criteria to participate is to have 70% of the financing in place. 15 projects from 9 European countries selected 246 meetings organized for the 15 projects over 2 days (180 meetings last year) 61 companies requested meetings (around 50 last year).
The projects selected this year: #flora63 by Stéphane ROBELIN (France/Belgium/Germany) – Ici et Là Productions Bianco by Daniele VICARI (Italy/France) – MIR Cinematografica Letters from War by Ivo FERREIRA (Portugal) – O Som e a Furia Comic Sans by Nevio MARASOVIC (Croatia/ Slovenia) - Kinorama Diamond Island by Davy CHOU (France/ Cambodia) – Aurora Films The Eremites by Ronny TROCKER (Germany) – Zischlermann filmproduktion Freaking by Julia DUCOURNAU (France/ Belgium/ Switzerland) – Petit Film Children of the Night by Andrea DE SICA (Italy) – Vivo film The Bank of Broken Hearts by Onur ÜNLÜ (Turkey) – Ay Yapim The Swallows of Kabul by Zabou BREITMAN & Eléa GOBBE-MEVELLEC (France/ Luxembourg) – Les Armateurs / Hengameh Panahi The Death of Carturan by Liviu SANDULESCU (Romania) - Mandragora Slovenia, Australia and Tomorrow the World by Marko NABERSNIK (Slovenia) – Perfo Production The Whale by Andrea PALLAORO (Italy/ France/ Belgium) - Partner Media Investment When my Father Became a Bush by Nicole VAN KILSDONK (The Netherlands) - Lemming Film Zombillenium by Arthur DE PINS & Alexis DUCORD (France/ Belgium) - Maybe Movies Final Cut in Venice Workshop to support the post production of films from Africa, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria 6 projects selected from 5 countries 6 work in progress screenings The projects selected this year: Ali, the Goat and Ibrahim by Sherif ELBENDARY (Egypt) House in the Fields by Tala HADID (Marocco) Path of Paradise by Atia Al-DARADJI (Iraq) Roosters of Beirut by Ziad KALTHOUM (Syria) Separation by Hakar ABDULQADIR (Iraq) Zaineb hates the snow by Kaouther BEN HANIA (Tunisia) Final Cut in Venice is held in collaboration with the following partners: Laser Film, Mactari Mixing Auditorium, CNC, Knightworks, Titra TVS, Sub-Ti Ltd, Rai Cinema, Festival International du Film d’Amiens, Festival International de Films de Fribourg, Institut Français, SANAD and MAD Solutions.
The partners of the third edition of Final Cut in Venice (72nd Venice International Film Festival) have decided to give their support to the following films in post-production:
ZAINEB HATES THE SNOW / ZAINEB TAKRAHOU ETHELJ by Kaouther Ben Hania (Tunisia) Has been supported by:
• Abu Dhabi’s Film Fund SANAD is giving € 10,000 for post-production costs
• Sub-Ti Ltd. (London) is giving up to € 6,000 for the production of a DCP master and Italian or English subtitles,
• Rai Cinema is giving € 5,000 for the purchase of two-year broadcasting rights
• Amiens International Film Festival is giving a participation in the production costs of a DCP
• Fribourg International Film Festival is giving a participation in the production costs of a DCP
ALI, THE GOAT, AND IBRAHIM / ALI MEA’ZA WE IBRAHIM by Sherif Elbendary (Egypt) has been supported by:
• CNC – Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (Paris) is giving € 10,000 to be spent on post-production in France • Knightworks is giving up to € 10,000 for visual effects and special effects
• Titra TVS (Paris) is giving up to € 10,000 for digital colour correction, for the production of a DCP master and French or English subtitles
HOUSE IN THE FIELDS / TIGMI NIGREN by Tala Hadid (Morocco) has been supported by:
• Laser Film (Rome) is giving € 15,000 for the colour correction, for up to 50 hours of work (technician included)Mactari Mixing Auditorium (Paris) is giving a discount of € 15,000 for the sound mixing
SEPARATION / HAVIBON by Hakar Abdulqadir (Iraq) has been supported by:
• MAD Solutions is giving a participation in the marketing, publicity and distribution in the Arab World to the film
Creative Europe
A European Film Forum event on “Cross Culture – a driver for a Creative Europe” has been organized with the European Commission program Creative Europe and La Biennale di Venezia on Sunday 6th . Boundaries between visual arts, film and business are being pushed. How to reinforce cross cultural and cross media dialogue to support the future of the European film industry and its talents.
The panels and speakers were the following:
EUROPEAN FILM FORUM “Cross Culture – A driver for a Creative Europe” Welcome and introductory statement: Paolo Baratta (President of La Biennale di Venezia), Lucia Recalde Langarica (Head of Unit MEDIA Support Programmes, European Commission) Key note speech: Juan Antonio Bayona (director) Moderator: Peter Cowie (Film historian and author)
Short Film as a driver of creativity, talent scouting and business Guest speakers: Mette Damgaard-Sorensen (New Danish Screen), Magdalena Kaminska (Producer / winner project of the 2014/15 Biennale College – Cinema), Antoine Le Bos (Cross Channel Lab / Groupe Ouest)
Crossovers from film to societal and economic change Guest speakers: Joana Vicente (New York Media Center / IFP), Ivan Fedele (Director of of the Music section of La Biennale di Venezia 2015), Francesco Patierno (director), Tim Plyming (Executive producer at BBC) Conclusions and farewell: Silvia Costa, MEP (Chair Committee on Culture and Education), Alberto Barbera (Director of the 72nd Venice International Film Festival) Hosted by Fondazione La Biennale Di Venezia and the European Commission
EL CLAN: sold to Germany (Prokino), Australia (Vendetta), France (Diaphana), Latin America (Fox), Spain (Warner Bros)
BLANKA: Acquired for international sales by M-Appeal (Germany)
THE BIGGER SPLASH: Benelux (Lumiere)
MARGUERITE: USA (Cohen Media Group)
A MONSTER WITH A THOUSAND HEADS: Acquired for international sales by Memento (France)
RETRIBUTION: Italy (Satine Noir), Japan (New Select), Mexico (Amrok Films)
LA CALLE DE LA AMARGUA: Acquired for international sales by Latido (Spain)
HEART OF A DOG: Acquired for international sales by Celluloid Dreams (France)
IN BED WITH VICTORIA: Acquired for international sales by Indie Sales; France (Le Pacte)
FRENZY: Acquired for international sales by The Match Factory (Germany)
THARLO: Acquired for international sales by Asian Shadows (Hong Kong)
DE PALMA: Acquired for international sales by A24
TEMPETE: Acquired for international sales by Stray Dogs
MA: Acquired for international sales by Stray Dogs
This year the VFM exhibition areas proposed the following stands:
Roskino, IMCINE, INCAA, Eurimages, Turkish Film, Un Film per la Pace, Regent Street Cinema and MFTPA Macau Film and Television Productions and Culture Association. The VFM hosted 16 panels (8 international) and events in the Spazio Incontri and organized 31 Market Screenings in the Sala Pasinetti. One of the special events was the RUSSIAN CO-PRO PITCHING with 8 projects presented to the Industry professionals. The expert board awarded 4 grants: ‘Swing’, produced by Alexey Telnov and Max Efros, directed by Nicolay Dreiden, was awarded a ROSKINO grant of $5 000. The jury decided that this project has the highest festival and commercial potential. Moreover, Russia will support Swing’s application for Eurimages financing. ‘Loneliness on the Net’, produced by Vlad Ryashin and Galina Balan-Timkina, has also been recommended for Eurimages financing owing to its high international potential. The film is produced by Star Media, one of the leading Russian film and TV studios. ‘The Longest Birthday’, produced by Anna Dziembowska and Maxim Dashkin, earned a special mention of the jury for the screenplay. Andy Whittaker of Dogwoof Pictures will recommend the project to UK distributors. Katriel Schory, President of the Israel Film Fund, also took an interest in the film. ‘Censor’, produced by Nikolay Bunkin, Igor Fokin and Vladislav Pasternak, will receive a special Star Media $5 000 grant for post-production. German and Swedish distributors took notice of the project.